Saturday, September 03, 2005

I just wanna sit in a corner and rot.

I am so stressed? or spread thin? ach i dunno (more like spread fat. but oh well) I just spent 2 and a half hours processing number data from my lab. Plugging in numbers and using excel and doing all this stuff....and I'm not even sure what I did, or if I did it right or what the heck is going on. AHHHH *cries* ...*pulls hair out* (i have enough to spare)

and then I have physics but my physics book has YET TO ARRIVE GOTDANGIT! and i ordered it on AUGUST 16TH!!!!!!!!!! FALLFFAFSDJIO;WOIEFJVJIOGIWH *insert censored yelling and screaming here* and I just failed the physics quiz miserably (but so did everyone else so I guess he's tossing that one out, but he's just a jerk about it, and won't even listen, gah, if I explain the whole thing here's I'm just gonna get more upset...) so I'm gonna go "take a break" and start on my calculus's extremely frightening when the only thing I do understand is math.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww TERI!!! :'( don't be miserable .. the school year will get better! or so .. i hope it does! i think that it'll get easier!! :( just hang in there! we love you :D you gnome this. =]