Friday, November 30, 2001

I feel so extremely frustrated! I know what I need to do, but I just haven't got the courage to do it. I've been having problems with a family member and usually it happens once, and then the next day it goes away, but this time it seems to have stayed. I need to to talk, but I just gotta do something before this gets totally out of hand, if it hasn't already. I have it all played out in my head what I will say etc. but I know that's all out the window once I start talking. Dude why can't people just forgive and forget. If I kept all the grudges I've ever had, I'd never talk to anyone that I know now. Why can't my world be a happy place?
#2 is probably doesn't even know I'm alive any more, his life (in spanish at least) revolves around Alieen or Vanessa, mainly Alieen. But she's cool so it fine. WE ARE GETTING A CHRISTMAS TREE TONIGHT! WHOO HOO!. This is my favorite time of the year, especially since last year we didn't have one, it totally didn't seem like Christmas. But we are getting it tonight it rocks. I love the winter and Christmas times. :D

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

WHOO HOO HEATER FINALLY GOT FIXED! I need to find something that seriously calms releases my stress, I mean I'm only 15 and I stress WAY too much for my own good. I still am. dude. I'm turning into my mom and my grandma. Why can't I just be goin' with the flowin' in the wind like my sister and my dad. Nope I gotta be this huge ball of nerves with a head waiting to explode...just like that fat pimple on your nose...LoL, it's a joke folks... dude, I found this HILARIOUS site to go to...even if you're not a star trek fan (like me) doesn't matter the dude. is. funny. :D So just click the know you want to... Just a mad funny dude who is real.

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Today completely sucked, it was alright, until I got home...grrr. Oh ya, and our teacher brought in a thermometer and it read 93 degrees. IF I feel like bringing it back up again, I'll write what happened, but it's not likely. I'll just note that it left me with a large headache and stress when this is suppose to be my stress free week.

Monday, November 26, 2001

I have no more hard history, I did a biography that was due Friday on Sunday so I have no stressing this week! :D I have some math, but that's a daily thing and some spanish which I just finished. Today our math classroom must have been at LEAST 95 degrees in there! While the outside tempture was only 55. WHOO! It sucked it felt like summer in there! It was too stinkin' hot in there. But good thing, Westlife's World of Our Own will be released here Dec. 14...hopefully...well at least that's what says. It also says it's onl $14.99, but I don't know how much shipping and handling will cost. :( but no matter, I'll still get it anyways. LoL :D The sole reason I love Westlife LoL oh ya that and their music... :D
A very non-stressed Teri (a very rare Teri)

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Hilarious...I KNEW he was demonic....LoL I swear, no alterations were made to the picture...that's just rusty......just click it, you know you want to...LMAO!
Today was a semi-bum day, I bummed around until aobut 1:30 and then I started my report on Mifune which I thought was due on Friday but is actually due on Monday! So good thing I got that done with! :D My cousins left yesterday and we went to a Japanese resturant in Oakland. So it was nice, it was nice to have a 4-day weekend but I'm glad to see my friends when I go back tomorrow.

Saturday, November 24, 2001

I love bumming around the house being a veggie. That is what I did today, I just sat and watched the fake ID club on MTV and Moolah beach on abc family. Ah I love the days when I can relax I just love the feeling. And in the little box to the right, it's my guestbook instead of my e-mail addy.


Friday, November 23, 2001

After Circut City, I went to Val's, a REALLY good old fashion hamburger and soda fountain. Then we went to this chinese market, for some reason we ALWAYS spend at LEAST 90 minutes there! And finally we went to Costco real quick and got some gas. We left the house at 11 and got back at 4. I am satisfied because I got my REALLY good hamburger, some good CD'S and I just finished a really good fan fic! I love fan fiction, just to make a note! :D
Dude, the day after Thanksgiving shopping is KILLER! I went to Circut City because all of their CD's were $9.99. I got there at 8:15 (they opened at 7), all the CD's were out of order and there were hardly any good ones left, but I did get Micheal Jackson's Greatest Hits, Toni Braxton's Christimas CD and BSB Chapter 1. But I don't think it was worth rolling myself out of bed at 8.

Thursday, November 22, 2001

It. is. THANKSGIVING! WHOO HOO! Man this is great! I make a buncha cookies this morning and no stress, because my aunt's doing the turkey thing and my family's gonna be there tonight! wow. I love Thanksgiving and the best part is NO. HOME. WORK! HEEEEEEEEEYYYYY LIKE WAAAAAAAAAAA! :D

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Man I am so tired, I should be extremely happy that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I do have a lot to be thankful for and that we have a four day weekend. But maybe the weather does effect you emotionally, because it's all rainy and dark today and I feel all depressed, BUT when it's all hot and sunny I don't always feel happy and junk. But for now I'll just appreciate all that I have and that I have NOOOOOOOO HOMEWORK! WHOO HOO! Also, feel free to comment on my life, that's why the e-mail address to the left is there. :D
I am so greatful for the long weekend coming up! Queen of my heart rocks I love the song. We still have a little while, but the end of the first term is coming. And coming quickly. No more second block spanish. No more #2. I hate thinking about it and how depressed I am going to be not seeing him every day. But that's life and it'll probably be better not seeing him around rather than seeing him around and not being able to talk to him. But that's for a little bit so hopefully we'll change seats soon and maybe I'll get closer to him...but I'll miss talking to Carl, the man should go into a life of comedy! And for the record, it's November 20, 2001 22:18. But this won't get posted and published until tomorrow. hopefully..

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

So, I got it all done, but today I had my spanish presentation and I TOTALLY bombed it. I didn't think I'd do so bad but I did. It sucked major. :(( But I did get a whole lot of sleep last night and Al got my CD done! So now I have The Queen of My Heart! Yippy! If I go to Virgin Records I'll probably pick up the World of Our Own cd. So life is good, could be better. LoL Tomorrow is like Friday! WHOO HOO! TURKEY DAY IS ONLY 2 DAYS AWAY! :D
Man I. AM. DONE. Like I told Tiffany, whether it's my best or worst work. I AM DONE! Man last night I had such a hard time sleeping. Okay I went to be at 10:00PM and I tried everything, turning on the radio, turning off the radio, lying on my side/back/other side/stomach. Finally at 11:30PM, I put my headphones and alas I fall asleep. BUT evil doers come in my room and suck my blood (AKA mosquitos) I live kinda by a marsh and so there are PLENTY of them. So by now it's 1:00AM and my left hand is swelling I go to the bathroom to soak in cold water to help stop the swelling. I get back in my room and I am so serious I'm like "you take my blood I take it back" I was ready to smoosh some bug guts. After 40 minutes of searching I stop and ask my dad to do it. So while he's in there I go to the guest room to get ready to sleep and at 2:00AM he comes in and says "I got it. all is safe now GO TO BED!" But then I have this problem with sleeping lastly it is 2:30 AM and I am in a deep slumber. Until my radio blasts at 6:00AM and I must start a new Monday. yay. :|
I finally am done with all my work. WHOO! Yo presento tomorrow and that is it I am done! :D So as long as I get to sleep tonight I think I should be fine. Maybe my whole sleepless thing could be from the midol, ya know one dosage has the caffeine of two cups of coffee?! Well now ya do!...but I took them at noon! WHO KNOWS?!

Sunday, November 18, 2001

Man, I almost cried this morning thinking of all the friggin' I would have to do today. Plus I had to go out to lunch with my family because it was my uncle's 50th birthday today. That took up 5 hours. But my spanish isn't due until Tuesday and I have 90 mins. tomorrow to work on it. History I have until Wednesday, but I also have to get 3 people to look at it and correct it. Tomorrow, I have a math test. I have failed the last two quizzes on this chapter. It doesn't look good for me. Life sucks but on Wednesday. FREEDOM! "THE MAY TAKE ALL OF OUR FREE TIME AND STRESS US OUT WITH SCHOOL WORK, BUT THEY'LL NEVER TAKE OUR TURKEY!!!!!!!!!" I get Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. I really have something to be thankful for this year, that I get those days off! WHOO! So I'm just going to have to trudge though it like I always do...

Saturday, November 17, 2001

I just came back form my aunt's house where my cousin and his wife are visiting from IL, we were going to go to a restaurant, but they were having a wedding banquet so it was all full up. My face is like all broken out. Stupid school, too much stress, I know it, in the summer I was just fine and care free and insouciant but now? stressed and pimple headed. I probably cause most of it by procrastinating until the last minute though. LoL. I have a very boring life, I know I do.
I just finished baking cookies with Tiffany, although there were some mishaps, over all I think the turned out alright. Now Tiffany knows that you ALWAYS put the sugar into the butter and NEVER in the flour! :D LoL hopefully the people at the party will like them. Oh and ya she was suppose to come from 12-12:30... I still don't wanna do the projects, I don't think I ever will, but that's like. Buddhist thinking life sucks then you die...and then you get reincarnated and life sucks again and you die and then you get reincarnated...the cycle of pain. Fuuuuuuuuuuun
I hate spanish and history projects. Spanish projects are horrible, I'd rather take a test once, than have a project that I have to worry about and work on for 2 weeks. gr. :( I don't know what to say and it's Saturday and the stinkin' thing's due Tuesday. The year it seems like I have nothing but projects and homework. Too much of both, but maybe it's because I'm doing more things, like this year I helped out in the spirit week float which was fun, but also ment I had to budget my time more wisely, which is okay because I still got everything in I just had to bust my butt a little harder. But that's the price to pay if you want to have fun and I'm willing to pay that price. The problem is that I'm just a worry wart and that's what I do, I worry, I stress, I get paranoid, I freak out. It's in the job description. LoL I wish my friend would get here, I forgot what time she was suppose to come because she kept on changing the times but I think it was suppose to be before 1, it's now 1:32. arugh. She was suppose to come to bake cookies with me beause she needed them to night and has no oven, well she does it just doesn't work correctly so ya. Okay I SHOULD get back to my work...soon...and I will...soon...

Friday, November 16, 2001

I'm in a club called "Interact" at school and it's a community service club and you get points for how many hours you work. So today I helped out at the community center for this holiday craft fair. I got there at 3:40 and I was helping with taking pictures of kids with a Santa Claus. Santa was suppose to be there at 4:00 so I had to wait 20 mins already, I went there with a friend but she got assigned to the kid's arts and crafts. So I was stuck there with no one to talk to and 4:15 came around and no Santa, finally at 4:30 after 50 minutes of waiting, he arrives. But by then, more and more people come and go. In the beginning, 5 people were there, but then as time went on and business got slower more and more people left, they'd come back after about 10 mins, but for a while it was just me. That is until Wayne was oh so nice and stayed with me because everyone else had diched me. He's a very nice and animated person. :D So we were just talking and hanging out waiting for kids to meet Santa. Overall it wasn't so bad.
OOH BUT ALSO TODAY! I had to do a phone skit in spanish, it was like one person was the travel angency and one was a tourest who wanted to go to Seville from Madrid. My partner being a total FREAK (Carl check out the last entry) decided we should go first...yippy. :| It was all good, both of us got a 30/30! :D Most people got like a 24 or 27 so I'm glad we got done with that. But boy is Carl very activated, energized and vitalized LoL but it just makes it more fun to work with him! :D
But now I have the weekend to do so much junk. But TURKEY DAY IS ONLY 6 DAYS AWAY! WHOO HOO!
Until then,
This is a letter I wrote to Alex during math, but it has some "important" points of the day and I wanted a copy too. I'm probably gonna add somethings because I didn't want to bore her to death while she was reading the letter LoL so here goes... parts that aren't in the letter will be in parentheses.

Dear Alex,
Today we were working in pairs (in spanish) and guess who sat next to me? Ding Ding Ding! #2 (#2 code name for Ben becaue his football # is 2) He wasn't my partner, but still... :D He had some "urge" if you want to call it that to put his hand over people's faces (Explaination: it was weird, he would like just walk behind you and put his hand up your face...I didn't put this in the letter, but he also kept giving me "dry" willies. He didnt' lick his finger, but he kept hitting my ear??? yup...he's a weird one...) He kept doing it to me and Carl (Carl Swanson dude who sits next to me HILARIOUS MAN! always keeps me laughing) I dunno it was weird. If you're sick of what I did in spanish I suggest you stop reading now...

I swear he's a klepto! He kept on stealing my glasses! He lies too well. I kept asking for them and he would always say "I don't have them, if I did I'd give them back by now..." and not give them back. TWICE! The second time I got my case before he could take it, but he still had a hold on it and we were fighting for it, I figured that if I didn't let go he'd eventually let go. I was wrong. I lost. and he wore my glasses for half the block. We also had a discussion (/debate) about the "beef sticks" which include pork hearts as the first ingredient. I kept on telling him they had WAY too much fat and were just plain nasty, Carl could back me up (when I'm done with the letter I'll explain that one) he bought one and squeezed the fat out. Ben was like "But you eat RAW fish!" and said "fat is good! You need fat!" and get this, he pinched my cheeks and said "what do you think that is?" X(
(if anyone else had even attempted to do that they would have had their hand cut off before it could reach me) Okay I know I'm boring you so I'll stop now.

End. of. letter.
The rest was just a song I asked if she could burn on my cd. But today was a good day. Oh yea, the reason he was sitting next to me in the first place was because he was working with the girl who sits next to me.
More on the fighting for my glasses...I sooooooo thought I was gonna get them back because I had a tight hold on them, usually with him I hang on to it and then just let go, but today we were both putting up a fight like I said earlier, I thought he'd figure it was too much work for something that wasn't even his. But life sucks and I was wrong and he hid my glasses for half the period and wore them for the rest. One thing that scares me about him is that he lies pretty well. I knew he had my glasses, but for awhile I thought it might have been Carl or Alieen, okay maybe not Alieen but possibly Carl. After Carl answered me truthfully I knew he had it, but I didn't push it too far just in case he didn't them and then I'd look like a fool. But he did have it, I put them away and he dug for them again and wore them. He also found out that you can't rest your head on your arms with glasses on...LoL he tried and the little nose pads poked him he's like "OOW! Okay I'm not doing that again!"
I know these things are petty and stupid and unimportant. but these are the highlights of my day now that he sits far away. I still don't know what's up with the wipe your hand on somebody's face thing...I asked him about it too, he's just like I dunno I just do it, and he patted my head...he's an odd little boy...and we'll just leave it at that. LoL :D