Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Going to school is tough. And next term is only going to get worse. I should be doing my lab report..(I actually should have been doing it 27 minutes ago, but I feel like writing this first LoL) My physics presentation went well today...I totally had a meltdown last night. not good. Too many things due, that was like only a tiny part of it, my meltdown was more about the fact that this is basic stuff, general chem, intro to physics..not even the hard classes, if I can't deal with these basic ones, how am I going to deal when I have to take more difficult classes...or even past that, how am I going to function in the working world if I can't even figure out how to deal with these ones? I keep telling myself I have to get through it, and I do....but I'm running on fumes here, I wonder how everyone else is doing it?! Dude. besides seeing maria last week and going out to charlie's dinner a month or so ago...I haven't done anything fun since the end of august. no bueno. Work hard play hard right? I played hard I guess senior year and the beginning at chabot...and now it's time to be working hard...and I guess that's why they called it "working" and "hard." because it is...that is no misnomer. heh (missgnomer) :D heh

I got my hw problems turned in, I have one lab done and one presentation done, and I have one more lab to do (for physics) and the my calc exam on friday...and then maybe next week won't be so bad...maybe...probably not. but maybe.

Oh so don't pay no mind
To my watering eyes
Must be something in the air
That I'm breathing
Yes'n I try to ignore
All this blood on the floor
It's just this heart on my sleeve that's a bleeding
Burn-Ray LaMontagne

But it did rain today :) I was happy, it was perfect, it was a heavy drizzle, so not enough to get you drenched, but still wet enough to seem like it was raining :D

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