Friday went to chrissy's house :) made spaghetti and sausage for kyle's goodbye lunch LoL, had some good caramel ice cream :) they played simpsons "hit and run" ..i think ? some simpsons game LoL pretty funny, and then we played a bit of ddr (with the masters ms. chrissy and janice) :D and then we said goodbye and I dropped him off. (sorry bout the lateness)
uhm yeah not much has happened LoL a lotta talking, whew. :) and a lotta reading bleh homework sucks. school overall isn't too bad when you're not spacing out LoL :)
siiiiii ooh I uploaded the pix, if you guys wanted to use it, here it is
the url is
Maria says:Hey man, school sucks. Well, sucks is the wrong word ... it just cost a lot and takes a lot of time and I have to wake up early and my back hurts. Anyway, hope school is fun for you, too!! I'm taking a break from stabbing my own fingers with an x-acto knife (I'm constructing various objects) just to say hello, so ... hello! And yeah, ... my mind just went blank cuz I'm so tired (I drank zero coffee today). Alright, time to get back to work. Miss ya! Buhbye.
Marrrrrrrrrrria :)
Hi mariaaaaaaaaaaa I miss you too! bah sucks about the xacto knifes! get a thimble people even have those any more? ...anywhoo yeah, I'm glad school's good for youuuu :D and we need to get together soon :D
buhahahahahaha. uhm yes. ADIOS. :D
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