Happy 25th Anniversary Mom and Dad :)
Yay today was their celebration (the acutal thing is on wed.)
Most of today was planning and getting stuff for their celebration thingie. We went to party city to pick up baloons and then to fremont (to eat first with my aunt LoL) and then we shopped around a bit and then picked up their cake (mocha and apricot) YUMMY! Then we went to the home cause we forgot the address of the flower shop, so then we went back out to the flower shop, (15:20 and they closed at 15:30) so we got a hand boquet which looked really great :) They went to their dinner reservations at Kinkaids at 6:30 and we went to Auntie Kathy's house for dinner.
Uncle Wilbur and the little people were there...dinner was good...as usual :D uhm, then mom and dad came back from their dinner and we surprised them with the flowers, baloons and cake. and then came the real surprised, dad's ring for her :) gah it was soooooo nice :) she was genuinely surprised too :D Overall it was a really great night :) I'm glad they finally had one good evening :)
cha I didn't even know it was their 25th, until monday....they say %50 of people who get married get divorced...but I guess that still leaves %50 still together...Nowadays, that's something rare, and for 25 years? extraordinary...eventually I want a marrage that'll last that long.
That's mostly what I did today...uhm I started watching Meet Joe Black, it's got high points and REALLY low points, gah some parts I was nearly falling asleep, and then Brad Pitt breaks out with his Jamacian accent gah I was SO cracking up over that one LoL HA! super greatness. Stupid "encore", channel with no actual "encores" GAH!
I might even rent it, we got a 2 fer 1 card for block buster, and I still need to see whale rider. ...
Gah I should go to sleep now, I've been cranky and tired all day.
p.s. I don't know what to do with kids. really. don't hand them to me, I have no idea what to do with them. although i did learn how to build a cruise ship with legos today. ....it turned out the same..ish. legos have SUCKY instructions.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Thursday, September 23, 2004
College is great becauseeeeeee
It's great because teachers cancel class, and students get to go home at 10:15 :D....well I did :D super great :)
Super not great is me losing this really important card :( I have another one...but it's slightly uneasy that there's another card out there with the stuff I need on it...I REALLY don't know where'd it be at.....this really sucks :(
oh well tomorrow i'm hanging out with chrissy and maria...if I can find her LoL si so yeahhhh I dunno I'll post later ..some other time. gah getting shocked everytime you get out of the car sucks. booty.
I also got a few pictues from the monterey trip up :) I didn't take too many though :(
Pictures from our Monterey Trip :)
Super not great is me losing this really important card :( I have another one...but it's slightly uneasy that there's another card out there with the stuff I need on it...I REALLY don't know where'd it be at.....this really sucks :(
oh well tomorrow i'm hanging out with chrissy and maria...if I can find her LoL si so yeahhhh I dunno I'll post later ..some other time. gah getting shocked everytime you get out of the car sucks. booty.
I also got a few pictues from the monterey trip up :) I didn't take too many though :(
Pictures from our Monterey Trip :)
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Teri Go Boom.
Omg today was such a stressful day This weekend was really busy, I had work, dinner and other stuff to do and that english paper. So usually in math, we go over the section and then she suggests problems and it's up to you if you want to do them etc...so I totally forgot what we did on thursday so I figured it was just the same until yesterday afternoon i opened the book and was like OHCRAP! I have to do this "graded review" thingie...where she actually checks it unlike the rest of the "homeworks" So I was freaking out because it was 1, really hard and 2 worth points ( I suck at math and need all the points I can get) (But I figured it was worth 15 or 20 pts)
And then I had a psych test today too, and I wasn't that well prepared (probably the worst prepared I'd ever been for a test) and I needed to finish reading the chapter and going over all the notes, there was SO MUCH to review...So I was freaking out about that and spend all last night doing that :( and then early this morning too. I woke up at 6AM to try and study more and finish more of the math, which I couldn't get done.
So as I was going through the math syllabus I saw that we only have four of those "graded reviews" and that it was worth 100pts. same as a test! and I skipped like 5 outta 15 problems! I was about to have a mental breakdown...gah noooooooo bueno..
But at the end I was just like whatever, I did what I could; what's done is done, and I'll just have to do that much better on all the other tests, but I felt soooooooooo bad this morning BLEH. But I got through today...hakuna matata
I got my pictures back from my monterey trip, I didn't take too many, but the puter the scanner's hooked up to isn't working so I can't scan them yet :( But when I do I'll post the link
And then I had a psych test today too, and I wasn't that well prepared (probably the worst prepared I'd ever been for a test) and I needed to finish reading the chapter and going over all the notes, there was SO MUCH to review...So I was freaking out about that and spend all last night doing that :( and then early this morning too. I woke up at 6AM to try and study more and finish more of the math, which I couldn't get done.
So as I was going through the math syllabus I saw that we only have four of those "graded reviews" and that it was worth 100pts. same as a test! and I skipped like 5 outta 15 problems! I was about to have a mental breakdown...gah noooooooo bueno..
But at the end I was just like whatever, I did what I could; what's done is done, and I'll just have to do that much better on all the other tests, but I felt soooooooooo bad this morning BLEH. But I got through today...hakuna matata
I got my pictures back from my monterey trip, I didn't take too many, but the puter the scanner's hooked up to isn't working so I can't scan them yet :( But when I do I'll post the link
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Company Outting :)
This morning was raining! :( bleh....But I woke up at 9:30 and double checked if we were still having our co-worker bbq today :) and Patty, Rosolva and Rocio were already at the park so I showered and got ready and went to the park at 11
Almost everybody was already there, Rocio, Patty, Rosolva, Norbert, Tiffany, Harrison, Autumn and Elisa...I think that was it...and they were playing football, which I suck at so I just kinda watched. Then we snacked for a while, and we started getting hungry, but Peter was still at safeway getting ligher fluid which we needed to start cooking. He eventually came, and then we stared the bbq, and They stared cooking hotdogs, but we had no ice chest and no soap, we really needed soap so me and Harrison drove back to my house to get ice, an ice chest and soap. We also went to safeway to get more bottles of soda since we seemed to go through them pretty fast and they were on sale :D So we bought more ice at safeway and nearly outta the Greenhouse, we get a call and they want charcoal. bleh! so we had to drive back, and wait in line etc. for the charcoal. Then we went back to the park, not many people were really there since I guess it was Sunday and last night/this morning it was raining so their parties got cancled.
They had cooked some hotdogs by the time we got back and so we munched on those for a bit. Now that the soap was back, we started cooking the raw chicken etc and so I didn't want to eat it off of the nasty grill so, we wrapped it in foil (I tried suggesting that we cover the grill not the chicken, but they took it the other way around. So the chicken kinda steamed in its own juices, but it still was tasty and juicy :)
Autumn and Tiffany had to go, but Danielle came a lot later with no cupcakes :( But we ate listened to music, had fun, took tons of pictures :D and stuff. So we decided that instead of having danielle go to her house, pick up the cupcakes and bring them back, we would just go to her house. (bleh, so I put the cooler in the trunk, but I lifted up the carpet thingie thinking it would get dirty, and the plastic table would be easier to clean, but the cooler just moved all around and scratched everything up AHHHHHHH :( the table looks so messed up now :( I am so upset) Anywhoo so at Danielle's house, we saw her room and had cupcakes :) yay! We chilled there for a bit and then I had to be home for dinner and I was getting SO tired, so I left at 6pm, Peter and Elisa left too cause they had to go.
And the end! LoL it was pretty fun and YAY! I finally made it to one of the company outings! LoL
Almost everybody was already there, Rocio, Patty, Rosolva, Norbert, Tiffany, Harrison, Autumn and Elisa...I think that was it...and they were playing football, which I suck at so I just kinda watched. Then we snacked for a while, and we started getting hungry, but Peter was still at safeway getting ligher fluid which we needed to start cooking. He eventually came, and then we stared the bbq, and They stared cooking hotdogs, but we had no ice chest and no soap, we really needed soap so me and Harrison drove back to my house to get ice, an ice chest and soap. We also went to safeway to get more bottles of soda since we seemed to go through them pretty fast and they were on sale :D So we bought more ice at safeway and nearly outta the Greenhouse, we get a call and they want charcoal. bleh! so we had to drive back, and wait in line etc. for the charcoal. Then we went back to the park, not many people were really there since I guess it was Sunday and last night/this morning it was raining so their parties got cancled.
They had cooked some hotdogs by the time we got back and so we munched on those for a bit. Now that the soap was back, we started cooking the raw chicken etc and so I didn't want to eat it off of the nasty grill so, we wrapped it in foil (I tried suggesting that we cover the grill not the chicken, but they took it the other way around. So the chicken kinda steamed in its own juices, but it still was tasty and juicy :)
Autumn and Tiffany had to go, but Danielle came a lot later with no cupcakes :( But we ate listened to music, had fun, took tons of pictures :D and stuff. So we decided that instead of having danielle go to her house, pick up the cupcakes and bring them back, we would just go to her house. (bleh, so I put the cooler in the trunk, but I lifted up the carpet thingie thinking it would get dirty, and the plastic table would be easier to clean, but the cooler just moved all around and scratched everything up AHHHHHHH :( the table looks so messed up now :( I am so upset) Anywhoo so at Danielle's house, we saw her room and had cupcakes :) yay! We chilled there for a bit and then I had to be home for dinner and I was getting SO tired, so I left at 6pm, Peter and Elisa left too cause they had to go.
And the end! LoL it was pretty fun and YAY! I finally made it to one of the company outings! LoL
Friday, September 17, 2004
Helping the economy anyway I can LoL
I went shopppppppppping today! the first time I've gotten out since last friday. gah I need to get out more. Definitely needed today Thank you Janice!!! so yes I finished off my paper today :D WHOOT! and then Janice and I went to checkout the sales at Stoneridge. :D We had quite of bit of fun at Aeropostal LoL :D I bought some jeans for $13.50 WHOOT! I love 'em then I bought 2 shirts for $22 and two keychain thingies...I probably shouldn't have bought the second one cause it wasn't really exactly what I wanted, but the one I wanted was pink. i really could not handle the pink. but I wanted the detachable clippie oh well :) LoL :D
uhm yessss and so we had some CPK, the garlic chicken was REALLY good :) (great choice janice) and then we kinda walked some of it off and then I took her back home :D
super good day!!! and new clothes! I haven't gotten those in a while LoL I knew working was good for something...:)
EDITED TO ADD: this freaking hilarious picture LoL!!! gah thanks Al!!!!
totally made me laugh :)
uhm yessss and so we had some CPK, the garlic chicken was REALLY good :) (great choice janice) and then we kinda walked some of it off and then I took her back home :D
super good day!!! and new clothes! I haven't gotten those in a while LoL I knew working was good for something...:)
EDITED TO ADD: this freaking hilarious picture LoL!!! gah thanks Al!!!!
totally made me laugh :)
My Fatal Flaw, by Ephram Brown
Whoo I LOVE Everwood :) great show...too truthful, I wonder who actually wrote this. I was flipping through old random quotes and stuff I saved over the years, and this was something I was re-reading and thought it'd be nice to post.
My Fatal Flaw, by Ephram Brown
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm not sure who the first person was who said that. Probably Shakespeare. Or maybe Sting. But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change.
I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw. Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still... It feels safer somehow. And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected... Who knows what other pain might be out there, waiting for you. Chances are it could be even worse.
So you maintain the status quo. Choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad. Not as far as flaws go. You're not a drug addict. You're not killing anyone... Except maybe yourself a little.
When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden we're like this different person. I think it's smaller than that. The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked at us really close. Which, thank God, they never do.
But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like a world of difference. And you hope this is it. This is the person you get to be forever... that you'll never have to change again.
My Fatal Flaw, by Ephram Brown
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm not sure who the first person was who said that. Probably Shakespeare. Or maybe Sting. But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change.
I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw. Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still... It feels safer somehow. And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected... Who knows what other pain might be out there, waiting for you. Chances are it could be even worse.
So you maintain the status quo. Choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad. Not as far as flaws go. You're not a drug addict. You're not killing anyone... Except maybe yourself a little.
When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden we're like this different person. I think it's smaller than that. The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked at us really close. Which, thank God, they never do.
But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like a world of difference. And you hope this is it. This is the person you get to be forever... that you'll never have to change again.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Essay's suck.
I hate doing papers, but if I don't do it I feel so unproductive bleh. I need it done by monday.
Today I had a sociology test, I hate true or false questions. More than half the test was true or false. greeeeeeeeat. English test wasn't that bad. No more schooooool :( I deposited my check today yay! lol finally gah it takes me forever to do things like that.
I really don't wanna go back to my essay...
PMS sucks. sooper dooper sucks.
I have the shortest attention span right now.
I can't write about something this lame :( sooper dooper lame. I want to go do something fun...
I haven't done anything fun since...last thursday. that was a while ago.
It is way too hot to be 19:35.
Handsfree Headsets are great...until they randomly hang up on people...NOT MY FAULT.
"IIIIIIIIIIIII smiled through the blue for you"-go random evan and jaron song
I just feel like being super random.
Green pea soup sank in my stomach after the pumpernickle toast. (I SO was gonna write "humpernickle" there lol wow. that was immature)
"The philosopher, Kierkegaard, he said the most painful state of being is remembering the future. Particularly one you can never have."
Things change. The world spins. Time moves. Life goes on.
Today I had a sociology test, I hate true or false questions. More than half the test was true or false. greeeeeeeeat. English test wasn't that bad. No more schooooool :( I deposited my check today yay! lol finally gah it takes me forever to do things like that.
"The philosopher, Kierkegaard, he said the most painful state of being is remembering the future. Particularly one you can never have."
Things change. The world spins. Time moves. Life goes on.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Say Cheese! :D
Uhm, lessee. Not too much has happened...Thursday I finally quenched my thirst for a rootbeer float yummy I've been wanting one forever!...well not really only since sunday LoL :) uhm, yessss that was super good, and then hung out for a bit :)
Friday went to chrissy's house :) made spaghetti and sausage for kyle's goodbye lunch LoL, had some good caramel ice cream :) they played simpsons "hit and run" ..i think ? some simpsons game LoL pretty funny, and then we played a bit of ddr (with the masters ms. chrissy and janice) :D and then we said goodbye and I dropped him off. (sorry bout the lateness)
uhm yeah not much has happened LoL a lotta talking, whew. :) and a lotta reading bleh homework sucks. school overall isn't too bad when you're not spacing out LoL :)
siiiiii ooh I uploaded the pix, if you guys wanted to use it, here it is
the url is http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v324/teriberri21/studio1.jpg
Friday went to chrissy's house :) made spaghetti and sausage for kyle's goodbye lunch LoL, had some good caramel ice cream :) they played simpsons "hit and run" ..i think ? some simpsons game LoL pretty funny, and then we played a bit of ddr (with the masters ms. chrissy and janice) :D and then we said goodbye and I dropped him off. (sorry bout the lateness)
uhm yeah not much has happened LoL a lotta talking, whew. :) and a lotta reading bleh homework sucks. school overall isn't too bad when you're not spacing out LoL :)
siiiiii ooh I uploaded the pix, if you guys wanted to use it, here it is
the url is http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v324/teriberri21/studio1.jpg
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
I, am a little slow LoL
I finally saw I, Robot today after it's been out for billions of months, but this movie definitely made up for Once Upon A Time in Mexico...oi. :D thank you kyle :D
So I went to school...gah but it's only a three day week :) today we went over review math stuff, (go stuff i already know!) whoot LoL and then psych was just boring lectures :(
then I came home and did homework blaaaaah. lame reading :( and socio. uhm...let's see then yes, I went online for a while, talked on the phone during the daytime for more then 3 minutes...that's really weird. don't try to talk to me on the phone while i'm watchin tv, it produces unsatisfactory results....then decided to go to movies (dude. no one goes on tuesday nights) I drove (the volvo) and we went to go see I, Robot. movie theater was EMPTY. somebody made fun of me for wanting to check out the movie posters BAH. >( and then we sat in the empty movie theater for 20 minutes...still super empty [so we went at it like rabbits! ha. no okay, just seeing if you were paying attention (as of this date this was the only mention of rabbits)] . takes for ever to get comfy and i'm super paranoid about the hairs on the back of the chairs at the movie theater BLEH! bah and then we watched the movie, it was pretty good (one person wandered in about 5 minutes into it)
after the movie and all the credits, we went to Jamba Juice (passed all the lame people who have nothing else better to do on a tuesday night) and I got a "Lime It Up" (but they were out of lime shebert, so it was a lime it up rasberry which kyle claims tastes like strawberry pez, but it's been so long since i've had one i don't remember. ) he got an orange berry blitz, quite good I have to remember to get that sometime. uhm, yes then the Karmatic dolphin nearly poked his eyes out :D and then we drove home...si.
el fin?
So I went to school...gah but it's only a three day week :) today we went over review math stuff, (go stuff i already know!) whoot LoL and then psych was just boring lectures :(
then I came home and did homework blaaaaah. lame reading :( and socio. uhm...let's see then yes, I went online for a while, talked on the phone during the daytime for more then 3 minutes...that's really weird. don't try to talk to me on the phone while i'm watchin tv, it produces unsatisfactory results....then decided to go to movies (dude. no one goes on tuesday nights) I drove (the volvo) and we went to go see I, Robot. movie theater was EMPTY. somebody made fun of me for wanting to check out the movie posters BAH. >( and then we sat in the empty movie theater for 20 minutes...still super empty [so we went at it like rabbits! ha. no okay, just seeing if you were paying attention (as of this date this was the only mention of rabbits)] . takes for ever to get comfy and i'm super paranoid about the hairs on the back of the chairs at the movie theater BLEH! bah and then we watched the movie, it was pretty good (one person wandered in about 5 minutes into it)
after the movie and all the credits, we went to Jamba Juice (passed all the lame people who have nothing else better to do on a tuesday night) and I got a "Lime It Up" (but they were out of lime shebert, so it was a lime it up rasberry which kyle claims tastes like strawberry pez, but it's been so long since i've had one i don't remember. ) he got an orange berry blitz, quite good I have to remember to get that sometime. uhm, yes then the Karmatic dolphin nearly poked his eyes out :D and then we drove home...si.
el fin?
Monday, September 06, 2004
Kickin it with Chrissy and Janice :)
Dude you guys spoil me too much LoL BUT I'M OKAY :D okay LoL really. but it was a quite a fun...and HOT day bah! super hot :( uhm, let's see we had some GREEEEEEEEEEEEEAT pho :D and then we did uhm "stuff" ...had some cake and ice cream :) and then played DDR wow, i hadn't even attempted that since like last year! wow. yes,
doing homework suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. super duper sucks.
school does also but at least i only have three days this week :)
this end of this week is gonna suck major buttcakes.
"baa baa black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full." ;)
[I didn't flat-line! I swear, I'm still alive]
doing homework suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. super duper sucks.
school does also but at least i only have three days this week :)
this end of this week is gonna suck major buttcakes.
"baa baa black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full." ;)
[I didn't flat-line! I swear, I'm still alive]
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Give Life!
WHOO Chrissy and I gave blood today :) this time sucked more than last since the lady was like new at this, and she couldn't find the vein (which resulted in like SUPER constriction of my upper arm gah [stupid blood pressure cuffs]), when she did find the vein, she tried "anchoring" it, by pressing really hard on it, but that only resulted in her moving it over so when she poked me, it didn't work. >( and then they dug the needle around to find it...but didn't so after like 5 minutes of digging around they decided that they weren't gonna find it there, so i had to switch seats while they dug around my left arm. At least this time the woman found it and it was all good. It wasn't as scary and went SO much quicker (minus the "digging" time) gah we also got hot dogs since it was a Labor Day bbq too :) yay! uhm yes...ran some errands "special" errands :D Can't wait to show most of you guys...and tomorrow "SAY CHEESE!"
You all better make it! :D yes okay :) adios for now. over and out.
You all better make it! :D yes okay :) adios for now. over and out.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
this was lame, but I had to do it LoL :D

hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
This hilarious joke, courtsy of Chrissy...:D
"why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?"
"to get to the BOTTOM"
here are two more to make ya smile...
What do cannabolistic Japanese men eat?
RAMEN! (Get it? raw-men heh heh heh)
Okay here's a second one...
Which one does not belong? Lobster, Crab, Salmon or an japanese man under a steamroller?
the salmon! the rest are "crustaceans" ....(crushed asians) heh heh heh..okay yeah. well i laughed....
math sucks, so does psychology. tomorrow's gonna suck, but then it's the last day before the holiday weekend :) that'll be good...I'm hanging out at the Official Bumming HQ (i.e. chrissy's house) they're killin all the ants yay! and yes. so i have to leave..unless i wanna grow a third arm. yes. okay. I guess that's it. I've had way too much deep fried stuff this week. baaaaaaad teri. i must go back to the cardboard healthy stuff...soon. LoL ..."back" HA! I've never even gone there LoL...I've just gotta stop with the deep friedness...yes. school requires a lot of reading.
old pictures look different when you see them years later...blowing bubbles is always fun, always seems to brighten up my day a bit :D
"why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?"
"to get to the BOTTOM"
here are two more to make ya smile...
What do cannabolistic Japanese men eat?
RAMEN! (Get it? raw-men heh heh heh)
Okay here's a second one...
Which one does not belong? Lobster, Crab, Salmon or an japanese man under a steamroller?
the salmon! the rest are "crustaceans" ....(crushed asians) heh heh heh..okay yeah. well i laughed....
math sucks, so does psychology. tomorrow's gonna suck, but then it's the last day before the holiday weekend :) that'll be good...I'm hanging out at the Official Bumming HQ (i.e. chrissy's house) they're killin all the ants yay! and yes. so i have to leave..unless i wanna grow a third arm. yes. okay. I guess that's it. I've had way too much deep fried stuff this week. baaaaaaad teri. i must go back to the cardboard healthy stuff...soon. LoL ..."back" HA! I've never even gone there LoL...I've just gotta stop with the deep friedness...yes. school requires a lot of reading.
old pictures look different when you see them years later...blowing bubbles is always fun, always seems to brighten up my day a bit :D
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