I went shopppppppppping today! the first time I've gotten out since last friday. gah I need to get out more. Definitely needed today
Thank you Janice!!! so yes I finished off my paper today :D WHOOT! and then Janice and I went to checkout the sales at Stoneridge. :D We had quite of bit of fun at Aeropostal LoL :D I bought some jeans for $13.50 WHOOT! I love 'em then I bought 2 shirts for $22 and two keychain thingies...I probably shouldn't have bought the second one cause it wasn't really exactly what I wanted, but the one I wanted was pink. i really could not handle the pink. but I wanted the detachable clippie oh well :) LoL :D
uhm yessss and so we had some CPK, the garlic chicken was REALLY good :) (great choice janice) and then we kinda walked some of it off and then I took her back home :D
super good day!!! and new clothes! I haven't gotten those in a while LoL I knew working was good for something...:)
EDITED TO ADD: this freaking hilarious picture LoL!!! gah thanks
totally made me laugh :)
teri wu!!!! thank you for taking me shopping! it was a lotta fun :D i need to go out more too.. heheh and yes :) i am quite satisfied w/ my purchases, thank you for the persuasion :D and yes.. the pizza was good but you TREATED *shakes fist* and LMAO!! the picture is hilarious!! hahhahahah and i shall respond to the comic you sent me... he would REALLY do that inna convenience store.. hahahh :D
I'm glad you're satisified with your purchaes :) I love my jeans too :D
Treated? whom? what..sorry short term memory issues ;)
Re: the comic LoL gah i was cracking up ...too close to reality LoL
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