Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas Stuffs
Last night we did the whole big meal and opening gifts thing. I am not cut out to work with kids. But we had roast beef, ham, lots of sides and stuff. Then my uncle tried to fix our TiVo how it's supposed to be hooked up :\ I'm not a techie person so much, so I was just watching, and then we went to open gifts. Awesome gifts :) and a lot of fun, good stuff all over. We have these christmas type bells that hang on our stairs and my cousin found them and went like totally nuts. Again, I'm not cut out to work with kids.
We watched our claymation christmas and then everyone left, nothing excessively eventful LoL. I had to go to sleep after that cause then I had to get up early today too.
So today I went to the zoo also, sadly today did not have a good of weather as yesterday and it was raining/drizzling most of the day. But that's okay, I didn't get too wet. Everything else was like a regular routine, and I finished a bit early so he was going to let me go early, but as I was washing out the buckets, another keeper came in the kithen and asked if anyone wanted to go on a Bison Run, and I was almost done with the buckets and was like yeah do you need help? Omg, it was so much fun. So we got in the back of this flatbed truck and there are like 14-15 of these giant grey plastic trashcan bins filled about halfway or a quarter so filled with produce and breads and we rode on the back of the truck up through the back of the zoo to get to bison and antelope enclosure, that was insanely fun because it's so hilly getting up there it was like a rollercoaster ride LOL. The two ladies I was with were really cool too. But so we get to the top and then you take a bin and the dump the food over the side of the truck, and then he drives a bit more and you pour the food out etc..and then all of the bison and antelope come :) It was soooooooooo cool. Definitely something different to do on christmas :)
And tomorrow I'm meeting up with all of my friends to exchange gifts, hopefully they'll all likes the ones I got them, this year was a rush year :( ugh. no thyyyyyyme! So I'm stoked yay!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Kelly Clarkson Concert
It was definitely a low scale production, no huge flashy entrance, the lights went out and then she came out singing, and there was no huge screen, but we were actually close enough that we could kinda see her, but those screens are usually more seizure inducing than practical anyways. No distracting backup dancers, just her voice and the music. and it was so awesome. She sang a hits off of both albums, and she also did a few songs not on any album, a version on Annie Lennox's song, "Why" it was kinda acoustic, very basic and of course sounded absolutely wonderful (She said it was actually cut from the previous shows for awhile but since this was the last one on the tour, then they added it back in). She also sang a really new song, that'll probably be on the third album, performed for the first time that night [I think it was called] "For all I Know" and it was her and a guitar, and it was such a beautiful song. Ah, she also did Beautiful Disaster accapella I'm glad she performed that song, it's one of my favorites. It was just a really amazing concert, she is such a true singer, she entertains and she's got talent. I'm glad it was at the San Jose Arena since that's smaller than the Coluseum or SBC park or something, it was slightly more intimate, and better sounding. If she comes around again, I'd definitely go.
Today I went shopping with some friends from school to San Francisco and the weather totally sucked butt and the stupid stores didn't realize it wasn't cold outside, just wet, so dude, everywhere we went it was like 90 friggin degrees and I was like melting, it was lame. but the shopping was fun :D We ate at Lois's diner (I think that was the name...gah too lazy to check) and it was a 50's style diner and stuff, it was pretty good, I had chicken since I had a burger last night LoL. Then we went to H&M it was my first time there....like 90% of the stuff I wouldn't wear..it just not me. BUT dude. There were these pants, O.M.G. I loved them. I just I loved them, they are like the perfect pants if I were to design a pair of pants, all except for two things, the button is on the the right and the hole was on the right and the button was on the left that threw me off, an also the zipper is on the left side...which was random. but other than that, they're cargo pants, and they're not jr. sized and they're not too low and they have nice wide belt loops and the bottom are bungies and not ties and in the pant leg you can hide the bungie if you want. and omg. I love these pants. LoL
We also went to urban outfitters and.....a bunch of other stores in the san francisco shopping centre, I bought a gift, and just had a fun time with friends.
Gooood Times to be had.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Ahhh..Autumn :)
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Random Time-taker-upper
LoL this is a fun website, you can type stuff and it'll be spelled out in those blue plastic milk carts. but then again I'm easily entertained :D
Friday, December 09, 2005
Christmas Cynic
had a very shiny nose,
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games.
Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Santa came to say:
"Rudolph with your nose so bright
won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
Then how the reindeer loved him
as they shouted out with glee, "Yippee!"
"Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
you'll go down in history."
Well Rudolph he didn't go for that.
He said "I see through your silly games,"
How could you look me in the face
when only yesterday you called me names?
Well all of the other reindeers man,
well they sure did feel ashamed,
"Rudolph you know we're sorry,
we're truly gonna try to change"
Now, I'm not a big fan of Jack Johnson, but I gotta say big kudos to him cause...damn. this is quite the good song. I never thought it was right that the other reindeers were teasing him and then suddenly, oh just cause they need him now they were nice to him. That's ultra lame, they're totally just using him! He shoulda said, "well you should have thought of that before you called me names....turds..." and walked away. Or he coulda taped flash lights to their noses and made them walk around like idiots. But he was a morally right reindeer, so he did the right thing, but those others were so superficial (like middle schoolers), only nice when they need you and insulting those who aren't the same...oh how many of those "reindeers" are out there...Quite actually now thinking about it, it teaches such a horrible lesson, that if you're a freak and no one needs you, you're just a huge freak, but if the in-crowd needs you, suddenly you're unique and special. "you'll go down in history" ....as the sucker who gave into the popular crowd...
So there's my rant for the day, I think this version should be taught in schools and sung in Christmas concerts, it'd give them something else to think about.
Here's just a fun new carol :D from Ben Folds :)
Ho ho ho!
Play it Grandpa.
(Yeah, play it!)
Let's tell them a little story
about what happened this Christmas.
(Yeah, tell them!)
Christmas Eve
I didn't get much sleep
I kept hearing things,
heavy breathing from the chimney...
who could it be?
(I'll tell you what it was...)
(What happened then, Ben?)
(Yeah, what happened?)
Well, I went back to sleep...
(You went back to sleep?!)
Tired man, went back to sleep.
and in the morning
I couldn't believe my eyes
a whale of a corpse with a long, white beard
was dangling over the fire
(ha ha ha!)
oh, Santa, he's a big, fat f*&%
went down the chimney, got his fat ass stuck
oh, honey call the lawyers fast,
'cause Mrs. Claus is gonna sue my ass
hey, hey, hey!
Okay Grandpa, step up.
Sing in this thing right here.
Tell them what you saw,
tell them what you saw, Grandpa!
I gotta tell you folks
he wasn't wearing no clothes
(No clothes?!)
he must have rubbed a whole gallon of Crisco
from his back, down to his toes
while I was talking to the cops outside,
the dog was lickin' Crisco off of his thighs
they hauled him away in a double-wide
what a sad, sad way to die
Santa, he's a big, fat f*&%
went down the chimney, got his fat ass stuck
oh, honey call the lawyers fast,
Mrs. Claus is gonna sue our ass
Monday, December 05, 2005
Physics today was awesome :)
Friday, December 02, 2005
Greatest Commercial EVER.
BRAVIA Commercial
It takes a little while to load, but ....it's just that damn great.
there's extra clippits about how they made it and all here too
Extra snippits :D
so friggin awesome.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
People with Scottish accents
Popping bubble wrap
Rocking out to songs in my car
People who sway and or jerk themselves while playing the piano
Dog-eared pages in a book
The sticky residue left by stickers that were pulled off
(this is for you Maria :D )
Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
....mildly entertaining
So the holiday comes to an end...it was a good one :) Hopefully enough to power me through these last three weeks....whew. okay. yeah.
I saw the fourth harry potter movie with Elisa on wednesday :) that was fun....I would air out some frusterations, but for those who have yet to read the book or see the movie, I wouldn't want to ruin it, but it has to do with a cute guy and a guy with no nose! UGH. (not the same guy LoL) WHY NO NOSE?! NO!
AW There was frost today all over the field as you drive up to the zoo, it was so pretty, no one had even walked on it or anything, so it looked so prestine almost like snow...faux sno... so pretty!
Friday, November 25, 2005
SP hybridization sucks....
Thanksgiving was good too much food, but tastyness :) Now I have food coma. I tried doing chem homework, but as the title implies, sp hybridization sucks because it seems to have no logic so I have to go in monday and have her explain it to me all over again ugh. but I did finish the majority of my calc hw....but I need to start my physics...I'm gonna put that off until tomorrow although I shouldn't seeing as how that's due on monday...and I haven't even started reading the chapter yet. ugh. lame. super lame.
I was watching Titanic on thursday LoL I havn't seen that movie since I saw it in the theater. A lot of people hate on it, but it was alright, I don't think it was the greatest movie ever made, but it really wasn't that bad. I think the story of the ship is just amazing...it was just a different time...
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, sorry to those who had to work :( but at least you are, as maria would say "makin' the monies" ? LoL :)
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Zoo update :)
But it was cool, I got to take a nice break and chill with the ape :) she's good. For the whole time we were just enjoying each other's company and she was chillin, and so was I. She was sitting real still for a while (quite boring actually) and then suddenly, very suddenly her hand moves...and I'm watching her and DUDE. she's caught a fly! it was actually pretty awesome. She caught it, took it apart and ate it :) LoL the circle of life right there. So that's what she was doing...and then I started to watch her more carefully and she was waiting for the flies. she'd sit really still and wait for the flies to stop moving, she knew if they were too far, it'd be a bother to try and catch them because they'd just fly away, so she waited there carefully until the fly was close and it stopped moving for a little while...and then BOOM. she's grab it. LoL it was really cool.
Then the vet tech came :( and she had three shots for Ella. She was in what's called a "squeeze cage" and it's kinda difficult to describe, but there's like the outside cage and there's a kinda a cage on the inside and then you can pull the inside cage so that it gets smaller and therefore forces the animal to one side, it's better that way, then she doesn't have a chance to hurt herself and the injections get in all the way and it's a whole lot quicker. She was brave and didn't fight too much, but it did take two of us. So then we gave her some treats afterwards and then I left to do the regular rounds.
Overall good day, got to work half as hard in the morning but had to work twice as much in the afternoon.
omg. I am thankful for thanksgiving. 3DAYS OF HOLIDAY. yes. *does a happy happy dance*
Friday, November 18, 2005
Last friday HOLIDAY went to the harvest festival and totally bought muchos stuff :) coulda bought more, but I think what I have sufficed LoL some early christmas gifts :)
Last saturday went to Janice's b-day thing, hung out at Chrissy's house and then we went to the Englander :D dude I haven't seen some of them since August! :( boo, and the rest since september, school. has consumed me. anywhoo that was fun, but then early up for volunteering on sunday, we start at 8 now ....early.
I had a ton of crap due this week, but got it all in :) and the physics quiz I thought I was gonna bomb, well I did more work on it than the last quiz...so there's a bit of a plus. Today I had a calc test, which I studied all last night and then this morning. I probably should have started earlier, but ugh. too much other stuff due this week. It was easier than I thought it would be, she gave us a lot of help :) thank goodness, if not, I probably wouldn't have gotten higher than a 75% on it. This morning I had to get up to sign up for classes anyways, so I decided to study a bit more and studied from 7:00-9:25....I've never gotten up early to study before LoL I think it'll just be on an absolute necessary basis LoL
I signed up for classes this morning. at 7am. in the morning. I got all the classes I wanted (needed...not really wanted) same as this term, just the second half of all of them. The scheduling REALLY sucks though. I have math m-th 9-10:05. Chem lec 10:30-12:15 MW and chem lab from 1-4 tues. and thurs. and then physics from 4:30-5:45 mw and lab on saturday 9-12. :( I have a break on mon and wed from 12:15-4:30...so I'll probably go home...but on tues thurs, I'm gonna stay at school....oh well. at least I got into them, dude, the chem class, had only 3 remaining spots open after I signed up at 7:02 this morning, math still had a ton and physics had like 5 or so left... so I got in :) less stress there. :)
because of the hectic last week, I deserve a holiday. :) which is awesome because I get one! :) thanksgiving holiday starts wed. for me WHOOT HOOT. :) hopefully some relaxing time :)
Alanis Morissette's cover of Seal's song "Crazy" was on VH1 this morning
"But we're never gonna survive, unless...
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive, unless...
We are a little crazy"
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and turned on the warm water in the sink, usually (especially now in the fall/winter/cold weather) it takes a while to heat up and certainly doesn't heat up in the time it takes to rinse and soap my hands, but today it did and in my head I thought, "wow, *that's hot"...then I realized what I "said" ...and frowned. :(
*if you didn't get the Paris Hilton reference there...maybe it's for the better...
Monday, October 31, 2005
Halloween Picts
Sadly this halloween I shall be sitting at my desk doing my physics homework and chem lab. but at least I got come candy :) tootsie roll, I can't remember the last time I had one.. :)
Today also, physics was canceled :D WHOOT! It was a good thing I checked too, I just happened to look near the door in hope, as I usually do to no avail, for that coveted piece of paper declaring freedom, and today there was actually one! so I went to check it out and it was for our class. OMG. I did a happy dance. my friend was with me and thought I was a weirdo LoL but I talked to someone else shortly after from that class and told her it was canceled and she jumped for joy, literally, we both did....clearly it elicits similar effects LoL. so I got to go home right after math :D and then had enough time to wash my car, :) (which still has sap on it, if there are any suggestions on how to get it off please tell me :)
Here are some halloween picts I think Al sent to me a few years ago :) I thought I'd share with the rest of you all :) Click on the pictures for larger versions
Now here are some treats :D
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Map Stats
Friday, October 28, 2005
...So I had a bad Day
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
(Oh.. Holiday..)
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
eh, so I had a bad
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I got my hw problems turned in, I have one lab done and one presentation done, and I have one more lab to do (for physics) and the my calc exam on friday...and then maybe next week won't be so bad...maybe...probably not. but maybe.
Oh so don't pay no mindBurn-Ray LaMontagne
To my watering eyes
Must be something in the air
That I'm breathing
Yes'n I try to ignore
All this blood on the floor
It's just this heart on my sleeve that's a bleeding
But it did rain today :) I was happy, it was perfect, it was a heavy drizzle, so not enough to get you drenched, but still wet enough to seem like it was raining :D
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Scouting Schools
Friday, October 21, 2005
Music is good.
Music is good though. I heard that song...well i'm not sure the exact title, but something like "500 miles" "AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES AND I WOULD WALK 500 MORE JUST TO BE THE MAN THAT WALKS A THOUSAND MILES TO FALL RIGHT AT YOUR DOOR/ BADA-BA BADA-BA BADA-BA" I shouted along to that song in the car today. :D Most awesome 90's Nooners... thank you for my smile today. :)
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
From: Automatic For The People
Everybody Hurts
When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
when you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.
Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.
Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
if you feel like letting go, (hold on)
when you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.
Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone
If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
when you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.
Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)
(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)
...if you didn't find the half humor in this post...:( I probably shouldn't explain. You just have to hear it.
Monday, October 17, 2005
The Crazy's come out on Monday...
Well first, this was Maria's story, but there was people crapping, in the store...not like, a new hip hop fad type of thing, but literally crapping. like poop..."dropping off the kiddies at the pool" .... for more on that Poo Poo de Poop
Then well monday was sucking major chunky malls because I had a quiz in chem, not so bad, and then a bunch of stuff in math I didn't get happened and I was so tired from the weekend already. ...and then physics. I studied for physics, I tried...I tried and I thought I had it down...and then I took the quiz, three questions, worth 100pts. and I got 1 out of three right. (he gave us the answers right after so I'm sure I got one out of three right) ...and It sucks because okay the answers make sense, but when I was trying to do the problem, I just couldn't see it and it was so frusterating I was about to cry. ugh. and then he put up a list of all the stuff we had to do and turn in and I am just about to lose it I swear, I have so much crap due and I stuff I don't get...i.e. physics. and I just had the absolute crappiest day so far and I don't see things getting any better until final time..well after final time and I'm on my first vacation.
But then Maria called me up and she came over WHEE. As I repeated to her many many times, I haven't seen anyone in forever...I haven't seen everyone besides her since Charlie's birthday thing and so yes. We chatted, and then we went to go to the post office to get some post cards stamps. and then we went to Hallmark downtown to see if they had any...none. so then we went to Nations and Maria treated me to some pie, THANK YOU MARIA! to get some pie :D the apple in their apple pie was a bit mushy for my taste, but the banana cream was good :D
Then we headed over to Michaels and...crazy. Pod people work there, Maria asked if they sold postcards and this lady looked at her...CRAZY LIKE! like...she had a bit of a 'tude and was like "post cards? we don't sell post cards, we have invitations...on the back wall" ...and then...she was just insane ...everyone at that store was just like SO BIZARRO! it was so surreal. Dalà would have had a field day painting them...
As we were leaving Michaels, Maria was about to exit and there was this idiot woman who just drove straight in not even looking noticing that there was a car that was driving through! DAMN CRAZY PERSON! ...she was just driving eveything was her way! it was insane. ugh. lame stupid driver person..
and then we went to Target to go check if they had anything, and we found some good stuff on clearance :) and some stuff for scrapbooking and also notecards which..well they'll have to do as postcards LoL :) DUDE another crazy person! We were in the parking lot of the target and this chick, who was counting her money in the middle of the parking lot, was walking directly in front of Maria's car, not only directly in front, directly in front TOWARDS the car! ...dude then she finally looked up and gave a weird look, and then moved to the side...it didn't seem like she was startled. She was absurdly unphased by the fact that she was just walking towards a moving car....and didn't even notice it until it was like 5 feet in front of her....CRAZY PERSON
and THEN Maria was driving me home and there's construction on Lewelling right now and so at one point the two lanes going towards my house merge into one and so when there was one lane, there was this kid, in all black, black pants, and shirt and backpack on a cell phone, walking on the edge of construction on the left side! ...now that was alright for when the lane was only one, cause the cars stay to the right and everything, but eventually and not much farther than where he was, the street went back into two lanes..then like HE WOULD BE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FRIGGIN STREET! What the heck?! crazy's come out at night! ...What was he thinking?! and then he'd be walking in the turn lane in the middle of the street, but there were quite a few cars going down lewelling and so it wasn't like he could easily walk to the other sidewalk...FRIGGIN CRAZIES!
...No wonder I haven't been outside the house in a while...friggin crazies come out at night.....
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I'm gonna go check Davis out next week just to see...they're having a preview day also ...only it starts at like FRIGGIN 6-8AM geez is check in time...insane people over there.
What am I gonna do with my life..hum de dum.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Scheduling woe's
Today math class was cancelled :D WHOOT HOOT. :D stoked about that :) and we "stumbled" upon some good luck today :) good luck for us some REALLY CRAPPY luck for others...my friend found some money on the parking lot today...We kept it, which probably wasn't so morally right...but really who would go to the "lost and found" (which i don't know where it is) and ask if anyone dropped off money?! so yeah...but I still feel bad for whoever lost it. :(
This saturday I'm gonna go visit UCSC for their "presentation day" basically an open house and so we're (my mom and sister and possibly my dad) and check out a tour and some workshops...I hope that all goes well :)
Saturday, October 08, 2005
When Monday is Over Things Will be Good.
Super sucky though that all this is this weekend cause would have really liked to go see the Blue Angels and that RedBull course thing...it looks really cool...I saw the blue angels a few years ago..Fleet Week is fun :) Maybe next year.
At first I was flipping out over all of this stuff...and work and stuff...eh but then like most things in life you just get used to it and deal...so I'm over the spastic phase (for the most part) and am in the "deal with it" phase LoL. someone needs to petition for a longer weekend 3 days would be nice :) ...or at least a holiday between Veterans Day and...Labor Day..Sept5-Nov11...way too long without a holiday LoL :)
Anyhoo...for everyone I haven't talked to in about a billion years...basically everyone...I'm still alive yep...just insanely loaded with homework and stuff LoL
As for Dino, he would have fallen with an acceleration of 68.42 meters per second per second. :)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Rant of the Week...eer day....eer..moment...yeah.
Paleontologists estimate that if a Tyrannosaurus Rex were to trip and fall, it would have experienced a force of approximately 260,000 Newtons acting on its torso when it hit the ground. Assuming the torso has a mass of 3800Kg, (a) find the magnitude of the torso's upward acceleration as it comes to rest. (for comparison, humans lose consciousness with an acceleration of about 7g) (b) Assuming the torso is in free fall for a distance of 1.46m as it falls to the ground, how much time is required for the torso to cme to rest once it contacts the ground?
OMG. GEEZ who thinks of this stuff?! What Paleontologist figured this out, what a LOSER! ugh. seriously they need some more applicable stuff in these problems...I don't care how hard a T-Rex falls..1)THEY'RE EXTINCT. THEY NO LONGER TRIP AND FALL. THEY HAVE FALLEN! FOREVER Their heads are stuck between their legs and they have kissed their butt goodbye!!! and 2) DUDE! If you were to trip and fall, would you want it to be published in a book distributed internationally?! ....I think not....How embarrassing!
I think it's time for a break from physics homework. When....if I figure out the answer, I'll post it. Just ..had to rant...
*sigh* whew. LoL ...the only thing that would make this worse is if the TRex had jam hands....lol :D
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Yay for Pets, boo for bad owners :(
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
I'm going to die...
although on the upside, I have been reading more, and that has been some fun...then I don't have to worry about other crap while reading, gets me a bit away...but not far enough. yech. ah whatever, I have to go back to my lab report. ...and then die.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Chicken..your way.
Subservient Chicken :D
..you must check it out, and if you have no imagination here's a list of things it will and won't do :) Will and Won't do
...hopefully this will supply some entertainment for those long all-nighters or just when you'd like to procrastinate. :D
Saturday, September 10, 2005
book bitchin'
On the upside, I finally understood what that last lab was about...and really it wasn't too complicated. LoL oivey. Now I have a pysics lab and chem lab due, but I'm chugging through it, it's good to be busy..just not too busy LoL Now that I have all my books and everything hopefully things will be slightly less stressful. WHOOO . yeah. okay I need to get out soon,
I can't wait to see Orlando Bloom's new movie Elizabethtown...Paula Deen from the food TV network thingie is in it...LOL. :D
random word of the day:
Prostidude: Male prostitute. or any dude who looks cheap and sleezy. Unshamefully plucked from someone on my MSN buddy list. :D
Saturday, September 03, 2005
I just wanna sit in a corner and rot.
and then I have physics but my physics book has YET TO ARRIVE GOTDANGIT! and i ordered it on AUGUST 16TH!!!!!!!!!! FALLFFAFSDJIO;WOIEFJVJIOGIWH *insert censored yelling and screaming here* and I just failed the physics quiz miserably (but so did everyone else so I guess he's tossing that one out, but he's just a jerk about it, and won't even listen, gah, if I explain the whole thing here's I'm just gonna get more upset...) so I'm gonna go "take a break" and start on my calculus homework...it's extremely frightening when the only thing I do understand is math.....
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I am so sorry I forgot to add that part in, cause it was like the bestest part. so yes after lunch (I knew we did something...and it didn't take us 4 hours to eat lunch LoL) but yes we went to Maria's beautiful house. :) and we partied hard with her beautiful birdies! one of which crapped on me, and the other crapped on chrissy...and they were loud and chattin' it up with each other LoL :) And then I opened my gift from Maria, super all well thoughtout and planned and with the spork and Orlando Bloom magnet and piggie bank for our girls night out :D :D :D and the mommy card :( and the Nemo EYRR awesomemost wrapping paper :D and then we went up to her room and she showed us all these awesome pictures of her in Germany :D and then Maria let us into her super cool super landscaped lovely backyard with her awesome swingy chair, and then fed us key lime pie :D and then we trekked to the park and swung and went on slides and OMG DUDE. I FINALLY KNOW WHAT THOSE TWIRLY POLE THINGS ARE FOR!!!! I am super idiot though cause like everyone else knew except for me. LoL :( but they are fun :) and then we walked farther to the second park where we went on these spinny things and went super fast in circles and got TOTALLY dizzy and then we walked back to maria's house and we saw her cool water dispenser and ate CHEESE! and then we went back to chrissy's house and stuff etc...
and I'm so TERRIBLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry that I forgot to put it in the first time :( sorry! :( I beg for forgivness! but now you have a special post! :D YAY!
and just as a side note on msn today I saw that the college that I plan to go to maybe, is ranked by The Princeton Review as the #9 "Reefer Madness" school. heh heh heh. oh boy...
Click here to see the rest of the lists UCSC is on and click the title of the post to see if your school makes any lists! LoL eh poop, those links make you sign in...oh well...sign in/up if you wanna LoL
but yes I really am super sorry things just tend to seriously flow out of my head, and it was a super memorable day...and I have these great pictures taken by maria :D and my family loves the one posted on the fridge, whenever anyone opens the fridge they all laugh...they laugh at me...but they laugh none the less eh? LoL :) so yes. IT'S LATE and I need to go to sleep now, and I have chem in the morning and then math in the afternoon and then physics lab late in the afternoon until 4:20..."Reefer madness" heh heh heh. and so I gotta SLEEP :'(
Monday, August 22, 2005
I've done a buttload of stuff
8/15 Monday: so yeah my sister and mom went to the A's game [with fireworks that we heard from our campsite]. and they won or something, so anyways, every ticket from that game is worth one free personal pan pizza. :) so I went with my sister to get some free munchies...I forgot what else I did, but that may have been it LoL OH yeah and also I went to the school bookstore to have an aneurism over how expensive my chem and math book was. Chem is still expensive :( gah $150 and it's new and in a bundle so I can't find it online and there are no used ones GAH! but THANK YOU CHARLIE who will never read this cause he never goes on line but yes I am jacking his book and saving 130 dollars WHOO :D
8/16 Tuesday not real interesting besides the fact that I went to the eye dr. ...which kinda sucked cause I just wanted to sit in my PJ's in my bed all day. but oh well such is life. Although news is good and I do not have to get a stronger prescription for my glasses, which is the first time ever since I've been going there since like...8th grade. Anywhoo so yeah, that's good news :)
8/17 Wednesday The magnificant Chrissy got her driver's license and so she drove Janice, Kyle, Maria and I to the Sandwitchery where we all had lunch together :) Yesh, I had a BLT. why do I pay for those things I can so make one myself that is just as good...LoL oh well it was tasty there too. We had some good conversation during lunch too, a lot revolving around how maria's mom is the master rapper. and items on the "to do list" :D Then Chrissy had to go home [I honestly can't remember if we did anything in between LoL so I have a sucky memory, but yeah] So she drove home and Kyle drove maria, janice and I to pick up pictures at Wolf Camera in san lorenzo. The pictures looked so good :D maria is awesome
8/18 Thursday ...secret planning for "Project Maria" but it involved a buttload of walking, and no more knocking of my toe-covers, they are awesome and prevent blistering. but I did not have them, so I blistered. :( and it also involved a lot of SCREW SOUTHLAND. cause IT SUCKS
8/19 Friday I went to Napa Valley with my aunt and my sister. We went there to go eat lunch at this restaurant called "Mustards" and they've got the most awesome pork chop ever. my aunt ordered it and I got their halibut, which was PERFECTLY done, and that's a major feat since halibut is SUPER lean so it over cooks SO fast :( but there it was really well done :) and they had good bread too :D
Then we went to the CIA [Culinary Institute of America NOT the Central Intelligence Agency] just to see if they had any dinner reservations open , we didn't expect them to cause it's a really popular place and stuff, but actually they did, it was a little early at 5:30...but eh we took it anyways :) Then we walked around the gift shop and there's a little display area and they have these MASSIVE like 8 foot high vintage wine barrels and old school corkscrews and stuff. And there was also a gift shop where they had a bunch of cooking tools and books and stuff, and I bought part of Charlie's and Janice's gift there :D hee hee :) Just when you think you've seen everything, ...there's something else. :)
Then off to DEAN & DELUCA I was excited :D I bought a t-shirt and a mug :D and some tea to go in the mug of course! and my sister bought a 4 pound pound-cake. ugh. LoL it was tasty though. So yeah, after walking through and looking at all the gourmet stuff there, we left to go to the Napa Valley outlets. They are sad. :( it's just one like building area [as opposed to the vacaville or gilroy ones which are like 4 building areas], and it only took us and hour to go through all the stores. ...so yeah, we drove right back cause throughout the valley there is like ONE ROAD 2 lanes, and that' about it. so if someone goes slow, EVERYONE goes slow. :( so we left early to get to the restaurant on time. We did and so we got olives and bread quite good :) good stuff. Then my aunt ordered clams and my sister ordered this Asian crab melon salad for starters :) they were both really good :) for our main course I got this brick roasted chicken. which was SO GOOD. it was so juicy and tender and tasty, OMG. super good, it was like half a chicken, and I only ate a drumstick LoL I was still kinda full from lunch :) but yeah, my sisiter got seared scallops :) which was really good :) and my aunt got skirt steak, and it was really good too, marinated just enough and not stringy and tough like it normally is :) for dessert we ordered a chocolate molten lava cake, it's one of those cakes where you cut it open and the inside oozes OMG. I've never had one before, but even though I don't like chocolate it was good. The carmel sauce on top was like super duper too. :D
On the way home, we got a little lost because aparently that day they JUST opened a new onramp..with no signs saying what it was gah, so we ended up going into vallejo and a sobriety test, ugh. the line was hella long and inefficient, but on the up side, I did get to view "Bud's Burgers" made famous by maria :D LoL most awesome! I was so slow too, cause I was just reading random signs, we were rolling at a snails pace past it and I was like huh..."Bud's 'Gigantic' Burgers" and then my aunt mentioned the Goldielocks by it and i was like "OMG BUD'S AND GOLDIELOCKS THAT'S THE BUD'S BURGERS!" lol but maria that place looked SO GREAZY! :( LoL :) and tasty!
so that was my crazy friday.
8/20 Saturday not much happened, but I had to go get my books for Monday :( boo. I took my mom's car cause it was parked behind mine :( but DOOD! aparently on saturday's chabot has this fleamarket thingie and i.e. NO PARKING. they take up the whole main lot and so I had to park way in the cuts and walk so far YECH! oh well, I bought my chem book but they didn't have the lab manual :( oh well I bought it later on monday anyways. I also made a side stop by Target cause that was the last day of their weekly sale and that week the Killers CD Limited Edition CD was on sale for 9.98 :D yay for sales! I'm so glad I held out LoL but no more buying stuff, I spent 30 dollars at Dean and Delucas and then I got 2 cd's for gifts LoL I need no more stuff LoL
spent the rest of the day chilling and relaxing being a bum. LoL that night though Tiff and Benny came by and dropped off my gift :D which is the set of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books which I have zipped half way through the first one already :D you guys are awesome! we had a good chat and found out what was in my downstairs cabinets LoL which included Backstreet Boys and random posessed birds and dogs that don't hop. LoL
8/21 Sunday: I went back to volunteering at the zoo and overall it was apretty dull day LoL Although I did see James Keith! who works there and so we had a little chat in the morning :) and we went our ways, then later OMG the siamang apes...well they went ape. LoL they were "singing" it was SO BIZARRE! they were like a hairy black ape version of the blue man group! three of them, one of them was doing this low bass throaty noise, one was hooting and the other was hollering. it was so crazy LoL :) and LOUD I could feel my ears like pounding inside that little nighthouse, if the walls weren't made of cement, they would have been pulsating LoL, it was such a surreal experince. :D very cool moment of the day.
8/22 Monday: first day of school...again, It didn't even feel like it cause I just got out of summer school. ugh. LoL :( but yeah, It was a good morning, I got there at 8 and still got a decent spot :) I met up with Maria and we found Elisa and Lawrence and then Charlie came too I even saw Michelle for a bit :) then I found my two other friends from Chem 31 and math and I saw with them in the Chem 1A class :) I hope all goes will in there! and then our teacher was on her way back from India? but will be there tomorrow, anywhoo so there was no class besides signing the roll sheet LoL :) then I got to chat with Judie for an hour and 15 minutes :)
Math is good, boy that instructor writes fast...but she seems really nice and seems to know her stuff, and has lots of office hours which are good :)
Physics, well if anything else the instructor knows his stuff and he seems randomly funny...I even talked to people I didn't know, which is like a huge step for my anti-social self LoL I hope that class goes well...
Overall, instructors seem alright...and I don't have class everday like I did summer so hopefully it won't be intense as that, and also I don't have 2 or 3 hour lectures WHOO! :D hopefully that'll make things better too. I just hope my book gets here, I don't another book drama LoL that will be no bueno...now I think my hands will fall off from typing so much so I shall stop here. seeing as how it's 7:45 and I started this at 6:45. LOL
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Camping/Frickin Bee weekend :)
The campsite was a walk-on only so we had to carry all of our stuff :( It was a lot of stuff. it was about maybe a quarter of a third of a mile? the sites were good size, two was enough to fit 8 people :) We had Maria's bistek for dinner :D with bread we ate like cavemen (heh heh Geico commercials) sans forks SORRY! :( but the food was awesome :) and we also had s'mores that night yum :D I forgot how WONDERFUL roasted marshmellows tasted :D
We slept...gah who knows when LoL 1 or 2? by the bathrooms we saw 2 adult deer and a baby deer on the hill :) it was pretty cool!
Friday We had bacon and eggs and dry toast for breakfast yummy! mmmmmm! Then we played with waterballoons and water guns. The weather was perfect it was a bit on the warmer side, but a breeze went by every so often so it wasn't too bad :) and we just drenched Charlie LoL. We played that game where you toss the waterbaloons back and forth and everytime you do, you take one step back. I was doing alright with Charlie and then I caught it and it popped right on me LoL but it was alright, it was so warm the cool water was welcome :) Chrissy and I became experts on waterbaloon filling :)
Then Johanna, Charlie, Benny, Maria and I played card games and stuff. Tiffany, Benny and Chrissy then left to go to church and the rest of us played a game of Scrabble. It was my first game where we actually kept score and I got a 93? or something, which was bizarre cause I kept on having these tiny lame words with the letters landing in the double letter spots or double word spots hence the reason for my points LoL
That night there was this *BOOM BOOM BOOMBOOMBOOM* sound going on at about 9:30pm or so...and it sounded ....not good. LoL and so Jyun and I went to look out, and then it occured to me it sounded a LOT like fireworks...and then I remembered the Oakland A's game was a fireworks game that night (I knew only cause I was supposed to go) and so we were just hearing the fireworks from that. but before that it was acutally quite creepy LoL
Tiffany, Benny and Chrissy went on a run to the store after their church and brought back some more ice and this drink called Fuze :) cause it is in an awesome bottle and is really nutrious :) awesome! we hung around the fire for a bit longer and then went to bed 2-ish. We started out with 4 sleeping tents, but since mine was so big, tiffany and benny roomed with us the last night and packed up their stuff early so there would be one less tent and stuff to carry back up.
Saturday, Morning Tiffany and Chrissy got up at 7am as planned and Benny and I slept in a bit later until 7:30 or 8am. :D We got up, ate breakfast and started to clean up and got packed up and ready to go.
This time hauling all the stuff on the way back up, we used my revelation (which came during our last trip to bring stuff down) to put all the stuff on a tarp and have all of us carry the tarp. Which worked but it was really heavy but we made a lot more stuff in one trip, and carried all of the stuff in 2 trips! :) but this time there was no wood, no charcoal, no duraflame and a lot less food LoL
Saturday, Afternoon So we met up with Kyle and Janice at Tiffany's house at about 11am and we took sorted out Tiffany's stuff and some people cleaned up too. We decided to go to the Metreon, and Bucca di Beppo for lunch. We took BART to SF and then walked to the Metreon and at lunch first. Bucca di Beppo is an Italian family styled restaurant with a bunch of pictures on the wall :) LoL there are TONS of pictures and stuff on the wall and it's pretty cool. enter and there's the bar and hostess stand and then you go downstairs to eat :) We had a dish of tortaloni, chicken alfredo type of thing and a macaroni rosa, it was all very good, and then for Benny and my birthday, they brought out a small candelabra and 2 brownies with 2 GIANT scoops of ice cream, one vanilla and one spumoni :) Then we walked around the Metreon a bit, but there really isn't much to do there besides shop and stuff, so then we left and went back to Chrissy's house for a bit to hang out.
I said I wanted to go to some place with loud music LoL Kinda randomly cause we were in this Sony store that sold speakers and stuff and so there was loud music kinda already going on and stuff, and then Janice had the most wonderful idea of going midnight bowling :D
At Chrissy's house I kinda went on the internet a bit and then we started playing point and click games :D SUPER fun, more fun with logical people who like those games LoL :D WHOO and we were doing those for quite a while and then we started to make dinner. We never used the spam and the rest of the eggs, so for dinner we had spam and eggs :D I made overeasy eggs and spam :) over rice BEST FRIGGIN DINNER EVER. then we played more point and click games and left to go to the bowling alley at 10:30 or so to make sure we would get 2 lanes :D
It was an awesome deal $13 includes shoe rental and unlimited games from 11:00pm-2:00am :D and we made good use of it :D Tiffany and Benny couldn't make it, but Elisa came YAY! and we bowled until 2am :D it was fun and I was doing alright until the end when I was kickin ass and takin names :D until it struck 2am, and I was going in to my last frame with a 136 and I had two more chances and then they turned the lights out and I got so sad I couldn't finish GAH I REALLY wanted to know what I would have gotten but ugh. I guess not. it was super fun, gah I got home at like 3AM and totally crashed LoL and I woke up today at noon WHOO
It was a lot of fun this weekend :)
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Yesterday :D
We took BART to powell st. station and then got to the top and I got to ride a cable car for the first time :D dude. it was so awesome. It was so cool! I didn't hang off the side though, I could have...but me being me, I just sat LoL. It was bizarre though cause if cars are double parked in the street you really have to be careful you don't get knocked off! geez. but yeah it was fun going up and down the hills :D awesome views!
Then we got off at the far end of Fisherman's Wharf and we walked around some of the shops there, there wasn't much to do so we started to walk down to Ghirardelli Square there were a ton of cool shops there :) a lot of them were expensive stuff, but still cool to look at. There was this pom fritz shop where they have Belgian fries and all this bizarre dips to eat them with...but sadly I couldn't try it because I was gonna have a Sundae at the Ghirardelli shop.
Ghirardelli store, tons of overpriced chocolate, [if any of them went to the factory store in SL, they'd die at the prices they're selling for them there] anywhoo and for my b.day I got this email for a 2 for one sundae, I got one and my sister got one and my mom shared with us. I got the "Verry Berry Sundae" it was awesome. It was a scoop of blueberry ice cream and a scoop of strawberry cheesecake ice cream, with berry topping, whipped cream and a rolled up waffle cone cookie. so awesome. at 10AM in the morning LoL My sister got a brownie fudge sundae thing..way too much chocoalte for me. LoL
but they were so good :D and then we started down further to fisherman's wharf and stopped in the rainforest cafe store, they had a ton of cool stuff there, I'd like to eat there just once, even though things are way over priced I'm sure, but you go there for the atmosphere mostly right?
Then we went to the Boudin Bakery/museum/bistro/shop thingie at the Wharf and it was sooooooo much fun, there's a mini museum upstairs and it talks about the history of the business and the "mother dough" and a bunch of stuff about bread and then you get to see them making the bread directly under you, and it's so cool how fast these guys work and the machnery they use. :) they make bread in animal shapes too, there's a fish, and a teddy bear, and allagator, lobster and crab. LoL very cool :) at the end there's also a tasting room where I got to try the different breads with different dips :) the mediterranean tapanade was really good so we bought a jar. OOH and also they have this SOOPER cool system of transporting the bread, throughout the factory and in the store/cafe they have this circulating system. There's these wire baskets that rotate around on a track in the ceiling and the track lowers so people can pick up the bread at the cafe, bread only counter and the bakery, it's just really cool, and I suck at explaining so I'll stop LoL
after filling up on carbs! we walked all in and around pier 39 and looked in all the stores and stuff which was really fun :) and after a while we went to the boudin cafe at pier 39 (it was slightly cheaper there) and I had a bread bowl of clam chowdah, and my sister had a half salad/sandwich and my mom just had a salad. :D good stuff.
Then after walking around some more, we took the F train to the ferry building, but whew we were packed on like sardines! geez, all the more fun though, at least it wasn't a hot day LoL cause it gets to smell like funk in there. whew.
So yeah we got off :) and walked around the ferry building, there wasn't much there, mostly organic food stores, i.e. SUPER DUPER EXPENSIVE. geez $$$ but it was high quality stuff. Then we took the streetcar back to the BART station, that one was also packed, but we just managed to squeeze on :) and then after BART back home :)
it was a long walking day but sooooooo much fun :) I didn't buy anything booo, but eh it's okay, my b-day's coming up, :D
uhm. el fin. dude. sportsmart does not sell rubber boots whodathunk?! geez.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Zoo Review
rest of the day was good :) went by pretty fast, chatted it up with others, odd group them, sometimes they are a talkative group and other are deep into their books, oh well I chat when I do and read when there's nothing else better to do.
UGH. Stupid math test tomorrow. at least I don't have to get up in the morning :) ... well not super early anyhow.
thursday and friday I stayed at chrissy's house :) way too much unhealthy food LOL onion rings, key lime pie, muy tasty rice noodles and peanut sauce and a pork roll thingie and greens :) OOH and ongchoy? with rice :) great stuff :D works better than fiber too ROTFL. ha. k and the next day same peanut sauce stuff with greens and these really good beef meatballs with this sweet coating on the outside. had an awesome time there and we even got some productive stuff done :) then maria went into food coma ohhhhh i was looking at all the creepy that look at chrissy's profile on something affliated with emode.com ...57 years old? :( DISABLED ?! :( LoL then I had to leave cause I had to do some homework junk before saturday when I went out with my cousin and aunt.
We went to San Mateo to drop her car off and then to Albany/Berkeley to the farmer's market to get lots of organic veggies and fruits really sweet too and then to go get some bread stuffs at this place called "the Cheese Board" it's really super cool omg, TONS OF CHEESE!!!! and freshly baked good :) awesome my aunt got some asiago cheese bread for me yu :) can't wait to eat it. Then we went to a pizza restaurant called Zachary's in Albany (they have the most awesome restaurants on Solano Ave) and it was a deep dish, it was really good but it took 40 minutes :( so make sure you have tons of time to kill if you want a whole pizza.
Then we shopped at Emeryville and I bought 2 tops at the gap :) yay I hope I can wear them before summer ends, they're sleeveless but not really tank topish...anywhoo. we walked in a ton of stores around and I saw these flipflops I liked, but they were like $20 hm...decided not to purchase them. then we picked up my cousin's car and drove back home. ...uhm. "El Fin"
Post. Script. LoL here's a funny comic I found :)

Monday, July 25, 2005
herm. past few days...of what I can remember...
Thursday I went to the San francisco Symphony to watch they perform a set of tango songs, and there were these two tango dancers. totally amazing, they moved like water. sooooo fluid. That was a lot of fun :) and then Friday I think I was doing math homework for hours...and hours... I might have actually done something that day, but I honestly can't remember what LoL OOOOOH YEAH. I had to wait for the lame-o telephone guy who was suppose to come (get this...) between the hours of 8am-8pm?! WTH?! geez could you get any less specific?! "...hm oh yeah, we'll be there sometime in July..." ugh. So I spent the day inside, on a wonderfully sunny day that I could have been out. He eventually came at 3:30pm (so I didn't even have to wake up at 9am to see if he was going to come then) ugh. and then it took an hour and then he left. ...didn't really even say what the problem was, just that uh "hey check if it works..." I did and then he got in his van and left...that was all. ugh. I so did not need to be home?! arough. but I'm not bitter. not at all. LoL.
Saturday was scortching. I was stuck home friday, so on saturday I only had a little work left to do and so when I was done I went over to Chrissy's house and we checked out the new Bed Bath and Beyond at Bayfair. It looks really nice inside, the store does at least the mall is still a heaping pile of crap....at least it was air conditioned. anyhoo yeah, lots of checking out gadgets and buying pencils at that small imported stuff store in the mall "Millenium Zone" ?! ¿porqué Chrizzy? :( I frown. LoL
Sunday I volunteered and...well It's fun, but it's also work, whew I'm so wiped out after that! I took a 2 hour nap, and then for my sister's birthday we went to a Japanese restaurant in Fremont, the food was alright, but the service totally sucked, it took for friggin ever to get anything. we had to ask for boxes and the check like 3 times?! gah. that was lame, but oh well...Then there was cake and my cousin made cream puffs :) good stuff.
And today is monday. and for some reason I was super tired today, could barely keep my eyes open. oivey. but got through it, 3 more days of waking up at 6:45 :) and then I get to sleep in until like 9:30 ALRIGHT! :D
Pun of the Day (maybe not exactly pun, but punny phrase): "I'm keen on Keane"
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
*beat boxes* I'm lovin' it...yo.

I thought a select few of you would enjoy this comic...*ROTFL*
and to Maria Re: your newly joined blogrings, for all of those I hella read "cocktail" instead of "cockatiel" so I was like..."LoL since when did her new hobby become drinking?!" and the oregon trail game is awesome...but only the old fourth grade version is awesome. everything after it is crap. you must go old school for that one. :D ....
anywhoo this post was mainly for the comic AHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH. :D "I'm lovin' it" :D
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Then I took a nap WHOO [for napping, and not waking up] but then I headed over to chrissy's at 11:30 to hang out, she fed us pasta and tomatoe sauce :) Yummy stuff, tons of garlic and buttah! Janice, Kyle and Maria came over too :) We all had lunch and then Maria, Chrissy, Kyle and I went to go to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Janice had a bbq to attend to.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is not what I would call a remake really, it's a slightly different story, there's a lot of the same events, but there is only one oompa loompa...just copied and pasted like 500 times. Lol which is funny and yet incredibly creepy. Before the movie maria and janice reaaaaaaaally wanted mcdonald apple pies. oi. and so we went on a run, and then kyle got a 42oz. cup of coke *i.e. death* and the three of them ordered pies. oivey. death. die. pie. die. then we dropped janice back at her car and we went to century 16. we got there right in time and so we had to sit in the front, my neck was okay but it was kinda hard to focus on such a huge screen.
Random humor...burning puppets and squirrels with nuts. awesome. AND the oompa songs aren't as scary anymore. ugh. Johnny depp has a nasty haircut though. NASTY.
now the rest of the week I will volunteer tomorrow morning and then writing this paper and studying for a math test on monday UGH. *DIE MATH DIE* I really don't like that class, but the people in it aren't so bad.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Famous Bears :D
Here are some picts and the article.
Star-crossed lovers
Rare bears' mating efforts fail to produce cubs, so science steps in
Kaika and a cashew (they've got foot long tongues)

another picture of kaika

To the left is Spike the big boy :)
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Past Weekend
Thursday June 30, after school, went with Maria, Chrissy and Janice to Hillsdale shopping center...gah with some serious detours AROUGHGOIGHOOHGH. ANGER. And then we went to Build-a-Bear to....what else, but build a bear :D for tiffany's gift which she absolutely ADORED. ChengnatorII :D
Friday July 1, Tiffany's actual birthday WHOOT.I went with Auntie Kathy and got my car detailed whoo! go nice shiny and new looking car. It looked better than when they first bought it :D
Saturday July 2, I went to the Filmore street Jazz festival with my mom :) I bought 3 more necklaces and got 1 free and 1 more ring. GAH "Hi, my name is Teri, and I have an addiction to jewelry...and street festivals." So yeah, got this peta bread pocket thingie with Himalayan flavors, cilantro, spicy chicken, cucumbers, red onions, this rockin garlicy yogurt sauce YUMMAY. and we also visited the animal shelter on Filmore St. OMG. I wanted to take all of those little doggies and kitties home. sniff sniff. but I had to depart.
Sunday July 3, first day of volunteering at the zoo. It was alright. I got there a bit early, but I had some issues finding the high parking lot, but luckily someone else who knew there way came around and I just followed them WHOO :D uhm then met my head keeper, who is so awesome and nice :) Working with the animals is awesome :) I just hope I like it once the weather isn't as nice and I've been doing it for 6 months LoL either way it should be a good learning experence.
Then was Tiffany's birthday celebration :) I was the last to arrive, sorry! We went to Walnut Creek, it was a little warm, but it was good weather :) We walked around to various stores, some people got fro-yo from Yogurt Park and then we ate dinner at California Pizza Kitchen where Maria proceeded to use her monay skills and bujungas to convince our waiter to get Tiffany a sundae :D WHOO *curses to loosing bets to charlie* LoL

Then we kicked it at chrissy's house where tiffany opened her gifts and loved her teddy bear we got her, and bubble machine elisa got her and Hitch dvd that charlie and johana got for her. :)
had some crazy strawberry fondu :D and WHOO yes. played some cranium, and just relaxed and stuff. Joey and Jeffery came over too, wow I hadn't seen them in a long time :)
Maria kept having cravings for her mcdonald's apple pies. CURSES THEM. gah. lol and then I went hoooooome.
Monday July 4, Happy fourth of Juuuuuuuuuuly. Didn't do nuttin. relaxed at home. WHOO RELAXING.
Tuesday July 5. stupid school. school schmool.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
New Picture Feature :)

this weekend
Then we went to go see a movie, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" I really liked it...gah $10 is pushing it, but I'd definitely see it again for a matinee price LoL. They did a very good job of touching a wide spectrum of the emotions girls go through...not just happy, sad...etc. It also helped that I identifed with like 3 of the 4 girls...one of them was just a bit way too out there for me to get LoL. but yeah I really liked it :)
Then we went to Starbucks at midnight when the movie got out, whoo for that one being open until 1am :D I dunno hardly anyone was in there, but Al and I went in and then we ordered and they said it was on the house :) alright! free drinks LoL I got the Mocha Mint Chip frapp, it was alright...I think caramel is still my fave :)
Lessee and today I went to the zoo for a meeting with my head keeper and found out the animals I'm gonna be upkeeping which are the following:
- Flamingos/Spoonbils
- Bobcats
- Malayan Sunbears
- Skia/Muntjac Deer
- Siamang Apes
A really weird thing happened before I met the zookeeper today though LoL. I was in line waiting to get through the gates and then this little [3yr. old?] girl steps in front of me. She had this bucket type of hat with a huge rim on, and her dad was behind me in line was calling her, but she just kinda ingnored him and just kept standing in front of me. And then she turned around, without looking up, and hugged my legs....I was thinking, "wow, that's a friendly child" then I said "Hi" and she realized it wasn't her dad LoL she looked up at me and I waved, so as not to cause a high pitched deafening wail, Her dad said "who's that huh?" LoL and then chuckled and then she walked over to her dad and hugged his legs LoL. it was so bizarre LoL
Dude so bought the new Backstreet Boys album, "Never Gone" ...been listening to it for the past 4 days :D enjoyable.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Summer Session
Math book is expensive also, but that one I bought at the store used so I'll just use it until the 23 of june cause that's the last day of returns so I hope that it comes before then too. [but homework isn't due until the last day of class so whatever]
Math sucks! That teacher is HELLA STUPID. gah. He had no idea what he's talking about and we had to correct him a bunch of times on the first day, all review stuff. He said he's had that book for 5 years, but it seems like he's never taught out of it before! You'd think that after so long, you'd have a patter and schedule down, but he had no idea what he was doing. He'd try to make up problems and they wouldn't work out, and he stares at the book for a long time and picks out problems and then doesn't know how to solve them. GAH. Luckly I have 3 other friends in there so at least i'm not alone. but I just want to take heavy rocks and throw them at his head!
He also just weird, [the class is from 10:30am-1:10pm] So i mean it's basically the whole of lunch time. so during the 10 min. break he gives us, people go buy chips and drink and stuff to tie them over, but he's like "Stop eating the chip bag! that noise bothers me, i'm hungry too and I can't eat.." but I mean it's like...who said so? you can eat, you're the teacher! I mean don't stuff your face in front of us, but if you want to snack and as long as you can "teach" [which he doesn't really do to begin with] snack in between! arugh
eh people I know will be there tues. wed. and thur. though so I hope I get a chance to see them.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Sunday, June 05, 2005
May Birthdays
I got to Fentons a little bit after everyone else, hopefully not too late. :) Ate a bunch of junk food, way too much dairy/ice cream products. Then left to go to Chrissy's house. We had a game of cranium, but the boys were victorious this time and now justin is going to make the next booster deck of cards. The birthday people's got some crazy gifts! ....Phil got a empty box of microwave popcorn and tons of magic packs, Chrissy got a stop pillow, a book of bunny suicides, a jesus action figure, Elisa, wooden letters spelling out her name, a really big plastic gawdy ring-like-thing....LoL good times.
we spent a looooooooot of time talking and at about 1:45am we started getting delirous and started replacing all the words with an "f" with "ph" some phavorites were "phrench phries" or "phresh phruit" and "phluphphy" [fluffy] good times all around.
now I must pack...which I probably won't really start until tomorow [the day before I go] but at least I got all my shopping done. I shan't buy anything on the whim or that I don't need for a really. really. really. really long time. REALLY. I think I've made myself sick by how much money I've spent :( it just flew out of my hand...like a bird. a very valuable bird.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
end of the year report card.
People wise. I found out I am quite the anit-social person...and have a very bad judgment of character. terrible actually. All that aside, I did meet some new nice people...3 that currently come to mind, got to chat with others in the morning and afternoon.
buying your own textbooks and scantrons suck. Leaving when you need too, awesome, not getting a "detention" for being late also awesome, teachers cancelling class and telling you before awesome, when they don't tell you and you go for no reason, not awesome :( . Most awesome: NO FRICKIN ANNOYING BELLS!!!. :D
academic part of it was good...social part of it...left something to be desired, but it's a transition school, I suppose I'm not meant to make a home there.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
end of finals :)
So busy packing, shopping for gifts, eating, going to a graduation and...stuff. uhm yeaha. also being a lazy bum. :)
yeah. that's 'bout it. I'll write more later....possibly in a reflection of my first year of [junior] college.
You are |
Monday, May 16, 2005
Way too much fun...and chocolate...and sex..in the city. LoL
Then we sat down and watched the sex and the city epi's...near the end the dvd started to go a bit schizo..and it was getting kinda late too, Chrizzy's pop came home and made some spam and rice :D Definite yummy staple :D I didn't have any cause I was gonna go home and sleep soon :( but it looked and smelled awesome :D
way too much discussion about halloween costumes came up...MCNUGGETS WHOOT! LoL Ronald McDonald :( 'tis I :( anywhoo yes lots of good chatting I hadn't seen maria in FOREEEEEEEEEEEEVER! kinda LoL anyway it was an awesome night of fee-ma-lay (female) bondingness
Sunday uhm. yeah. Had TOGOS' for lunch MOST AWESOME SANDIWCH EVER! BETTA THAN QUIZNOS! Went to zoo volunteer orientation...again LoL same thing as last year, but yeah didn't stay for the tour, came back home, worked on my paper a bit more, posted on fanforum more than that LoL and then went to Auntie Kathy's for dinner :D
blech this week is review, next week I have one final mon-thurs. at least it's only one a day, so i have the rest of the day to finish other work or study for the other finals...yeah that'll be my life for the next two weeks LoL :D
Friday, May 13, 2005
more quizes
MUAHAHAHA. I don't really have a grudge against old people...they just creep me out sometimes...
Nothing new in my life really...I suck at directions, if I didn't already know that, I got a refresher when I went over the san mateo bridge...just to make three right turns in Foster City and come back around...well at least it was a nice day and I didn't have an appointment or anything. You live and learn...then you get A BETTER SENSE OF DIRECTION.
Did crummy on a math test, did way too well on a chem test...finals week after next. Stoked...:D cause after that is summer vacation :) I'm kinda excited, this year seemed to go by quickly...gah I'm confused. and a procrastinator.
I watched a probably incredibly inaccurate movie about Atilla the hun on the History Channel...I really want to go see the movie "Dear Frankie" :D I should paint my toe nails soon, that sounds fun hm...I need to get work done on saturday.
random note: hope you feel better after your crummy sounding visit to the hospital stewy! :D I'm sure I'd never want a glandular fever or acute toncilitis....anywhoo I'd send flowers if I could LoL
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Which biological molecule are you?
You are glucose. People feed off of you. You are
sweet, caring, and a source of energy for
everyone around you. You can inspire others
with your creativity and depth, and you can
keep people alive when in times of famine.
People love you...or at least the way you
Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla