Monday, March 21, 2005

moovie weekend!

Friday had a good lab, things worked out real well numbers came out good, and no parking tickets. LoL Left school and then went to chrissy's house :) She went to Kinko's and got some copies made of pictures and I went to office max and got my sr. panoramic picture lamenated only $4 not bad. :) then went to Sandwichery for some lunchin' :D went to Michael's and bought some window markers :D awesome. and then went to Chrissy's house and chilled for a bit before going home :)

This weekend has been movie weekend. On friday we rented "Shark Tale" and "I, Robot." We watched "Shark Tale" on friday, it was pretty funny...definitely got a kick out of lots of the pop-culture references LoL :) made me laugh :)

Saturday, hung out with Janice Chrissy and Kyle, we watched "Robots" at Union City, sooo windy there, but the movie was freaking hilarious. I think it was definitely more of older kids/teens more serious themes run through the movie, but the jokes were freaking great. I love the little hand puppet that guards the gate ROTFL! AHAHAHAHAH. yes. i really am that mean.

Went to eat at Chili's then went to Chrissy's house and watched the food network's special on Disney Weddings...ah so pretty...and pricy. $70,000?! hm...then watched lots of family guy's and robot chickens, made a chocolate cake and hung out. Doodled with the window markers I bought earlier. laughed insanely for literally 10 minutes over "chrissy- in fro form." HAHAHAHAHA so great. so freakishly tired, so we went home.

Sunday I pretty much bummed around the house :D planned to go out, but it started raining again, and then at night I watched I, Robot with mom :D it was good :)

tomorrow I may go to target to check out some cd's they're having a pretty good sale.

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