Tuesday, July 27, 2004

salutations world!!! :D This is not Miss TeriBerri, but another one of her bummy friends :) whoo! yes, she has so kindly let me post an entry in her blog dealie today ^_^ whoo hoo! let's do a lil quick recap of the events that occurred today :)

- cruised over to Teri's hut at 9 am this morning (or a Domicile.. sp.. according to Janice)
- went for a lazy walk by the bay on the san fran bay trail (came across a buncha crap.. literally)
- talked about how dense Kyle is and how off his definition of the word "date" was (Kyle you are such a sunnuvuh*OOHN OOHN!*)
- made a doodle of Frizzy and Chrizzy lounging lazily on the beach under an island palm tree in the sand by our island on the way back (too bad we didn't have a camera :P)
- walked four and a half miles today O.O; (my legs feel like *OOHN OOHN!* now)
- rewarded ourselves with gigantamous slices of italian sausage pizza :D yum
- meandered our way back to Teri's house at roughly 13:00 ish :)
- Kyle stalked us the whole morning and called/came over right when we came through the front door
- bummed all afternoon watching brain-shrinking TV (:O we saw LANSTEN!!!)
- saw part of Secondhand Lions (apparently safari animals are used as hand-me-downs nowadays..; Kyle seemed to be engaged in that movie)
- had OOBERLY good dindin of spare ribs, laxative greens (YUM!) and rice :D an asian staple (which would really work cuz it sticks and keeps things together)
- saw Paula Deen on the tele-tube (she's a fond friend of butter)
- had some leftover Loard's ice cream cake :D
- raided Teri's computer and randomly posting comments on various things :]
- trying to think up of bad puns :D
- smiling from a very productive and FUN day ^_^

that's about it folks! today was very fun, more time with the FRIZZY-OLA :D (ya hear that Klye? Kyled... Kyle! yeah)

ai eez nawt schmartt; buhtt mah fahza eez!

later gators.. raiders.. crusaders.. invaders.. haters.. iambic pentameters.. crap, i hate english

Do you have a shovel? Rope? synchronized watches? abuttfor?
What's abuttfor?
For pooping, silly.

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