hi. school is insane. after and completing three weeks of school. I finally have my physics book. Not the one I ordered online
FOUR weeks ago...but one from the bookstore that I didn't want to buy in the first place. Stupid USPS lost my package. aurhg. and now I don't know what to do. so i'm gonna try to hunt it down, and if that doesn't work, I'm gonna go through half.com to try to get my money back. AURHGLKJSFL;SLJK;WOJI the mail system
hates mocks me...If it hated me, it would never send anything to me, but it mocks me because things I don't need like pictures or a book that I won't use until 3 months later, comes within 3 days of ordering it. Something that I need ASAP and rush order, it comes on the 7th and abolutely last day. yeah. that's USPS going *nyah nyah nyah* . I lose.
On the upside, I finally understood what that last lab was about...and really it wasn't too complicated. LoL oivey. Now I have a pysics lab
and chem lab due, but I'm chugging through it, it's good to be busy..just not
too busy LoL Now that I have all my books and everything hopefully things will be slightly less stressful. WHOOO . yeah. okay I need to get out soon,
I can't wait to see Orlando Bloom's new movie Elizabethtown...Paula Deen from the food TV network thingie is in it...LOL. :D
random word of the day:
Prostidude: Male prostitute. or any dude who looks cheap and sleezy. Unshamefully plucked from someone on my MSN buddy list. :D
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