it's a great story...and everyone should watch hockey
The action is pretty good :)
uhm and mainly
Michael Mantenuto (who plays Jack O'Callahan "OC")
Eddie Cahill (who play Jim Craig) that one's for you Al LoL
Heya, this is the moment. It changes quite frequently. Read, leave a comment, peer into my life as you please. :)
(meez Jano here) woah.. *drools* great picture of Mike.. man tero.. you ALWAYS pick out the right guys. such great taste *applauds* you ARE the leader. *salutes*
"We regret to announce the untimely expiration of Alexandria, who on the 4th of October of this year was randomly buried alive by a couple of passing gremlins. This unfortunate incident occurred in the forest in Seattle, WA. The deceased was reported to have shouted "Well, there goes the rest of my day..." just before expiring. Alexandria is survived by fifty or so gerbils. Funeral services will be held the 2nd of next month."
EDDIE CAY-HIll! MIKE MANTENUEDO.. or whatever. Gah. WONDERRRRRFUL movie. Hooyah. I just had a burrito. Mmmmm. Hockey.
It's Javs
Do they have the same hairdresser or something? :P
I'm bored! And I keep getting the server is busy stick at FF >:| Bloody americans coming on at this time and blocking up the server :P
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