Monday, July 25, 2005

herm. past few days...of what I can remember...

which isn't much...

Thursday I went to the San francisco Symphony to watch they perform a set of tango songs, and there were these two tango dancers. totally amazing, they moved like water. sooooo fluid. That was a lot of fun :) and then Friday I think I was doing math homework for hours...and hours... I might have actually done something that day, but I honestly can't remember what LoL OOOOOH YEAH. I had to wait for the lame-o telephone guy who was suppose to come (get this...) between the hours of 8am-8pm?! WTH?! geez could you get any less specific?! " oh yeah, we'll be there sometime in July..." ugh. So I spent the day inside, on a wonderfully sunny day that I could have been out. He eventually came at 3:30pm (so I didn't even have to wake up at 9am to see if he was going to come then) ugh. and then it took an hour and then he left. ...didn't really even say what the problem was, just that uh "hey check if it works..." I did and then he got in his van and left...that was all. ugh. I so did not need to be home?! arough. but I'm not bitter. not at all. LoL.

Saturday was scortching. I was stuck home friday, so on saturday I only had a little work left to do and so when I was done I went over to Chrissy's house and we checked out the new Bed Bath and Beyond at Bayfair. It looks really nice inside, the store does at least the mall is still a heaping pile of least it was air conditioned. anyhoo yeah, lots of checking out gadgets and buying pencils at that small imported stuff store in the mall "Millenium Zone" ?! ¿porqué Chrizzy? :( I frown. LoL

Sunday I volunteered and...well It's fun, but it's also work, whew I'm so wiped out after that! I took a 2 hour nap, and then for my sister's birthday we went to a Japanese restaurant in Fremont, the food was alright, but the service totally sucked, it took for friggin ever to get anything. we had to ask for boxes and the check like 3 times?! gah. that was lame, but oh well...Then there was cake and my cousin made cream puffs :) good stuff.

And today is monday. and for some reason I was super tired today, could barely keep my eyes open. oivey. but got through it, 3 more days of waking up at 6:45 :) and then I get to sleep in until like 9:30 ALRIGHT! :D

Pun of the Day (maybe not exactly pun, but punny phrase): "I'm keen on Keane"

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