Sunday, October 16, 2005


soooooooooo On saturday I went to go to check out the UCSC campus....I don't have any real immediate bad things to say about it...I also don't have much to compare it to. It's fairly spread out, but they've got a good shuttle system going on, sadly it looks like I won't be able to take my car there...parking is exremely terrible...and expensive yech. :( People so far seem really nice, and they save apartment space for transfers (which is the same price but mucho nicer than the regular res.halls) ...Hilly...I was wheezing after like the first hill LoL ...uhm so so far it seems good..which is really good cause the worse thing would have been if I went and was like, for whatever reason, "this place is not for me..." then I don't know what I would do...probably go to Davis LoL but it definitely had a campy woodsy feel, which can be good, and they have some newer apartments there just built in 2000...anyways. so far it looks alright...I'm such a schizo LoL there are some days I'm like GIT ME OUTTA HERE! ...and other days it's like ugh. I don't wanna move LoL.

I'm gonna go check Davis out next week just to see...they're having a preview day also ...only it starts at like FRIGGIN 6-8AM geez is check in time...insane people over there.

What am I gonna do with my life..hum de dum.

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