Monday, February 11, 2008

Dear Cupid...

Dear Cupid,
For Valentine's Day I would really like a hockey guy with hot hockey hair. Or a cute Scottish guy with a melt-worthy Scottish accent. I suppose third on the list would be anyone else from the UK or Australia, I'd even settle for a Welshman. :)
Please deliver ASAP. (I only put that in because I haven't gotten shit from you for these past 21 years)

Thank you,

Pro's and Con's

Pros: being a 10 minute bus ride away from the beach :)
Cons: being a 10 minute bus ride away from the beach :(

It's killer, this week is going to suck MAJOR I have so much crap due and two midterms. Not only that, our 40 days and 40 nights of the Biblical deluge is finally over and it's GORGEOUS outside! And it's SO sunny and SO clear and I just want to go outside and lay out in the sun. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I have to study for my Ecology midterm and my Evolution midterm and read articles for marine environment and ecology and evolution! And it sucks chunky malls. gr.
So back I go to studying....and not watching shark byte episodes online or ranting at my blog