Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Scheduling woe's

Woe is moi. I just checked the spring 2006 semister thingie and I'm gonna have a physics lab on Saturday Morning reguardless :( but if I plan it well, then I can have friday off again, which I haven't had in forever. So hopefully that'll work out...yeah.

Today math class was cancelled :D WHOOT HOOT. :D stoked about that :) and we "stumbled" upon some good luck today :) good luck for us some REALLY CRAPPY luck for friend found some money on the parking lot today...We kept it, which probably wasn't so morally right...but really who would go to the "lost and found" (which i don't know where it is) and ask if anyone dropped off money?! so yeah...but I still feel bad for whoever lost it. :(

This saturday I'm gonna go visit UCSC for their "presentation day" basically an open house and so we're (my mom and sister and possibly my dad) and check out a tour and some workshops...I hope that all goes well :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew i dropped my money SOMEWHERE!!! THanks for finding it for me, Teri!!
