Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Teri is...just a little bit lonely. Curse of enjoying cheesy stories/movies, it usually just drudges up memories of how alone I am LoL. Or at least gives me a lame excuse on why I'm not reading papers for my term paper and or studying for my midterm and or working on my lab report. *sigh*

I'm just in a bit of a spring rut. Technically right now I'm in a chair in the Science and Engineering Library. But mentally I'm just in a spring rut. I'd call it senioritis, but I'm not graduating until next year and I really do not want to start my senioritis this year. LoL Although my senioritis next year will probably be more like FREAKING out about entering the real world...and finding a job. Working...for money? PREPOSTEROUS! I just don't want to do anything, I need a break, which is horrifying since I only have two classes (and a lab). I just need two days of doing nothing at home. Living at school is awesome 99.9% of the time but .1% of the time it's nice to relax at home. Maybe I'll do something outrageous this weekend eh?