Saturday, March 12, 2005

good. Good.

Schizo that sucks. LoL Dude yesterday it was like a high of 83 degrees of something close to that. Roasty Toasty hot! I even had the air condition on in the car. We all worked out yesterday and then I hung out at Chrissy's house for a bit, watched some of Super Size Me...the part I watched had some good arguments I guess, but I still can't get over that people have to exercize their own self restraint. Anywhoo and I walked outside at 7pm and it was at least 65-68 degrees! it was so warm! it was bizarre. then today I wore shorts around the house and my mom had a couple of windows open and I was freezing my butt off! I was standing in front of the oven to thaw out. geez! how freaking lame is that?! I finally get prepared for the warm weather and heat wave....eeeeeert. cut short. no heat wave. oh well It makes life interesting and spontanious right?

Things are good, I've been working on my essay, I've got about 2 and a half pages done...out of five.. bleh. I've still got a bunch more to do on this, but I did well on my chem and math test so that was all good. Uhm...yeah. Art mid-term comming, that's the only one I'm slighty wigging out about. When we get back we get to do a clay sculpture though, that seems cool :)

Can't wait for spring break, a time to chill, and hopefully hang out with some people I haven't seen seen since feb. MARIAAAAAA TIFFANYYYYYYYYYYY elusive

It was weird, before I started my essay I had this short but quite intense wiggout 'sode. I totally just freaked out and was like 'OMG I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO THIS, HOW AM I GONNA MAKE IT FIVE PAGES?!" it was really weird. but I guess I just had to get it out of my system.

...okay off to finish off the paper.

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