Finall the rush over, now I have to prepare for the long haul, i.e. finals. AUARGHOh 4 exams, and then lab reports and notebook for only 2 classes? it's absurd, really. Whatever,
I finally got those pictures posted, and I got the ones on film back today :) not as sharp as I'd like them to be, but still not bad. When I get the film ones scanned in I'll add them in also :)
That's a sample because I can't fit them all in there, but here's the whole album :)
Sharks :)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Final Moods
Last night was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!! :D ...more on that later when I see if I get any good pictures back...dude I hope I do, I may cry if they all turn out like crap. aurhg. anywhoo Now it's back to reality and I'm in a really irritable mood. (Beware...) But, "You take the good you take the bad, you take 'em both and there ya have the facts of life, the facts of life" ...and finals are just a fact of life
I'll post the pictures I do have...most likely December 19th. THE LAST DAY OF FINALS !!!!!!!! (it may be the 18th...i'll find out tuesday I suppose...)
I'll post the pictures I do have...most likely December 19th. THE LAST DAY OF FINALS !!!!!!!! (it may be the 18th...i'll find out tuesday I suppose...)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
"Don't blame the killer whale, it's just living up to its name..."
SeaWorld's Punishment For Shamu
Just some humorous commentary reguarding the incident at sea world with the trainer and one of the whales. But seriously they're wild animals, as craig said, "it's not called the snuggly whale." They're not meant to be played with.
SeaWorld's Punishment For Shamu
Just some humorous commentary reguarding the incident at sea world with the trainer and one of the whales. But seriously they're wild animals, as craig said, "it's not called the snuggly whale." They're not meant to be played with.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Random Blog
Dude....seriously crazy low fog yesterday, like freakin' London! LoL I thought it was pretty cool I wish I had time to pull over and take some pictures, ooh, that would have made some pretty awesome pictures. :( bummage.
Today we didn't have to get to lab until 9 to take our quiz WHOO! ...although I wish I wouldn't have had to take the quiz at all. I studied last night...but not as well as I should have. I totally failed I only got like 3 out of 10 things right and I got last week's quiz back and I got a 6/10 :( lame. and the exam is tuesday. arugh. I'm stressing out kinda bad cause she said she was going to make the tests hard...but the first one was pretty easy and she realized that after grading it so I think this one will be a lot harder to compensate. ...blehmblehm.
I voted yesterday WHOO :) There are few things not so awesome about america...but voting is pretty damn awesome.
Went to the harvest feastival on saturday :D WHOO that was pretty fun, it's getting a little bit smaller each year, but it's still pretty big, around 200 stalls and there are shows throughout the day, during lunch we heard the band play, not bad not great and then we stuck around for the Barbary Coast Cloggers, freakin' awesome. And then stuck around for the magic show...pretty funny and some of the tricks were entertaining :) More shopping and stuff I wasn't planning on buying any more jewlery but I just got sucked in LoL 2 bracelets and a necklace I usually don't buy bracelets but these ones I could actually put on by myself and so I figured why not. ;)
Mmm if more pictures turn out okay I'll scan them in and post them I suppose that's all for now :)
Today we didn't have to get to lab until 9 to take our quiz WHOO! ...although I wish I wouldn't have had to take the quiz at all. I studied last night...but not as well as I should have. I totally failed I only got like 3 out of 10 things right and I got last week's quiz back and I got a 6/10 :( lame. and the exam is tuesday. arugh. I'm stressing out kinda bad cause she said she was going to make the tests hard...but the first one was pretty easy and she realized that after grading it so I think this one will be a lot harder to compensate. ...blehmblehm.
I voted yesterday WHOO :) There are few things not so awesome about america...but voting is pretty damn awesome.
Went to the harvest feastival on saturday :D WHOO that was pretty fun, it's getting a little bit smaller each year, but it's still pretty big, around 200 stalls and there are shows throughout the day, during lunch we heard the band play, not bad not great and then we stuck around for the Barbary Coast Cloggers, freakin' awesome. And then stuck around for the magic show...pretty funny and some of the tricks were entertaining :) More shopping and stuff I wasn't planning on buying any more jewlery but I just got sucked in LoL 2 bracelets and a necklace I usually don't buy bracelets but these ones I could actually put on by myself and so I figured why not. ;)
Mmm if more pictures turn out okay I'll scan them in and post them I suppose that's all for now :)
Friday, November 03, 2006
Photo 50 Scans
Here are some scans of my pictures for my photo 50 class. I tried scanning using greyscale, but it makes some of the areas too dark and if you scan in color, it gets more detail, but it looks brownish :( and I didn't tone these photos. Hopefully when I sort that out, the scans will turn out better. But for now here they are...
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Cello Journey #17, Halloween Episode: Popper Gnomentanz
"This is a special Halloween episode of Cello Journey. Me and Ross play the Gnomentanz (Dance of The Gnomes) by David Popper. It is a somewhat menacing and spooky piece with a happy major section in the middle. Happy Halloween!"
Playing a Gnome song for halloween....coincidence? I think not. Der Gnomentanz.
"This is a special Halloween episode of Cello Journey. Me and Ross play the Gnomentanz (Dance of The Gnomes) by David Popper. It is a somewhat menacing and spooky piece with a happy major section in the middle. Happy Halloween!"
Playing a Gnome song for halloween....coincidence? I think not. Der Gnomentanz.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
As per Maria's instruction I shall fiendishly blog. LoL This morning was supposed to be an awesome morning to spend Breakfast with Maria, and to cross off a "to do" on my list...Well the breakfast was good.... So Maria came over and we had breakfast and chatted :) Good "sunday morning" talk, just on a saturday morning :) Then she went to go put on her face and I was going to take 36 pictures of her magnificant face hoping that 1 or 2 shots would actually do her justice.
As I was doing this, I thought something might have been a little wrong, but it was morning and I was in denial. :( So at the end of the roll which coincided with Maria finishing putting on her make-up, I pushed the release button and then began to rewind the film...only to find that I just rewound the tail end...Which means that I just sealed an unused roll of film. :( lame.
I hadn't loaded a roll of film on in a while and I guess I wasn't thinking and while I tucked the end of the film into the side, I didn't lock the film onto the sprockets so it just fell off and I was winding nothing. :(
But as Maria's mug said this morning, "Shiitake Happens."
And so life goes on, I went to Wolf Camera, bought another $6 roll and also some negative sleeve protectors cause I needed those and then went home to load the roll of film on properly. Maybe I'll take some of my family, and of Maria and hopefully get it done by monday so I can develop monday night :)
Thank goodness for my friends and family, without them, I'd be the Anti-Scientology guy screaming at the top of my lungs red faced, balding, and veins popping out of my head. So thank you all. :)
As I was doing this, I thought something might have been a little wrong, but it was morning and I was in denial. :( So at the end of the roll which coincided with Maria finishing putting on her make-up, I pushed the release button and then began to rewind the film...only to find that I just rewound the tail end...Which means that I just sealed an unused roll of film. :( lame.
I hadn't loaded a roll of film on in a while and I guess I wasn't thinking and while I tucked the end of the film into the side, I didn't lock the film onto the sprockets so it just fell off and I was winding nothing. :(
But as Maria's mug said this morning, "Shiitake Happens."
And so life goes on, I went to Wolf Camera, bought another $6 roll and also some negative sleeve protectors cause I needed those and then went home to load the roll of film on properly. Maybe I'll take some of my family, and of Maria and hopefully get it done by monday so I can develop monday night :)
Thank goodness for my friends and family, without them, I'd be the Anti-Scientology guy screaming at the top of my lungs red faced, balding, and veins popping out of my head. So thank you all. :)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sometimes it's like staring into a pool and wanting to jump in, but knowing you can't swim. Staring at its beauty, shimmering and watching the reflections of light dancing on the surface, still knowing should you enter it'll be your death.
What if there is no one? What if you live your whole life and no one is waiting? ...I have to learn to live the life that I have got.
The Lake House
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Long time no chat
Uhm. not much has gone on...I have SO much to say...and nothing to say at all. I'm way more into hockey...for the first time since the "Labor dispute" arugh. It's something to look forward to :) ...when they win LoL Tonight...not such a night. but you gotta take the good with the bad...apparently it's the facts of life. ;)
School has been going as well as fact a WHOLE lot better than last year. I'm not saying it's not tough and a pain in the butt sometimes, but it's a lot more balanced. Last semister I felt like I was about to die after the first 3 weeks or so...there's been slight ups and downs...but everything's been pretty reasonable.
Pretty crazy 2 weeks have passed though...and I think that's enough about that...hopefully there will be less excitment around the house..I have been very cranky for the past two weeks too...I hope that'll pass cause it's stressful on me too. but damn....i pinch. i want to pinch. a little pinch?
I have two fatty zits on my forehead leading me to look like a unicorn...or a rhinocerous. I got to help move a tortoise at the zoo last week...geez those are heavy mofos. and they made cool noises. Things have been going good.
School has been going as well as fact a WHOLE lot better than last year. I'm not saying it's not tough and a pain in the butt sometimes, but it's a lot more balanced. Last semister I felt like I was about to die after the first 3 weeks or so...there's been slight ups and downs...but everything's been pretty reasonable.
Pretty crazy 2 weeks have passed though...and I think that's enough about that...hopefully there will be less excitment around the house..I have been very cranky for the past two weeks too...I hope that'll pass cause it's stressful on me too. but damn....i pinch. i want to pinch. a little pinch?
I have two fatty zits on my forehead leading me to look like a unicorn...or a rhinocerous. I got to help move a tortoise at the zoo last week...geez those are heavy mofos. and they made cool noises. Things have been going good.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
My current mood
My personal mood
I am effin' pissed off. I just spent three effin' hours in the effin' photo lab developing pictures that still haven't come out right. And it's not that it's a difficult project, cause other people have come in and finished it in under an hour. For some reason I just can't do it and it's so effin' frusterating because it is just so damn easy!
And I'm on the rag so I am just pissed off in general and the damn hormones are screwing with me. I got so frusterated that I was literally about to cry and that made me even more pissed off.
Mood changed
My personal mood
I am effin' pissed off. I just spent three effin' hours in the effin' photo lab developing pictures that still haven't come out right. And it's not that it's a difficult project, cause other people have come in and finished it in under an hour. For some reason I just can't do it and it's so effin' frusterating because it is just so damn easy!
And I'm on the rag so I am just pissed off in general and the damn hormones are screwing with me. I got so frusterated that I was literally about to cry and that made me even more pissed off.
Mood changed
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Geez time flies. Weekend Recap
Man, time flies, it just seems like thursday when I was excited for my first holiday...and now I'm sad because my next holiday isn't until Thanksgiving. LAME.
Thursday, went to class...Went to Wolf camera. found out that my pictures are going to take 7-10 business days to pick up, oops. I should have asked about that before I left, oh well live and learn. Bought 2 rolls of film, 24 exp. :( I need 36 for class, again didn't check until I got home and after I opened the box. oh well Live and Learn, I just really wasn't focused on Thursday. :( Hung out with Elisa WHOOOO and Mr. Poopie Pants, who is going to be put up for adoption :( sadly, so we walked the dogs for about a half hour, then Elisa abandoned me to go to work.
Friday, went with Maria to Barney's freaking best burgers ever. My intentions were not totally pure, I wanted to use Maria for all of her photography knowledge :D :D :D So she drove the red car! never got to ride in a Del Sol before* (for more than 30 seconds that is) We hung out at my house for a bit, she helped me use up the stupid role of 24 exp. that I used and then showed me some of her old projects and stuff and unloaded infinite amounts of knowledge on me. I learned more from her in 30 minutes than I have from my instructor the 2 or 3 weeks I've been in that class.
Then she so skillfully drove us to Berkeley to the most awesome photo shop which actually has the film I need unlike Wolf Camera and the stupid bookstore. I bought some awesome film and paper packages so when it comes time to print I don't even need to go out to get paper WHOO! At the photoshop Maria also unloaded her super knowledge of German knowing the phrase "Boring Postcards." There was a book titled "Boring Postcards" in german at the register and Maria just read it outloud, like she speaks german everday. It was awesome. And then it was off to Albany :) Barney's burgers, my first photo assignment was to photograph the "Great American Burger" or "something of special importance..." the burger seemed to fit both. LoL So I learned a lot more, took a bunch of photographs, of maria and burgers and milkshakes. I had a "Turkish Coffee Milkshake" ... which we decided was basically all of the left over coffee grounds from the past week put in with some vanilla ice cream and milk. It was AWESOME. I was seriously up for the rest of the weekend on that LoL. Ate a bacon cheese burger which filled me up for the next 24 hours. Maria gave me an awesome scenic tour of the whole east bay, and so skillfully avoided traffic. Her beauty cannot be tainted by sitting in traffic. We also dropped a burger off at Sportsmart to Ben who was working. passed the "Scrapper Gurls" car or something...interesting colors
Came back home, then went to the A's game for fireworks night. Good game, kinda cold, but the fireworks were awesome :D Man I didn't eat anything that whole day...not until noon the next day...and I didn't even eat the whole burger. oi.
Saturday went to Gilroy for outlet shopping, bought 2 shirts, only 5 bucks at the gap, everywhere was major sales for Labor Day. Jeans were like 14.99, but I didn't really need anything, so I tried not to buy anything...Ate dinner at Mimi's Cafe, had this grilled chicken with MASHED POTATOES AND GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVY!
Sunday Volunteered...slept, did homework, breaked, homework and then went to dinner in Burlingame (i can't spell.) at an Italian Restaurant, Il Foranio awesome bread, the actual meal was alright... But they had matchboxes which was way cool :)
Today, did homework, watched tv, studied for some quizzes...relaxed and chilled at home :) wonderful day. :)
Thursday, went to class...Went to Wolf camera. found out that my pictures are going to take 7-10 business days to pick up, oops. I should have asked about that before I left, oh well live and learn. Bought 2 rolls of film, 24 exp. :( I need 36 for class, again didn't check until I got home and after I opened the box. oh well Live and Learn, I just really wasn't focused on Thursday. :( Hung out with Elisa WHOOOO and Mr. Poopie Pants, who is going to be put up for adoption :( sadly, so we walked the dogs for about a half hour, then Elisa abandoned me to go to work.
Friday, went with Maria to Barney's freaking best burgers ever. My intentions were not totally pure, I wanted to use Maria for all of her photography knowledge :D :D :D So she drove the red car! never got to ride in a Del Sol before* (for more than 30 seconds that is) We hung out at my house for a bit, she helped me use up the stupid role of 24 exp. that I used and then showed me some of her old projects and stuff and unloaded infinite amounts of knowledge on me. I learned more from her in 30 minutes than I have from my instructor the 2 or 3 weeks I've been in that class.
Then she so skillfully drove us to Berkeley to the most awesome photo shop which actually has the film I need unlike Wolf Camera and the stupid bookstore. I bought some awesome film and paper packages so when it comes time to print I don't even need to go out to get paper WHOO! At the photoshop Maria also unloaded her super knowledge of German knowing the phrase "Boring Postcards." There was a book titled "Boring Postcards" in german at the register and Maria just read it outloud, like she speaks german everday. It was awesome. And then it was off to Albany :) Barney's burgers, my first photo assignment was to photograph the "Great American Burger" or "something of special importance..." the burger seemed to fit both. LoL So I learned a lot more, took a bunch of photographs, of maria and burgers and milkshakes. I had a "Turkish Coffee Milkshake" ... which we decided was basically all of the left over coffee grounds from the past week put in with some vanilla ice cream and milk. It was AWESOME. I was seriously up for the rest of the weekend on that LoL. Ate a bacon cheese burger which filled me up for the next 24 hours. Maria gave me an awesome scenic tour of the whole east bay, and so skillfully avoided traffic. Her beauty cannot be tainted by sitting in traffic. We also dropped a burger off at Sportsmart to Ben who was working. passed the "Scrapper Gurls" car or something...interesting colors
Came back home, then went to the A's game for fireworks night. Good game, kinda cold, but the fireworks were awesome :D Man I didn't eat anything that whole day...not until noon the next day...and I didn't even eat the whole burger. oi.
Saturday went to Gilroy for outlet shopping, bought 2 shirts, only 5 bucks at the gap, everywhere was major sales for Labor Day. Jeans were like 14.99, but I didn't really need anything, so I tried not to buy anything...Ate dinner at Mimi's Cafe, had this grilled chicken with MASHED POTATOES AND GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVY!
Sunday Volunteered...slept, did homework, breaked, homework and then went to dinner in Burlingame (i can't spell.) at an Italian Restaurant, Il Foranio awesome bread, the actual meal was alright... But they had matchboxes which was way cool :)
Today, did homework, watched tv, studied for some quizzes...relaxed and chilled at home :) wonderful day. :)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Duuuuude. today was such a bizarro day. I woke up and I just had this like nervousness, anxiety running through me like it was way worse than stress. I sometimes have it before something important like a meeting or when I have to do something that involves new other people. But today, the whole day I had this serious high anxiety thing going on, headaches, heart was racing and I don't even know why. The whole day I thought something terrible would happen because I felt like that, thank goodness nothing did, but I can't even think of what would provoke that :( I hope something doesn't like go absolutely terrible tomorrow... :/
...then again "Celebrity Duets" premiers tonight...what is the world coming to? . :(
...then again "Celebrity Duets" premiers tonight...what is the world coming to? . :(
Friday, August 25, 2006
The Unknown Citizen
by W. H. Auden
He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be
One against whom there was no official complaint,
And all the reports on his conduct agree
That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a saint,
For in everything he did he served the Greater Community.
Except for the War till the day he retired
He worked in a factory and never got fired,
But satisfied his employers, Fudge Motors Inc.
Yet he wasn't a scab or odd in his views,
For his Union reports that he paid his dues,
(Our report on his Union shows it was sound)
And our Social Psychology workers found
That he was popular with his mates and liked a drink.
The Press are convinced that he bought a paper every day
And that his reactions to advertisements were normal in every way.
Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured,
And his Health-card shows he was once in a hospital but left it cured.
Both Producers Research and High-Grade Living declare
He was fully sensible to the advantages of the Instalment Plan
And had everything necessary to the Modern Man,
A phonograph, a radio, a car and a frigidaire.
Our researchers into Public Opinion are content
That he held the proper opinions for the time of year;
When there was peace, he was for peace: when there was war, he went.
He was married and added five children to the population,
Which our Eugenist says was the right number for a parent of his generation.
And our teachers report that he never interfered with their education.
Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd:
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.
by W. H. Auden
He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be
One against whom there was no official complaint,
And all the reports on his conduct agree
That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a saint,
For in everything he did he served the Greater Community.
Except for the War till the day he retired
He worked in a factory and never got fired,
But satisfied his employers, Fudge Motors Inc.
Yet he wasn't a scab or odd in his views,
For his Union reports that he paid his dues,
(Our report on his Union shows it was sound)
And our Social Psychology workers found
That he was popular with his mates and liked a drink.
The Press are convinced that he bought a paper every day
And that his reactions to advertisements were normal in every way.
Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured,
And his Health-card shows he was once in a hospital but left it cured.
Both Producers Research and High-Grade Living declare
He was fully sensible to the advantages of the Instalment Plan
And had everything necessary to the Modern Man,
A phonograph, a radio, a car and a frigidaire.
Our researchers into Public Opinion are content
That he held the proper opinions for the time of year;
When there was peace, he was for peace: when there was war, he went.
He was married and added five children to the population,
Which our Eugenist says was the right number for a parent of his generation.
And our teachers report that he never interfered with their education.
Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd:
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I *heart* the internet
...but I don't heart organic chemistry. :/
First thing's first. Anyone can have "15 seconds" of fame on the internet! :D send in a quote to and it'll get posted on the top banner, send in a picture to fox sports net and it'll get posted on the "playoff beard's page" and may even get broadcasted during the next playoff game, send a question to George Duran and he may answer it himself :)
Ham on the Street Blog
Next terms' schedule, here it goes...not great, but could be worse. Monday I don't start until noon :D :D :D I've never had that, so that's good, Tuesday 9am-1pm...not bad :) Wednesday...that's where the "not great" part comes in. O-Chem lab at 7:25-11:55, bio lec 12:00-1:15 and then bio lab from 1:30-4:20... yeah Not so thrilled about wednesdays...but you've just gotta go with the flow sometimes. Photo class from 9:00-9:50 and O-Chem lec from 10:00-10:45....
Bueno: Monday I start at noon, I have no class friday's or saturday's :) and no huge breaks. Those are all huge thumb's up
Malo: Wednesday is one heck of a long day...
So the Bueno's outweigh the Malo's :) I really hope this semister goes well :D *fingers crossed*
First thing's first. Anyone can have "15 seconds" of fame on the internet! :D send in a quote to and it'll get posted on the top banner, send in a picture to fox sports net and it'll get posted on the "playoff beard's page" and may even get broadcasted during the next playoff game, send a question to George Duran and he may answer it himself :)
Ham on the Street Blog
Next terms' schedule, here it goes...not great, but could be worse. Monday I don't start until noon :D :D :D I've never had that, so that's good, Tuesday 9am-1pm...not bad :) Wednesday...that's where the "not great" part comes in. O-Chem lab at 7:25-11:55, bio lec 12:00-1:15 and then bio lab from 1:30-4:20... yeah Not so thrilled about wednesdays...but you've just gotta go with the flow sometimes. Photo class from 9:00-9:50 and O-Chem lec from 10:00-10:45....
Bueno: Monday I start at noon, I have no class friday's or saturday's :) and no huge breaks. Those are all huge thumb's up
Malo: Wednesday is one heck of a long day...
So the Bueno's outweigh the Malo's :) I really hope this semister goes well :D *fingers crossed*
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Infinitely long post.
This is going to be a long one.
As 'they' say, the best place to start is from the beginning. :D ...except when pictures are involved. People always flip through the pictures first, so I thought I'd put them at the top of the post
Pictures from Saturday and Monday are posted at Costco photos, you have to sign up :( sorry 'bout that, but I'll most likely be posting my pictures from there since they have unlimited space. Photos from Saturday and Monday
Here are some of Elisa's photos from when I went to San Francisco with her and maria and ben. Elisa's Photos
Soooo here goes.
Thursday August 3rd. Went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Benny's birthday with a bunch of his friends from Davis. :) Good food, good times and Tiffany got a super awesome cake for him, all the servers asked where she got it from. Sadly some of the candles burned...and burned fast dripping a bit on the cake, but wax is non toxic, so what the hey LoL :)
Friday August 4th. Went to go donate blood, first time since last october, it's been a while. I've either not had the time to go that day, or been on the rag when they have been here. I went with my mom, she dropped me off and then went to drop off my dad's shoes at the cobbler (are they still called that?). So I went through the whole thing, history and everything, that's on the computer now, still the same amount of questions but you click yes or no instead of circling it LoL. All of that was well, and then I got to the donating part. Arugh. freakin' noob. He was really weird, like he'd joke hecka loud with the other nurses or dr's there...and then he'd look at me and be all "professional" ...which seriously came off like a jerk. It was obvious he had some sense of humor, but he was just acting like an ass, and then he couldn't find the vein, so he was jabbin' me like five billion times, and had to ask the other lady to come over, then she found it and got it. And then it was all right. Only when he pulled it out, I don't think he put enough pressure on it, he told me to press down in one spot, and then move I did, either way I ended up with a sore arm and one fatty ass bruise when I normally never ever get bruises that side. I looked like a freakin' junkie. but I did save three lives!. *look*
Then, me and my mom went to Pak N Save and bought the necessary groceries for the partay on saturday :D WHOOT! And then I went to sleep cause I was sleeeepppppyyyy
Saturday August 5th. I got up at 7:40am. I swear, I showered, ate and everything, but somehow I still didn't manage to leave the house until 9:10am I think I should have loaded everything the night before, but oh well went to Safeway to get ice and then left for Tiffany's house. I was the last one there, oops. So since I got there a little late, we left right after I got there to go to santa cruz. Driving there was fairly uneventful.
Getting to the Mystery Spot. freakin' out in the boonies man. Good thing I had my super deeedooper navigator there, Tiffany, who had already been there and totally knew where to go, or else I would have been so screwed LoL. I thought it'd be lame, but it really wasn't it was pretty cool, the tour guide was ...what's the word...less than thrilled? but still had a wry sense of humor. The whole thing was really cool and most awesome part? TOTALLY GOT A BUMPER STICKER!!!!!!! *insert emmense amounts of excitment here* I have seen this sticker around forever, since I was a little kid and now I get to be apart of the club too! :D :D :D
Then we went to the Boardwalk to eat lunch on the beach. Sounds like a good idea right? Well we got there I think a little after noon, and there was a strong man competetion and a beach volleyball competetion=muchos personas. We got stuck on the street directly behind the boardwalk, and by stuck, I mean literally stuck cause it was so freakin' blocked up we were basically parked. Then a firetruck decided to come down the street, so all the people were moving to the side, luckily they had wide bike lanes so there was room to move to the side, and while all the cars were adjusting, I managed to make my way out of that mess and up back around to a public parking lot. The closer one was full :( but the one a little farther away was empty and only 5$ for the whole day. So, Benny, Maria, Elisa and I took all of the stuff out of the car and walked to the Boardwalk. Kyle and co. decided to take the long route around and eventually parked at the same lot we did LoL.
We made sandwiches on the beach. and used up practically all of the goods :D WHOOT which means a lot less to carry back :) Wadded around in the water a lot, will probably be banished to the third ring of hell for making fun of the "marker" like we did LoL. Quickly walked through some of the shops with Chrissy and then bathed in the sun, feeling very serene with Tiff and Maria and Elisa :) Very Kick butt day.
Then we headed downtown parked at a free lot WHOO!!! and Walked around the downtown stores, few shops, Elisa bought some shoes :) and a lot of us bought Jamba melon-ade wave was pink. Benny's and Justin's not pink...mine, pink. Exact same drink, but pink. the running idea was that it contained grapes...hence the pinkish hue, but they were supposed to be white grapes. oh well. still tasted good LoL and refreshing. After walking down the main street of downtown, and then walking back, we decided on going to a mexican restaurant Acapulco.
Good food at Acapulco for a good price :) I enjoyed, everyone chipped in for my meal too THANKS ALL! Service was a bit slow, but then again, they were busy..but most awesome chips and salsa. we definitely filled up on that LoL And afterwards, Gelato!!!!!!!! I had a blueberry and cream one :) soooo great, there were a bunch of flavors too :) Then we headed back to home.
Met up at Tiffany's house for a quick bit where I opened my gift from Benny and Elisa :D great game of "Would you rather" (Which we tested out a few days later) And then I went home
Got home, cleaned out all the sand...and boy howdy there was a lot of it, and went to sleep
Sunday August 6th. Woke up at 7:30am, went to volunteer at the zoo. Dead freakin' tired, but went none the less. Only me and the keeper, like the old days so no noobs lockin' me in the bear enclosures *arugh* :) nice and quiet :) Got home and napped again :)
Monday August 7th. Woke up at 7:00am, got ready and left the house at 8:00am to go to Monterey. Went with my aunt and my sister and my little cousin. Normally it's just my aunt and my sister and me when we go on these little side trips, but they decided to take my cousin along this time cause he's out of school. So, we went to the Aquarium first, it was a lot of fun, I hadn't been there in a while :) and then we had lunch at the Fish Hopper, it was right along the water. It was the restaurant where we had lunch last time, when all of us went to Monterey :) Good times. I had their soup in a breadbowl, but their bread was sucky :( Soup was awesome! Looked out side, got to see the seals sun bathing on the rocks and some birds go by and such, wonderful lunch. Went back in to the aquarium to finish off the rest of the exhibits. We went to one where they had jellyfish and pieces of artwork, and it was soooooo awesome, people can be so creative. I loved it. at like 3:30 ish, I was soooo tired from the very busy weekend and so we left once we saw everything and then walked around some of the shops on cannery row. Drove around for a little while along the beach and such and the went to dinner.
We went to dinner at a nicer restaurant called Passionfish :) I had Alaskan Halibut, sooooooooo good, it and a lot of places don't make it right, and it always comes out dry, but here it was cooked to perfection :) Me and my sister had a slice of mudpie for dessert, it was less mud pie, and more a fatty scoop of ice cream on top of a cookie crust :) good none the less.
My cousin was good, but I just lack the enthusiasm for kids, and the patience...It's not that I hate them, I just don't get along with them so well. LoL
Tuesday August 8th. Hung out with Elisa and Benny after they got off of work, went with them to eat lunch at the japanese/vietnamese restaurant, alright food pretty cheap :) Then we went back to my house to try out the new board game they got me. It's fun an all, but it works better with more people. and we watched "She's the Man" I liked it better than I thought I would....cute guys, sans shirts playing soccer...what's not to like there right? :D
Wednesday August 9th. MY BIRTHDAY! Slept in :D LoL Didn't really do much, went to lunch at Todai's with my sister and my dad, proceeded to eat way too much. Sushi was good, but their hot food wasn't so great :( they had something called "tempura sushi" and it wasn't sushi with tempura inside of it, it was deep fried sushi, it was so wrong, but so right. LoL I was super duper bummed they didn't have creme brulée, ah but they had a crepe dude, so that was alright, and they had a softie machine, so I put some softie on my crepe :D LoL Pretty uneventful night, opened my gifts from family, got a new bag, a new watch, and something from my sister, which is "on its way" LoL :)
That's about it.. :) Pictures from Saturday and Monday are posted at Costco photos, you have to sign up :( sorry 'bout that, but I'll most likely be posting my pictures from there since they have unlimited space.
Photos from Saturday and Monday
Here are some of Elisa's photos from when I went to San Francisco with her and maria and ben.
Elisa's Photos
As 'they' say, the best place to start is from the beginning. :D ...except when pictures are involved. People always flip through the pictures first, so I thought I'd put them at the top of the post
Pictures from Saturday and Monday are posted at Costco photos, you have to sign up :( sorry 'bout that, but I'll most likely be posting my pictures from there since they have unlimited space. Photos from Saturday and Monday
Here are some of Elisa's photos from when I went to San Francisco with her and maria and ben. Elisa's Photos
Soooo here goes.
Thursday August 3rd. Went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Benny's birthday with a bunch of his friends from Davis. :) Good food, good times and Tiffany got a super awesome cake for him, all the servers asked where she got it from. Sadly some of the candles burned...and burned fast dripping a bit on the cake, but wax is non toxic, so what the hey LoL :)
Friday August 4th. Went to go donate blood, first time since last october, it's been a while. I've either not had the time to go that day, or been on the rag when they have been here. I went with my mom, she dropped me off and then went to drop off my dad's shoes at the cobbler (are they still called that?). So I went through the whole thing, history and everything, that's on the computer now, still the same amount of questions but you click yes or no instead of circling it LoL. All of that was well, and then I got to the donating part. Arugh. freakin' noob. He was really weird, like he'd joke hecka loud with the other nurses or dr's there...and then he'd look at me and be all "professional" ...which seriously came off like a jerk. It was obvious he had some sense of humor, but he was just acting like an ass, and then he couldn't find the vein, so he was jabbin' me like five billion times, and had to ask the other lady to come over, then she found it and got it. And then it was all right. Only when he pulled it out, I don't think he put enough pressure on it, he told me to press down in one spot, and then move I did, either way I ended up with a sore arm and one fatty ass bruise when I normally never ever get bruises that side. I looked like a freakin' junkie. but I did save three lives!. *look*
Then, me and my mom went to Pak N Save and bought the necessary groceries for the partay on saturday :D WHOOT! And then I went to sleep cause I was sleeeepppppyyyy
Saturday August 5th. I got up at 7:40am. I swear, I showered, ate and everything, but somehow I still didn't manage to leave the house until 9:10am I think I should have loaded everything the night before, but oh well went to Safeway to get ice and then left for Tiffany's house. I was the last one there, oops. So since I got there a little late, we left right after I got there to go to santa cruz. Driving there was fairly uneventful.
Getting to the Mystery Spot. freakin' out in the boonies man. Good thing I had my super deeedooper navigator there, Tiffany, who had already been there and totally knew where to go, or else I would have been so screwed LoL. I thought it'd be lame, but it really wasn't it was pretty cool, the tour guide was ...what's the word...less than thrilled? but still had a wry sense of humor. The whole thing was really cool and most awesome part? TOTALLY GOT A BUMPER STICKER!!!!!!! *insert emmense amounts of excitment here* I have seen this sticker around forever, since I was a little kid and now I get to be apart of the club too! :D :D :D
Then we went to the Boardwalk to eat lunch on the beach. Sounds like a good idea right? Well we got there I think a little after noon, and there was a strong man competetion and a beach volleyball competetion=muchos personas. We got stuck on the street directly behind the boardwalk, and by stuck, I mean literally stuck cause it was so freakin' blocked up we were basically parked. Then a firetruck decided to come down the street, so all the people were moving to the side, luckily they had wide bike lanes so there was room to move to the side, and while all the cars were adjusting, I managed to make my way out of that mess and up back around to a public parking lot. The closer one was full :( but the one a little farther away was empty and only 5$ for the whole day. So, Benny, Maria, Elisa and I took all of the stuff out of the car and walked to the Boardwalk. Kyle and co. decided to take the long route around and eventually parked at the same lot we did LoL.
We made sandwiches on the beach. and used up practically all of the goods :D WHOOT which means a lot less to carry back :) Wadded around in the water a lot, will probably be banished to the third ring of hell for making fun of the "marker" like we did LoL. Quickly walked through some of the shops with Chrissy and then bathed in the sun, feeling very serene with Tiff and Maria and Elisa :) Very Kick butt day.
Then we headed downtown parked at a free lot WHOO!!! and Walked around the downtown stores, few shops, Elisa bought some shoes :) and a lot of us bought Jamba melon-ade wave was pink. Benny's and Justin's not pink...mine, pink. Exact same drink, but pink. the running idea was that it contained grapes...hence the pinkish hue, but they were supposed to be white grapes. oh well. still tasted good LoL and refreshing. After walking down the main street of downtown, and then walking back, we decided on going to a mexican restaurant Acapulco.
Good food at Acapulco for a good price :) I enjoyed, everyone chipped in for my meal too THANKS ALL! Service was a bit slow, but then again, they were busy..but most awesome chips and salsa. we definitely filled up on that LoL And afterwards, Gelato!!!!!!!! I had a blueberry and cream one :) soooo great, there were a bunch of flavors too :) Then we headed back to home.
Met up at Tiffany's house for a quick bit where I opened my gift from Benny and Elisa :D great game of "Would you rather" (Which we tested out a few days later) And then I went home
Got home, cleaned out all the sand...and boy howdy there was a lot of it, and went to sleep
Sunday August 6th. Woke up at 7:30am, went to volunteer at the zoo. Dead freakin' tired, but went none the less. Only me and the keeper, like the old days so no noobs lockin' me in the bear enclosures *arugh* :) nice and quiet :) Got home and napped again :)
Monday August 7th. Woke up at 7:00am, got ready and left the house at 8:00am to go to Monterey. Went with my aunt and my sister and my little cousin. Normally it's just my aunt and my sister and me when we go on these little side trips, but they decided to take my cousin along this time cause he's out of school. So, we went to the Aquarium first, it was a lot of fun, I hadn't been there in a while :) and then we had lunch at the Fish Hopper, it was right along the water. It was the restaurant where we had lunch last time, when all of us went to Monterey :) Good times. I had their soup in a breadbowl, but their bread was sucky :( Soup was awesome! Looked out side, got to see the seals sun bathing on the rocks and some birds go by and such, wonderful lunch. Went back in to the aquarium to finish off the rest of the exhibits. We went to one where they had jellyfish and pieces of artwork, and it was soooooo awesome, people can be so creative. I loved it. at like 3:30 ish, I was soooo tired from the very busy weekend and so we left once we saw everything and then walked around some of the shops on cannery row. Drove around for a little while along the beach and such and the went to dinner.
We went to dinner at a nicer restaurant called Passionfish :) I had Alaskan Halibut, sooooooooo good, it and a lot of places don't make it right, and it always comes out dry, but here it was cooked to perfection :) Me and my sister had a slice of mudpie for dessert, it was less mud pie, and more a fatty scoop of ice cream on top of a cookie crust :) good none the less.
My cousin was good, but I just lack the enthusiasm for kids, and the patience...It's not that I hate them, I just don't get along with them so well. LoL
Tuesday August 8th. Hung out with Elisa and Benny after they got off of work, went with them to eat lunch at the japanese/vietnamese restaurant, alright food pretty cheap :) Then we went back to my house to try out the new board game they got me. It's fun an all, but it works better with more people. and we watched "She's the Man" I liked it better than I thought I would....cute guys, sans shirts playing soccer...what's not to like there right? :D
Wednesday August 9th. MY BIRTHDAY! Slept in :D LoL Didn't really do much, went to lunch at Todai's with my sister and my dad, proceeded to eat way too much. Sushi was good, but their hot food wasn't so great :( they had something called "tempura sushi" and it wasn't sushi with tempura inside of it, it was deep fried sushi, it was so wrong, but so right. LoL I was super duper bummed they didn't have creme brulée, ah but they had a crepe dude, so that was alright, and they had a softie machine, so I put some softie on my crepe :D LoL Pretty uneventful night, opened my gifts from family, got a new bag, a new watch, and something from my sister, which is "on its way" LoL :)
That's about it.. :) Pictures from Saturday and Monday are posted at Costco photos, you have to sign up :( sorry 'bout that, but I'll most likely be posting my pictures from there since they have unlimited space.
Photos from Saturday and Monday
Here are some of Elisa's photos from when I went to San Francisco with her and maria and ben.
Elisa's Photos
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
So friggin hot.
It is so friggin hot. I think this may be our punsihment for polluting the world. Shame on us...and now we roast. I don't like the heat. I'm not a fan of the heat not my cup of tea. I'm roasting and attempting to finish a paper. Not working out too well since I totally want to nap. And tomorrow is my first day back at voluteering. How nice, I'm going to go run around and scrape up rotting animal crap and food scraps in 85F degree weather. Oh well, I asked for it, hopefully it won't be too bad and the animals I work with on the string are from south eastern asia countries where they live in heat and humidity, I'm sure they don't mind LoL :) Aside from the bitterness, I'm excited to go back :)
Question of the Day:
I was listening to the radio and the DJ said she knew a butcher who is 5'11 and wears a size 13 shoe, what does he weigh?
I welcome all answers :)
Question of the Day:
I was listening to the radio and the DJ said she knew a butcher who is 5'11 and wears a size 13 shoe, what does he weigh?
I welcome all answers :)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Find your Center...
Breathe in....and out....Yesterday something potentially highly detremential to the furterment of my educational career happened. I was told that they are taking appointments so students can sign up for the UC Santa Cruz transfer agreements, but they were no more appointments available. I was floored. Frusterated, shocked and upset I could not think straight and the only thing I heard was that I could go back at the end of August to make an appointment in September. But I was so fuming. I just left.
I was mad because I went the last two weeks of June asking when they were taking appointments, and she said to come back late July or early August, so going in yesterday, I thought I would be going in early. I was upset and fume-y and ranty for a long time yesterday. And then I calmed myself down and realized I was going to do all that I could, i.e. contact my councler and if nothing else, just go back at the end of August and see how things go. So I finally had reached my center and had calmed down a lot.
So today I went back to see the secretary and speak more rationally to her and realistically ask what I could do. It turns out that they didn't run out of TAA's and therefore were no longer taking appointments. They had run out of appointments because everyone else making TAA's for other schools had booked all of the appointments. You can start turning in the TAA'S for Santa Cruz on August 1, and they accept them until October, so if I have an appointment in September, then I should still be good. Other good news, Elisa has an appointment she may not need, if so, I could use it and get all of the done and over with. Good deal.
See now if I had calmed myself even earlier, i.e. after I got the news, I wouldn't have had to stress out all yesterday. But now I am feeling much more better and a lot less freaked out. and that's good.
I was mad because I went the last two weeks of June asking when they were taking appointments, and she said to come back late July or early August, so going in yesterday, I thought I would be going in early. I was upset and fume-y and ranty for a long time yesterday. And then I calmed myself down and realized I was going to do all that I could, i.e. contact my councler and if nothing else, just go back at the end of August and see how things go. So I finally had reached my center and had calmed down a lot.
So today I went back to see the secretary and speak more rationally to her and realistically ask what I could do. It turns out that they didn't run out of TAA's and therefore were no longer taking appointments. They had run out of appointments because everyone else making TAA's for other schools had booked all of the appointments. You can start turning in the TAA'S for Santa Cruz on August 1, and they accept them until October, so if I have an appointment in September, then I should still be good. Other good news, Elisa has an appointment she may not need, if so, I could use it and get all of the done and over with. Good deal.
See now if I had calmed myself even earlier, i.e. after I got the news, I wouldn't have had to stress out all yesterday. But now I am feeling much more better and a lot less freaked out. and that's good.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean, YAY.
Yesterday I went with Maria, Ben and Elisa to San Francisco, I guess a random shopping trip. I didn't buy anything, but a sourdough bread bowl, which I then proceeded to spill on myself three times...everytime i wear that brown shirt I always get food on it. oh well. Went all over the place, good fun though. Came back and went with Elisa (who cannot say no) to tapoica express in fremont cause she said she'd do her online test with this guy from her online class. Whose first question was, "so are we really going to do work?" YECH that's gross, and he was gross and he was wearing a google shirt which said something to the likes of "I'm feelin' lucky" or something, it was gross too. And then some black guy came in wanting some red drank and was wowed by the fishies. Ben also got owned by the eb games store in SF. Owned with glue and a spoon, but we found a lot of uses for it theorhetically. which is spelled wrong, but I am so stinkin' tired.
Then we went to see pirates of the caribbean at the old theater by New Park Mall which her friend got us in for free. YAY FREE! Then we got out at like 12:30am and then Elisa had to go wal mart to go and pick up some stuff for her mom...i hate walmart. why is there a line in that at 1:00am? tell me, it does not compute. So I get home and get to bed around 2:00am...ony to wake up at like 7:30am to see..dun dun dun pirates of the caribbean again. LoL
My dad got tickets to see pirates at 9:30am today (he bought the tickets on thursday and I didn't know I was going to see it on friday) so we went early got our free popcorn and soda :) and then I proceeded to watch Pirates for the third time. I've loved it each time. I thought there was a lot more action, love the giant hamster wheel things made of bones, the big water wheel thinge, just everything was awesome. period. I don't even know what to call them, the part sea creatures, part sailors. looked really good, dude with the brain stuck in the side of the ship, awesome. Looked like some senior citizens I've seen around san leandro... This one was a lot funnier too. LoL :) The ending frusterated me, only cause there wasn't really an ending...must wait a year for the third one. But I did like the twists in this one :) totally worth seeing three times.
Then we went to see pirates of the caribbean at the old theater by New Park Mall which her friend got us in for free. YAY FREE! Then we got out at like 12:30am and then Elisa had to go wal mart to go and pick up some stuff for her mom...i hate walmart. why is there a line in that at 1:00am? tell me, it does not compute. So I get home and get to bed around 2:00am...ony to wake up at like 7:30am to see..dun dun dun pirates of the caribbean again. LoL
My dad got tickets to see pirates at 9:30am today (he bought the tickets on thursday and I didn't know I was going to see it on friday) so we went early got our free popcorn and soda :) and then I proceeded to watch Pirates for the third time. I've loved it each time. I thought there was a lot more action, love the giant hamster wheel things made of bones, the big water wheel thinge, just everything was awesome. period. I don't even know what to call them, the part sea creatures, part sailors. looked really good, dude with the brain stuck in the side of the ship, awesome. Looked like some senior citizens I've seen around san leandro... This one was a lot funnier too. LoL :) The ending frusterated me, only cause there wasn't really an ending...must wait a year for the third one. But I did like the twists in this one :) totally worth seeing three times.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
So, this week has been a bit of a doozy. Friday, I was supposed to hang out with someone, but she flaked. Bit bummed cause I missed out on a good Vietnamese French lunch..but so goes life sometimes. I hung out with Elisa :) who also happened to be left to hang dry since no one called her back LoL. So we decided to go shopping, we went to Stoneridge and I found a b-day card for Tiff and Elisa found a jacket for her brother...just not in the size necessary. That size was in Emeryville. So! off to Emeryville. We picked up the sized jacket that was good for her brother, I found the final part to Tiffany's gift and Elisa tried on the most amazing pair of shoes...which she didn't buy :( But maybe one day, she will :) And ate at the Elephant Bar, muy bueno. although the food took a while. Sorry Elisa!!! Next time we will go to Hometown Buffet!!! you can get your mashed potatoes and fried chicken...
Saturday, also a bit of a bummer theme to it seeing as how everyone except for Benny and me bailed on Tiffany's birthday. Got to Tiffany's house at 11am or so, then she opened her gift, from me anyways :) Elisa came by to drop off her gift, which Tiffany then brought with her to the movies :D. And then we headed to Union City. Got there noon-ish, bought the tickets to the 1:40 showing, oddly enough saw my cousin in line LoL, then we went to go have burgers and fries at In N Out :D. Ate there and walked back at 1:00...good idea to buy tickets way early...bad idea not to get to the theater way early. LoL We had to wait in line to get in and we were near the end, but we got seats together and not way way in the back, I'd say they were good seats. I snuck in the left over french fries in my bag...which now has a nice "french fry scent" to it :D can't buy that at Kragen! LoL
Then, highly satisfied by the movie, we went back home :) I went to dinner for my Aunt's birthday where my family had a rousing discussion about my henna tattoo... apparently there's not much other news in the world. LoL
The school week was laaaaaame. Had a paper due on thursday..and the second midterm for anthro, and then I had 2 music tests on thursday also. I gave up reading the books, I forgot how enjoyable these classes are. I couldn't "forget the reading (or homework)" in calculus, chem or physics, although in music and anthro, I basically can and feel moderately confident after taking the exams. Music class is such a pushover though, dude, it's 50 multiple choice questions about 50% or so is not at all in the book or in the lectures. It is however in the previous edition of the book, which they don't sell anymore and why he still uses the tests for that book? cause he's too frickin lazy to make new ones. So it doesn't matter how much you read you still won't find half the answers in the book or lectures. This is why he gives copious amounts of extra credit....whatever, good thing this isn't a prerequisite for any other class, I'm pretty sure I'll get an A in this one. I just won't learn anything.
This weekend I'm going to see pirates again on saturday :) My dad bought tickets for a fundraiser and they were only $5 for the movie, popcorn and soda. I think they made a mistake on the tickets though cause it says "voucher valid for 32oz soda and 85oz popcorn" ...85 oz is approximately 5.3lbs...of popcorn. that's a lot. LoL
Then Sunday I'm getting an early birthday gift from my cousin. She bought tickets for me to go to this Chinese Acrobat thing at the Symphony Hall....and then monday again arugh. although since my music teacher is cutting out a week early, it'll be my last week of music class LoL...the dude is such a flake.
Saturday, also a bit of a bummer theme to it seeing as how everyone except for Benny and me bailed on Tiffany's birthday. Got to Tiffany's house at 11am or so, then she opened her gift, from me anyways :) Elisa came by to drop off her gift, which Tiffany then brought with her to the movies :D. And then we headed to Union City. Got there noon-ish, bought the tickets to the 1:40 showing, oddly enough saw my cousin in line LoL, then we went to go have burgers and fries at In N Out :D. Ate there and walked back at 1:00...good idea to buy tickets way early...bad idea not to get to the theater way early. LoL We had to wait in line to get in and we were near the end, but we got seats together and not way way in the back, I'd say they were good seats. I snuck in the left over french fries in my bag...which now has a nice "french fry scent" to it :D can't buy that at Kragen! LoL
Then, highly satisfied by the movie, we went back home :) I went to dinner for my Aunt's birthday where my family had a rousing discussion about my henna tattoo... apparently there's not much other news in the world. LoL
The school week was laaaaaame. Had a paper due on thursday..and the second midterm for anthro, and then I had 2 music tests on thursday also. I gave up reading the books, I forgot how enjoyable these classes are. I couldn't "forget the reading (or homework)" in calculus, chem or physics, although in music and anthro, I basically can and feel moderately confident after taking the exams. Music class is such a pushover though, dude, it's 50 multiple choice questions about 50% or so is not at all in the book or in the lectures. It is however in the previous edition of the book, which they don't sell anymore and why he still uses the tests for that book? cause he's too frickin lazy to make new ones. So it doesn't matter how much you read you still won't find half the answers in the book or lectures. This is why he gives copious amounts of extra credit....whatever, good thing this isn't a prerequisite for any other class, I'm pretty sure I'll get an A in this one. I just won't learn anything.
This weekend I'm going to see pirates again on saturday :) My dad bought tickets for a fundraiser and they were only $5 for the movie, popcorn and soda. I think they made a mistake on the tickets though cause it says "voucher valid for 32oz soda and 85oz popcorn" ...85 oz is approximately 5.3lbs...of popcorn. that's a lot. LoL
Then Sunday I'm getting an early birthday gift from my cousin. She bought tickets for me to go to this Chinese Acrobat thing at the Symphony Hall....and then monday again arugh. although since my music teacher is cutting out a week early, it'll be my last week of music class LoL...the dude is such a flake.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down
Title: Face Down
Artist: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Album: RJA
Year: 2006
Hey girl you know you drive me crazy
one look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.
Cover up with make up in the mirror
tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
you cry alone and then he swears he loves you.
Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down.
I see the way you go and say you're right again,
say you're right again
heed my lecture
Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down a new life she has.
One day she will tell you that she has had enough
it's coming 'round again.
Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has.
Face down in the dirt she says, "this doesn't hurt" she says, "I finally had enough."
Face down in the dirt she says, "this doesn't hurt" she says, "I finally had enough."
Title: Face Down
Artist: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Album: RJA
Year: 2006
Hey girl you know you drive me crazy
one look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.
Cover up with make up in the mirror
tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
you cry alone and then he swears he loves you.
Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down.
I see the way you go and say you're right again,
say you're right again
heed my lecture
Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down a new life she has.
One day she will tell you that she has had enough
it's coming 'round again.
Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has.
Face down in the dirt she says, "this doesn't hurt" she says, "I finally had enough."
Face down in the dirt she says, "this doesn't hurt" she says, "I finally had enough."
Friday, June 23, 2006
Beef of the Day
Alright, so I'm reading the chapters for Anthropology and one of the tables has a list of organisms and the number of chromosomes in them. Next to the common name of organism, they have the scientific name of it, i.e.
...and therefore I frown. GORILLA GORILLA?!?!?!? What the heck kinda scientific name is that? did they just get tired and was let's be eddy the echo. :( How much more freakin redundant can you get?!?!?! Pin Identificus Numberous Numberous. :( they totally got gipped in the scientific name.
Random other updates, uhm back from NY, started back at summmer school. Things seem to be going well...I feel gipped with my music class. The instructor is nice and all, but he goes off topic a lot and talks long times about stuff that isn't going to be on the test and isn't in the book. And then it's already just a 6 week class, but he's cutting out the last week to teach some Jazz camp, so he's making it a 5 week class. It's an 8 am class and he tells us to get there on time, he usually by 8:05...and then spends 10 minutes puttering around getting papers ready or we don't start until like 8:15 and then he lets us out kinda early and the day we had a test, it took definitely less than an hour, but he let us go we lost an hour that day. He doesn't seem to be moving anyfaster so I don't think we're going to make up that last week.
Anthro...I've had at least 3 I can think of now, Indian teachers and they've all had accents, but none quite like the one I have now. He speaks really soft too, but at least I feel like I'm sorta learning just feels good to have easy classes. Finally a kick back! :)
uhm. the end I suppose
(Yay to Joe Thornton for winning MVP :D) uhm. the end for real.
- Human (Homo sapiens)
- Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)
- Dog (Canis familiaris)
- Corn (Zea mays)
- Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)
...and therefore I frown. GORILLA GORILLA?!?!?!? What the heck kinda scientific name is that? did they just get tired and was let's be eddy the echo. :( How much more freakin redundant can you get?!?!?! Pin Identificus Numberous Numberous. :( they totally got gipped in the scientific name.
Random other updates, uhm back from NY, started back at summmer school. Things seem to be going well...I feel gipped with my music class. The instructor is nice and all, but he goes off topic a lot and talks long times about stuff that isn't going to be on the test and isn't in the book. And then it's already just a 6 week class, but he's cutting out the last week to teach some Jazz camp, so he's making it a 5 week class. It's an 8 am class and he tells us to get there on time, he usually by 8:05...and then spends 10 minutes puttering around getting papers ready or we don't start until like 8:15 and then he lets us out kinda early and the day we had a test, it took definitely less than an hour, but he let us go we lost an hour that day. He doesn't seem to be moving anyfaster so I don't think we're going to make up that last week.
Anthro...I've had at least 3 I can think of now, Indian teachers and they've all had accents, but none quite like the one I have now. He speaks really soft too, but at least I feel like I'm sorta learning just feels good to have easy classes. Finally a kick back! :)
uhm. the end I suppose
(Yay to Joe Thornton for winning MVP :D) uhm. the end for real.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Yesterday, went to Davis with Elisa :D Yay for Elisa for driving :) So we got there, with basically no getting lost LoL :) We're getting better!!! Went to the all you can eat sushi place there. Which was good, although we failed at eating compared to some other tables LoL. Really bizarre, we went up to get some food and then came back and there was this dirty eaten off plate on our table!... it was nasty and not ours. :(
It was quite toasty there that day, like 90F, not my exact favorite type of weather, but there was a breeze and stuff so it could have been worse. After we ate, we met up with Benny and we went bowling! :) Eh I suck at bowling LoL but Elisa got into a pattern, gutter ball, then strike! LoL That was really fun, and it wasn't too crowded. But near the end there was this really bizarre guy who kept on bugging us, it was weird at first and then it just got to be like harassment. But it was near the end the last like 15 minutes or so. So it didn't rain too much on our fun, but, yeah that was weird.
Then we went to go and get some jamba juice, I got the sixteen ounce, benny got the orignal and elisa got the power. LoL I can't believe that anyone could drink that much in one sitting. It was good and nice and cool in that warm weather. Then we went to the apartment that Benny shares with 4 other roomates. We played a bit of guitar hero. LoL I totally wish that was on xbox too, I'd definitely get it. Then Jeffery came back and we hung out a bit and went to dinner at Pluto's. It was good a salad and sandwich place. Their salads are massive. I probably should have gotten a side, but whatever. it was still good. and then, what else ,but MORE food. Lol We went to a crepe place and had dessert crepes. I had a caramel apple one, Elisa had a chocolate banana and Benny had a strawberry chocolate one. I liked mine, good stuff :) an excessive amount of whipped cream LoL
After that, we went to the apartment and watched a bit of tv, a tennis match and then Elisa drove home. Good day, good day.
Cut my hair today...its shorter than I thought it'd be. But hm, still long enough to tie back which is good or else there would be the horrific time of reliving middle school. gah. New look before vacation. It'll be alright LoL TIME TO WAX!
I am so spastic right now. LoL Oh yeah, and Happy 060606 666!!!!
It was quite toasty there that day, like 90F, not my exact favorite type of weather, but there was a breeze and stuff so it could have been worse. After we ate, we met up with Benny and we went bowling! :) Eh I suck at bowling LoL but Elisa got into a pattern, gutter ball, then strike! LoL That was really fun, and it wasn't too crowded. But near the end there was this really bizarre guy who kept on bugging us, it was weird at first and then it just got to be like harassment. But it was near the end the last like 15 minutes or so. So it didn't rain too much on our fun, but, yeah that was weird.
Then we went to go and get some jamba juice, I got the sixteen ounce, benny got the orignal and elisa got the power. LoL I can't believe that anyone could drink that much in one sitting. It was good and nice and cool in that warm weather. Then we went to the apartment that Benny shares with 4 other roomates. We played a bit of guitar hero. LoL I totally wish that was on xbox too, I'd definitely get it. Then Jeffery came back and we hung out a bit and went to dinner at Pluto's. It was good a salad and sandwich place. Their salads are massive. I probably should have gotten a side, but whatever. it was still good. and then, what else ,but MORE food. Lol We went to a crepe place and had dessert crepes. I had a caramel apple one, Elisa had a chocolate banana and Benny had a strawberry chocolate one. I liked mine, good stuff :) an excessive amount of whipped cream LoL
After that, we went to the apartment and watched a bit of tv, a tennis match and then Elisa drove home. Good day, good day.
Cut my hair today...its shorter than I thought it'd be. But hm, still long enough to tie back which is good or else there would be the horrific time of reliving middle school. gah. New look before vacation. It'll be alright LoL TIME TO WAX!
I am so spastic right now. LoL Oh yeah, and Happy 060606 666!!!!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Maria's BBQ
This one's for you Maria ;)
Maria's backyard=most awesome place ever. It's like eating outdoors at a bistro, without the annoying other people. She had like jazz music playing, and a swinging chair/bench thingie, and it was just the most comfortable place. ahhhh. Plus the food. totally awesome burgers, and spaghetti :D and of course the pork skewers. LoL of which Charlie had 1,892 of them. Totally awesome, she also had a "Happy" Birthday cake LoL from Loards, and this flan type of thing was had like 700% of your daily recommended allowence of cholesterol, but tasted soooooo gooooood! :) Maria's parties are always the most awesome cause she is the most awesome! :) YAY for Maria!
Today was a bummer day, totally got up on the wrong side of the bed. Was in a sucky mood for no reason, but washed my car and my dad's car. Made ice cream, and started watching a movie about pigeons. Bizarro day.
Maria's backyard=most awesome place ever. It's like eating outdoors at a bistro, without the annoying other people. She had like jazz music playing, and a swinging chair/bench thingie, and it was just the most comfortable place. ahhhh. Plus the food. totally awesome burgers, and spaghetti :D and of course the pork skewers. LoL of which Charlie had 1,892 of them. Totally awesome, she also had a "Happy" Birthday cake LoL from Loards, and this flan type of thing was had like 700% of your daily recommended allowence of cholesterol, but tasted soooooo gooooood! :) Maria's parties are always the most awesome cause she is the most awesome! :) YAY for Maria!
Today was a bummer day, totally got up on the wrong side of the bed. Was in a sucky mood for no reason, but washed my car and my dad's car. Made ice cream, and started watching a movie about pigeons. Bizarro day.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Carry-over cooking
You know how when you cook meat, there's that carry over cooking time. It still cooks after its out of the oven cause its so hot. I have carry over stress. I have been buggin' out this whole week, and now the stressors part of it is over, but I don't feel relieved. Probably because 1) don't think I did well enough to keep my B in math class. Which sucks because that consequentially means I will get a C. Although I hope I did well enough for a B. I do a very poor job at predicting my grades. And anyways. I have my period so I also feel horrific, and I feel very large. This summer I shall make a valient effort to lose weight. Possibly. I'm also not very good at achieving goals either.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I am a force to be reckoned with.
Has Anyone Seen My Wings? by The New Amsterdams
I'm a saint, I'm a bonified servant
an angel on a bar stool, anyone seen my wings?
I'm always losing the damn things.
I'm the glue, I'm a permanent fixture.
I'm an anchor in the concrete.
If I went to find my fate, the foundation would break.
I never had none, but that would be one to see, yeah.
I'm your fate, yeah, your looking in the future
There's a bitter old man who's under your skin,
but don't let him in.
Did anyone catch me?
Nobody broke my fall.
I'm a saint on a mission from the head man.
You got a shoe start running boy leave him to us,
leave them in your dust.
I have a math final I have to study for (and no note card! ack!!!) and I've been freaked out, so I lack sleep, and Aunt Flo has come to town, and I'm generally in a very cranky and vicious mood. I am a force to be reckoned with.
I'm a saint, I'm a bonified servant
an angel on a bar stool, anyone seen my wings?
I'm always losing the damn things.
I'm the glue, I'm a permanent fixture.
I'm an anchor in the concrete.
If I went to find my fate, the foundation would break.
I never had none, but that would be one to see, yeah.
I'm your fate, yeah, your looking in the future
There's a bitter old man who's under your skin,
but don't let him in.
Did anyone catch me?
Nobody broke my fall.
I'm a saint on a mission from the head man.
You got a shoe start running boy leave him to us,
leave them in your dust.
I have a math final I have to study for (and no note card! ack!!!) and I've been freaked out, so I lack sleep, and Aunt Flo has come to town, and I'm generally in a very cranky and vicious mood. I am a force to be reckoned with.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Snow Patrol
Snow Patrol, "Chasing Cars"
We'll do it all
On our own.
We don't need
Or anyone.
If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel.
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?,
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life.
Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own
If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life.
All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see.
I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all.
If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
We'll do it all
On our own.
We don't need
Or anyone.
If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel.
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?,
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life.
Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own
If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life.
All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see.
I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all.
If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Friday, May 19, 2006
I am just so frickin frusterated. My chem teacher decideds to pull half of the stuff on the test out of no where, and I actually studied for that damn test and all I got was an 85%. Then she says it like we should know, when its mentioned like what one sentence in the book and she doesn't even go over it in class. She makes all this other stuff seem really important and then that's hardly even on the damn test. ARUGH. I am just so sick of all my stupid classes this term. I think this term I've learned the least, they try stuffing so much shit in my head that none of it stuck, I was just trying to get by on each test and each test had hardly anything to do with what i studied, so I forgot what I studied, I never learned what was on the test and now i'm screwed for the final. which sucks because I need to do well on the final. really well. I'm borderline on two of my grades, I have an 81% in math and a 90.7% in chem. I need to get a B in math so that my GPA doesn't drop toomuch, and since the hightest I can get in math is a B, I really need to get an A in chem.
STUPID FRICKIN IDIOTS. arugh. I hate this year. it sucked ass and I'm so glad to be done with it. I hope that next term when I only have 2 science classes it'll be a bit better. ....I am just soooooooo frusterated right now, it feels like it doesn't matter what I do, cause I've tried hard on the other tests...hasn't really gotten me anywhere. damnit.
STUPID FRICKIN IDIOTS. arugh. I hate this year. it sucked ass and I'm so glad to be done with it. I hope that next term when I only have 2 science classes it'll be a bit better. ....I am just soooooooo frusterated right now, it feels like it doesn't matter what I do, cause I've tried hard on the other tests...hasn't really gotten me anywhere. damnit.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Angels and Airwaves
I was never a huge fan of Blink-182, but I heard this song on the radio then found it on their website and I have just fallen in love with it! It's a really great song.
Angels and Airwaves
Click on "Videos" and then you can watch a short video
"The Adventure"
I wanna have the same last dream again,
the one where I wake up and I'm alive.
Just as the four walls close me within,
my eyes are opened up with pure sunlight.
I'm the first to know,
my dearest friends,
even if your hope has burned with time,
anything that's dead shall be re-grown,
and your vicious pain, your warning sign,
you will be fine.
Hey, yo - here I am,
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin.
Any type of love - it will be shown,
like every single tree reach for the sky.
If you're gonna fall,
I'll let you know,
that I will pick you up
like you for I,
I thought this thing,
I can't replace.
When everyone was working for this goal.
We're all the children left without a trace,
only to come back, as pure as gold,
To recite this all.
Hey, yo - here I am,
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin.
Tonight, hey, yo,
here I am,
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin.
Tonight, hey, yo,
here I am,
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin.
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
Hey, yo - here I am (do this with me),
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin (do this with me).
Hey, yo - here I am (do this with me).
And here we go,
life's waiting to begin,
life's waiting to begin
Angels and Airwaves
Click on "Videos" and then you can watch a short video
"The Adventure"
I wanna have the same last dream again,
the one where I wake up and I'm alive.
Just as the four walls close me within,
my eyes are opened up with pure sunlight.
I'm the first to know,
my dearest friends,
even if your hope has burned with time,
anything that's dead shall be re-grown,
and your vicious pain, your warning sign,
you will be fine.
Hey, yo - here I am,
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin.
Any type of love - it will be shown,
like every single tree reach for the sky.
If you're gonna fall,
I'll let you know,
that I will pick you up
like you for I,
I thought this thing,
I can't replace.
When everyone was working for this goal.
We're all the children left without a trace,
only to come back, as pure as gold,
To recite this all.
Hey, yo - here I am,
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin.
Tonight, hey, yo,
here I am,
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin.
Tonight, hey, yo,
here I am,
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin.
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
I cannot live and I cannot breathe
unless you do this with me
Hey, yo - here I am (do this with me),
and here we go,
life's waiting to begin (do this with me).
Hey, yo - here I am (do this with me).
And here we go,
life's waiting to begin,
life's waiting to begin
Friday, May 12, 2006
sports fans
How can people be sports fans! It's like an emotional rollercoaster! my poor heart can't take it, especially since we're loosing :( that sucks especially since I was so happy when we were winning :) :) :)damnit i finally found something that made me happy!
back to finals and reality.
back to finals and reality.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Playoff Fever :)
ETA: Here are the pics of me :) from that day [click on picture for larger version]

My nails made it on the "playoff beards page" its not really a beard, but they said you could submit manicures also! :)

More Playoff Beards :)
Totally got playoff fever LoL. :) ah I'm so stoked for the sharks, I hope they can pull through and beat Edmonton 2 more times and make it to the conference finals baby! :D :D :D Went to the game on Sunday. San Jose on sunday was just madness! There was some parade going on, a cinco de mayo celebration, RENT was in town, a home and garden show and of course the playoff game! So we left here at like 2:00pm and got there at around 3:00, there were all these booths outside, a bunch of bmx ramps and some really good guys riding on them, there was a DJ and an inflatible slide and a face painting booth.
I hadn't gotten my face painted in a long time, so I decided to go get that done, there were only two girls at the booth and there were like 20 people in front of me, so I was waiting out there for about an hour, it was alright though, I was chattin' it up with this cool lady in front of me. :) I finally got up there and so I got #14 on one side and the sharks logo on the other. As I was getting it done, one of the photographers walking around started taking pictures and then this dude with a video camera came around and was video taping the me getting my face painted LoL. How weird, I wonder where it'll turn up? :)
The game was awesome :) I was sitting next to this really obnoxious loud lady ugh. and behind me was this really obnoxious dude..... but besides that it was a fun game :) and we won :D :D :D (Friggin refs are blind as bats)
Went to In n out for dinner LoL, but I still had all my sharks "regalia" on and my face all painted LoL so when I walked in a bunch of people asked me who won and how the game was..etc... that was a bit weird LoL but it was still a great night
anywhoo I'll post some pictures of the logo that was painted on my face later :) ...for now, math homework i've been putting off for most of the semister and chem presentation, and chem take home quiz and physics lab write up. :( going to games is a lot more fun. :)
My nails made it on the "playoff beards page" its not really a beard, but they said you could submit manicures also! :)
More Playoff Beards :)
Totally got playoff fever LoL. :) ah I'm so stoked for the sharks, I hope they can pull through and beat Edmonton 2 more times and make it to the conference finals baby! :D :D :D Went to the game on Sunday. San Jose on sunday was just madness! There was some parade going on, a cinco de mayo celebration, RENT was in town, a home and garden show and of course the playoff game! So we left here at like 2:00pm and got there at around 3:00, there were all these booths outside, a bunch of bmx ramps and some really good guys riding on them, there was a DJ and an inflatible slide and a face painting booth.
I hadn't gotten my face painted in a long time, so I decided to go get that done, there were only two girls at the booth and there were like 20 people in front of me, so I was waiting out there for about an hour, it was alright though, I was chattin' it up with this cool lady in front of me. :) I finally got up there and so I got #14 on one side and the sharks logo on the other. As I was getting it done, one of the photographers walking around started taking pictures and then this dude with a video camera came around and was video taping the me getting my face painted LoL. How weird, I wonder where it'll turn up? :)
The game was awesome :) I was sitting next to this really obnoxious loud lady ugh. and behind me was this really obnoxious dude..... but besides that it was a fun game :) and we won :D :D :D (Friggin refs are blind as bats)
Went to In n out for dinner LoL, but I still had all my sharks "regalia" on and my face all painted LoL so when I walked in a bunch of people asked me who won and how the game was..etc... that was a bit weird LoL but it was still a great night
anywhoo I'll post some pictures of the logo that was painted on my face later :) ...for now, math homework i've been putting off for most of the semister and chem presentation, and chem take home quiz and physics lab write up. :( going to games is a lot more fun. :)
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Sharks Playoff Game
Thursday night I went to the sharks playoff game. :) Totally awesome, traffic sucked so we didn't have time to check out the radio booths and get some free swag, bummer. There were really cool baloon hats going around, and these shark fin foam hats going around. It was just teal city. :) Everywhere they had sharks stuff :D :D We got there a little late, 5 minutes into the game maybe? On the way in, we got these free towels that said "Go Sharks!" on them. The first goal was scored about 2 minutes after we got there and, oh. my. god. that was a sight to see, 17,496 people twirling these white towels around screaming and cheering. It was so much fun, and LOUD!!! I could scream at the top of my lungs (and I did) and I couldn't even hear myself LoL. It was such a stress reliever, I hadn't had that much fun in such a long time, I hadn't gone to a sharks game in a really long time either. A lot of scoring happened and eventually the game ended up 5-4 Sharks,(although it should have been 5-2, but the sharks let up in the third period and let two goals go by)
During the second intermission, normally they have these contests where fans can win stuff, so they put out these huge cards on the ice for a game of concentration, they said the two people knew each other and so the dude went first, and picked two cards and then the chick went and picked two cards, one of which was a picture of a diamond ring. And so the dude got down on one knee and asked her to marry him!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWW it was so cute! LoL (not cheap either I'm assuming) She said yes, and yay for them :)
During the third period, Marleau completed his hat trick, and dude, EVERYBODY'S hat's were on the ice. It was sooooo awesome a ton of cheering and clapping and flinging the towel around and hat tossing! :) very cool, it was just so much fun getting into the whole thing. It's a quite experience just to be involved in something like that, after we won, everyone was walking back to their cars and this sea of teal came out and some people were waving their flags around and it was a very cool experience. :)
Plus when we got home, my dad was hungry so he ate a bowl of cereal and then decided to make some grilled cheese sandwiches. I hadn't had a grilled cheese sandwich made by my dad in a really really long time, man it was good. mmmmmm So it was just him and me having a midnight snack (literally, by the time we got outta the parking lot and back home it was about 11:45) and watching tv. Perfect way to end a really great night :)
To make this weekend even better, I just bought 2 seasons of One Tree Hill at target for half their normal price and the wb had a rebate thing where if you buy two or more seasons you get 10 dollars off :D so it's like I paid 34.00, for something that would normally cost $90 *cha-ching!*
During the second intermission, normally they have these contests where fans can win stuff, so they put out these huge cards on the ice for a game of concentration, they said the two people knew each other and so the dude went first, and picked two cards and then the chick went and picked two cards, one of which was a picture of a diamond ring. And so the dude got down on one knee and asked her to marry him!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWW it was so cute! LoL (not cheap either I'm assuming) She said yes, and yay for them :)
During the third period, Marleau completed his hat trick, and dude, EVERYBODY'S hat's were on the ice. It was sooooo awesome a ton of cheering and clapping and flinging the towel around and hat tossing! :) very cool, it was just so much fun getting into the whole thing. It's a quite experience just to be involved in something like that, after we won, everyone was walking back to their cars and this sea of teal came out and some people were waving their flags around and it was a very cool experience. :)
Plus when we got home, my dad was hungry so he ate a bowl of cereal and then decided to make some grilled cheese sandwiches. I hadn't had a grilled cheese sandwich made by my dad in a really really long time, man it was good. mmmmmm So it was just him and me having a midnight snack (literally, by the time we got outta the parking lot and back home it was about 11:45) and watching tv. Perfect way to end a really great night :)
To make this weekend even better, I just bought 2 seasons of One Tree Hill at target for half their normal price and the wb had a rebate thing where if you buy two or more seasons you get 10 dollars off :D so it's like I paid 34.00, for something that would normally cost $90 *cha-ching!*
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
There is nothing I love more than the sound of rain. Right now it is POURING outside, pouring as in "NOAH! YOU BETTER START UP ON THAT ARK!" type of rain. and I love it, there are these huge massive drops comming down. and there is no other sound like that in the world. I love the rain :) It's very conducive to doing your work. LoL :)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Anonymous Day thwarted
Ever have one of those days where you just want to be anonymous. Where you can just look and act as miserable as you feel without having anyone go "aw are you okay?" and having to put on a fake smile? Anyways, today was one of those days for me, I just wanted to a miserable loner by myself. Yet the universe saw fit that that did not happen. Today I happened to see like everyone I have ever met at chabot. ...When you see people you haven't seen in a while you can't just sneer at them or give them that blank look, it makes them think you don't like them... So you have to smile and wave.
Gah, so I just wanted to eat lunch in silence, but the cafeteria was packed because the local audubon society was there taking up a bunch of tables, so I went upstairs, and on the way up I saw one of my classmates from physics last term, who I had to smile and wave to. When I got upstairs I found 4 of my classmates, at a table studying...maybe it was rude, but I waved and then went to go sit down at a small table by myself, I really didn't want to talk to too many people, but one of my friends came over and was like "hiiiiii yaddah...." and then my old lab partner stopped to talk for a little bit too. I waved and then got out of there after eating lunch. I didn't want to go to the library where it was loud, so I went to the downstairs computer lab where I saw another one of my old chem classmates, who I had to wave and smile, and then I got in the computer lab which was more packed than i've ever seen it and so one of the only computers left was one by people in my physics class. They were doing some OChem thing of theirs so I didn't really have to talk much with them...but then I totally gave into the fact that I wasn't supposed to have a miserable anti-social day when I left the computer to study at this table and someone in my chem class sat at the table across from me. Someone I haven't talked to since like the 9th grade chatted about the lack of studying for this upcoming quiz, I was flipping through my notes and such, and then he comes over for help. Of course I have to help him, and I've just given in to the fact that today I wasn't supposed to be miserable. :)
Gah, so I just wanted to eat lunch in silence, but the cafeteria was packed because the local audubon society was there taking up a bunch of tables, so I went upstairs, and on the way up I saw one of my classmates from physics last term, who I had to smile and wave to. When I got upstairs I found 4 of my classmates, at a table studying...maybe it was rude, but I waved and then went to go sit down at a small table by myself, I really didn't want to talk to too many people, but one of my friends came over and was like "hiiiiii yaddah...." and then my old lab partner stopped to talk for a little bit too. I waved and then got out of there after eating lunch. I didn't want to go to the library where it was loud, so I went to the downstairs computer lab where I saw another one of my old chem classmates, who I had to wave and smile, and then I got in the computer lab which was more packed than i've ever seen it and so one of the only computers left was one by people in my physics class. They were doing some OChem thing of theirs so I didn't really have to talk much with them...but then I totally gave into the fact that I wasn't supposed to have a miserable anti-social day when I left the computer to study at this table and someone in my chem class sat at the table across from me. Someone I haven't talked to since like the 9th grade chatted about the lack of studying for this upcoming quiz, I was flipping through my notes and such, and then he comes over for help. Of course I have to help him, and I've just given in to the fact that today I wasn't supposed to be miserable. :)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Not the type you dance to, not the weird smell when you drive by Davis St. ...just the kind you get stuck in. I think I'm in a bit of a funk. I have a feeling I'll be here just a little bit longer. But who knows, tomorrow everything could change, or not.
Edited to add: Don't believe anyone in your family when they say they can keep a secret/won't tell anyone. It's a fuckin' lie.
people's lies.
"Here is our vegetarian burger" (it's made of 100% vegetarians, cows, pigs, chickens...)
"That sounded wonderful" ( the way a cat getting steamrolled over a chalkboard sounds wonderful)
"This dinner was delicious!" ( tasted just like the time I mixed all my leftovers from 2 weeks ago and microwaved it for 3 minutes)
"That looks fabulous on you!" (...although no matter what you wear you'll still look like a fat cow.)
"The children were darling little angels" (did I say angels? I meant spawns of satan)
"You can't even tell there was any work done!" (...did someone pull your pigtails too tight? cause it looked like someone shrink wrapped your FACE.)
"I just stole a few of your recepies, they were a big hit!" (...I stole your husband, he was a big hit too)
"I'd love to visit you!" (as much as I'd love to visit a medieval torture chamber...they sure smell the same.)
"I'm feeling fine" (I'm not. I'm really not)
Edited to add: Don't believe anyone in your family when they say they can keep a secret/won't tell anyone. It's a fuckin' lie.
people's lies.
"Here is our vegetarian burger" (it's made of 100% vegetarians, cows, pigs, chickens...)
"That sounded wonderful" ( the way a cat getting steamrolled over a chalkboard sounds wonderful)
"This dinner was delicious!" ( tasted just like the time I mixed all my leftovers from 2 weeks ago and microwaved it for 3 minutes)
"That looks fabulous on you!" (...although no matter what you wear you'll still look like a fat cow.)
"The children were darling little angels" (did I say angels? I meant spawns of satan)
"You can't even tell there was any work done!" (...did someone pull your pigtails too tight? cause it looked like someone shrink wrapped your FACE.)
"I just stole a few of your recepies, they were a big hit!" (...I stole your husband, he was a big hit too)
"I'd love to visit you!" (as much as I'd love to visit a medieval torture chamber...they sure smell the same.)
"I'm feeling fine" (I'm not. I'm really not)
Monday, March 20, 2006
Thou Shalt Not Go Quietly Into the Night...
Today's the first day of spring...but winter is not going out without a bang. :D Today walking back to my car was like arctic water pouring down. Totally freezing. but I still like the rain better than the sun. Winter has the joy of Christmas and New Years, and it is definitely a work hard/play hard season for me. Spring has its good attributes too, but nothing cleanses like a good winter rain. :)
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Now and Forever
This has got to be one of my most favorite songs, I could listen to this, literally, forever.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Good songs
This past week has been a REALLY sucky week...and next week doesn't look like it's going to get any better. I am just so frusterated and stressed. The only good thing I can gather from physics class, is that by having this instructor, I'm learning how to deal if I have a really crappy boss later in life.
So. here are some good songs that cheer me up when the week is shit.
So. here are some good songs that cheer me up when the week is shit.
- Daydream Believer by The Monkees
- Bad Day by Daniel Powter
- Float On by Modest Mouse
more to be added as I can think of far, that's it. LoL
Friday, March 03, 2006
Random notes
I love my Maroon 5 calendar dude. frickin hilarious, they've got the traditional stuff, Ash Wednesday, Purim, Christmas etc...but they've also got some random stuff, Adam's mom's birthday, Michael Jordan's birthday, and some really cool stuff, the day the phonograph was patented, and pi day. that's right. March 14th (3.14) is pi day :D .....I LOVE IT! :D This calendar is almost as nerdy as me!
Frickin Funniest Video Ever
Ever wonder what those guys who do the voice-overs in the movie trailers look like?'s your chance to see. ROTFL. dude this will totally pick up your day :D
Frickin Funniest Video Ever
Ever wonder what those guys who do the voice-overs in the movie trailers look like?'s your chance to see. ROTFL. dude this will totally pick up your day :D
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
They just don't make 'em like they used to...
Aw, I was flipping through some movies today, movies I have and wanna buy...and stuff and I came across this old one "Wuthering Heights" and...I'm reminded that they just don't make them liked they used to anymore...Here are some of my favorite quotes...
"Ellen: Oh, you're lovely, Miss Cathy. Lovely.
Cathy: That's a very silly lie. I'm not lovely. What I am is very brilliant. I have a wonderful brain.
Ellen: Indeed.
Cathy: It enables me to be superior to myself. There's nothing to be gained by just looking pretty like Isabella. Every beauty mark must conceal a thought and every curl be full of humor as well as brilliantine. "
Heathcliff: Tell the dirty stable boy to let go of you. He soiled your pretty dress. But who soiled your heart? Not Heathcliff. Who turns you into a vain, cheap, worldly fool? Linton does. You'll never love him, but you'll let yourself be loved because it pleases your stupid, greedy vanity.
Heathcliff: If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime, he couldn't love you as much as I do in a single day.
....this one is my absolute favorite...possibly from all the movie's I've seen so far... :)
Heathcliff: Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest so long as I live on! I killed you. Haunt me, then! Haunt your murderer! I know that ghosts have wandered on the Earth. Be with me always. Take any form, drive me mad, only do not leave me in this dark alone where I cannot find you. I cannot live without my life! I cannot die without my soul.
"Ellen: Oh, you're lovely, Miss Cathy. Lovely.
Cathy: That's a very silly lie. I'm not lovely. What I am is very brilliant. I have a wonderful brain.
Ellen: Indeed.
Cathy: It enables me to be superior to myself. There's nothing to be gained by just looking pretty like Isabella. Every beauty mark must conceal a thought and every curl be full of humor as well as brilliantine. "
Heathcliff: Tell the dirty stable boy to let go of you. He soiled your pretty dress. But who soiled your heart? Not Heathcliff. Who turns you into a vain, cheap, worldly fool? Linton does. You'll never love him, but you'll let yourself be loved because it pleases your stupid, greedy vanity.
Heathcliff: If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime, he couldn't love you as much as I do in a single day.
....this one is my absolute favorite...possibly from all the movie's I've seen so far... :)
Heathcliff: Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest so long as I live on! I killed you. Haunt me, then! Haunt your murderer! I know that ghosts have wandered on the Earth. Be with me always. Take any form, drive me mad, only do not leave me in this dark alone where I cannot find you. I cannot live without my life! I cannot die without my soul.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Twist and Shout
I no longer want to sit in the corner with my head covered and wallow in silence and self-pity. I want to scream and shout. I want to be proactive and not just read the books and notes. I want to do all of this and be happy.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Quiet time :)
Aaahhh today was is a good day. It's nice and quiet in the house :) and it's really cold outside :D There's a nice snap in the air...and in a week of bad days, today was a good day.
Last night Chrissy and I were looking through some shirts at the threadless site and she was telling me she bought the communist party one... :( here is an excerpt of the conversation that resulted :
9:55:56 PM Messy LoL communist... "PARTY" :(
9:56:00 PM MessyI frown
9:56:17 PM (F) Qrici (L) HAHAHA it's great
9:56:24 PM (F) Qrici (L) look at mao!!
9:56:27 PM (F) Qrici (L) he's toasting with the red cup!!
9:56:39 PM Messy:(
9:56:40 PM Messy lol
9:56:51 PM (F) Qrici (L)LOL MAO
9:56:53 PM (F) Qrici (L) HAHA
9:56:55 PM Messy AHAHAH dude the neopolitian bonaparte is funny
9:57:01 PM Messy OMG!
9:57:28 PM (F) Qrici (L) HAHAHA
9:57:31 PM (F) Qrici (L) it's great
9:57:39 PM Messy wait. was that intended as a lol L-MAO
9:57:42 PM Messy thing? lol
9:57:44 PM Messy okay lol
9:57:56 PM (F) Qrici (L) LOL IT IS NOW
9:57:57 PM (F) Qrici (L) MAO
9:58:00 PM (F) Qrici (L) dude i rhymed.
9:58:03 PM (F) Qrici (L)freestyle.
9:58:05 PM (F) Qrici (L) L-MAO
9:58:07 PM (F) Qrici (L) LOL
9:58:12 PM Messy AHAAHAH dude anyone who can fit MAO into a rhyme...
9:58:16 PM Messy totally awesome
9:58:19 PM Messy aw L-MAO
9:58:25 PM Messy he's just hilarious.
Last night Chrissy and I were looking through some shirts at the threadless site and she was telling me she bought the communist party one... :( here is an excerpt of the conversation that resulted :
9:55:56 PM Messy LoL communist... "PARTY" :(
9:56:00 PM MessyI frown
9:56:17 PM (F) Qrici (L) HAHAHA it's great
9:56:24 PM (F) Qrici (L) look at mao!!
9:56:27 PM (F) Qrici (L) he's toasting with the red cup!!
9:56:39 PM Messy:(
9:56:40 PM Messy lol
9:56:51 PM (F) Qrici (L)LOL MAO
9:56:53 PM (F) Qrici (L) HAHA
9:56:55 PM Messy AHAHAH dude the neopolitian bonaparte is funny
9:57:01 PM Messy OMG!
9:57:28 PM (F) Qrici (L) HAHAHA
9:57:31 PM (F) Qrici (L) it's great
9:57:39 PM Messy wait. was that intended as a lol L-MAO
9:57:42 PM Messy thing? lol
9:57:44 PM Messy okay lol
9:57:56 PM (F) Qrici (L) LOL IT IS NOW
9:57:57 PM (F) Qrici (L) MAO
9:58:00 PM (F) Qrici (L) dude i rhymed.
9:58:03 PM (F) Qrici (L)freestyle.
9:58:05 PM (F) Qrici (L) L-MAO
9:58:07 PM (F) Qrici (L) LOL
9:58:12 PM Messy AHAAHAH dude anyone who can fit MAO into a rhyme...
9:58:16 PM Messy totally awesome
9:58:19 PM Messy aw L-MAO
9:58:25 PM Messy he's just hilarious.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Woah throwback
Woah. Throwback to the boyband days this morning. I was watching SNL on E! and It just so happens that episode had the Backstreet Boys performing. It was so old, it was from 1998 when their single As Long As You Love Me just came out. LoL dude. I was soooooooo rollin' on the floor, god, it was hilarious, they did the whole chair bobber too. And they were all dancing...It was classic. It had been a really long time since I've heard that song LoL.
And right after that was the E! True Hollywood Story: New Kids On The was slightly before my time, but still I had some of the trading cards and what not :D I don't think we had the dolls...but maybe... LoL anyways. It wasn't that long ago, but it definitely takes you back to another time.
You can say whatever you want about that boy band phase in music, but I swear it saved me. Saved me from going nuts from school and probably falling in a deep depression. Those songs transported me to a whole different world. Wouldn't trade 'em for anythin.
And right after that was the E! True Hollywood Story: New Kids On The was slightly before my time, but still I had some of the trading cards and what not :D I don't think we had the dolls...but maybe... LoL anyways. It wasn't that long ago, but it definitely takes you back to another time.
You can say whatever you want about that boy band phase in music, but I swear it saved me. Saved me from going nuts from school and probably falling in a deep depression. Those songs transported me to a whole different world. Wouldn't trade 'em for anythin.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Songs to Cry with
Here's my list of songs to cry with, whether it be a good cry or sad cry, these songs seem to pull out emotions you never knew you had. Here goes:
- Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkel
- Everybody Hurts - REM
- Let That Be Enough - Switchfoot
- Rainbow Connection - (covered by) Sarah McLachlan
- All The Wild Horses - Ray LaMontagne
- Life Will Go On - Chris Iaask
- Somewhere Over the Rainbow- Judie Garland
- Seasons in the Sun - Westlife (well they covered it....Don't let the mid-tempo beat fool ya..."goodbye papa it's hard to die when all the birds are singing in the sky")
This list is to be continued as I find more songs...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Arugh. I wish I had a larger vocabulary, then I could use words like quixotic in the proper context in normal conversation and I could also properly get ideas out that I need to. Although maybe I just have to work with what I've got...Maybe I just have to do that first...Sometimes it might be easier to act out how you feel. Sometimes it'd be easier to say everything you needed to say, see the reactions you need to see, and then go back and edit if need be. Yep, that'd be awesome. But we can't.
It'd also be awesome to be able to just let someone know how you feel without having to tell them with words. That'd be a great sixth sense, if people could just pick up on it. But it's not.
Too much to say, not enough courage. Maybe it's like a shot, the anticipation is the worst of it, or maybe it's like a tetanus shot and there's the horrible anticipation and the horrible feeling of soreness afterwards.
It'd also be awesome to be able to just let someone know how you feel without having to tell them with words. That'd be a great sixth sense, if people could just pick up on it. But it's not.
Too much to say, not enough courage. Maybe it's like a shot, the anticipation is the worst of it, or maybe it's like a tetanus shot and there's the horrible anticipation and the horrible feeling of soreness afterwards.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Mavericks Big Wave Competition Gets Underway
Arugh, one day I'll make it out there to watch...but today, thank goodness for live feeds from the internet. The wonder of technology. It look sooo cool out there, I wish I could go...
Finals start at about 1:30 for any of you who happen to read this before then LoL the waves look. HUGE
Mavericks Big Wave Competition Gets Underway
POSTED: 7:29 am PST February 6, 2006
UPDATED: 8:24 am PST February 7, 2006
HALF MOON BAY -- Fresh off one day's notice, 24 of the world's top surfers began the annual Mavericks ride-to-survive contest early Tuesday.
Back in action at the rugged confluence of storm-driven swells and jutting sea floor are the defending champion, Anthony Tashnick, and three-time winner Darryl "Flea" Virostko. Other contestants include Eraldo Gueiros and Danilo Couto, both of Brazil, and Ryan Seelbach, of San Francisco.
The hardscrabble Santa Cruz contingent usually fares well, having logged more practice time at Mavericks than others. They're also accustomed to the frigid waters and occasional sharks that Mavericks has to offer.
Santa Cruz is located about 60 miles south of Mavericks, and the contest offers the closest thing to glory for many locals who grew up surfing the smaller waves at Steamers Lane in their coastal tourist town.
Santa Cruz has produced the only champions the event has ever known in the four years it was held. And while the money is one thing, laying claim to being the boss of Mavericks for a year carries strong prestige as well.
"It's a culmination of your life of surfing when you turn and paddle in at Mavericks," said Jeff Clark, the man who discovered the quirky and powerful break in 1975.
Whether out of fear or respect for the waves, other surfers let him have it to himself and Clark surfed Mavericks alone for 15 years.
If riders time everything right, they'll survive a two-story drop onto the face of the world's most feared waves on the planet and ride away unscathed. Play it wrong, and Mavericks will dunk the best of them, and pin them on the shallow sea floor until they can muster the strength to surface.
Clark said that Mavericks' appeal comes from its accessibility. Surfers can paddle out, sit on the edge of the break in relative safety and admire a 40-foot wave even if they decide not to paddle into it.
During past contests, surfers have been bloodied and their boards snapped in half by the powerful churning waters. Experienced big wave surfer Mark Foo died surfing Mavericks in 1994.
"Every wave at Mavericks is a challenge," Clark said.
Mavericks is located one-half mile off the coast of Half Moon Bay, about 20 miles south of San Francisco.
On contest day, crowds of thousands form on the cliffs and shoreline, squinting through binoculars for a glimpse at surfers riding waves that are normally to be avoided by seafarers at all costs.
It is just one of several big wave hot spots around the globe ridden regularly by the sport's elite. Other well-known big wave breaks include Todos Santos, north of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Waimea Bay at Oahu's notorious north shore; Jaws at Maui's north shore; and Cortes Banks, a tow-in monster wave generating zone about 100 miles off the Southern California coast that boasts some of the largest waves ever ridden -- or attempted.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Finals start at about 1:30 for any of you who happen to read this before then LoL the waves look. HUGE
Mavericks Big Wave Competition Gets Underway
POSTED: 7:29 am PST February 6, 2006
UPDATED: 8:24 am PST February 7, 2006
HALF MOON BAY -- Fresh off one day's notice, 24 of the world's top surfers began the annual Mavericks ride-to-survive contest early Tuesday.
Back in action at the rugged confluence of storm-driven swells and jutting sea floor are the defending champion, Anthony Tashnick, and three-time winner Darryl "Flea" Virostko. Other contestants include Eraldo Gueiros and Danilo Couto, both of Brazil, and Ryan Seelbach, of San Francisco.
The hardscrabble Santa Cruz contingent usually fares well, having logged more practice time at Mavericks than others. They're also accustomed to the frigid waters and occasional sharks that Mavericks has to offer.
Santa Cruz is located about 60 miles south of Mavericks, and the contest offers the closest thing to glory for many locals who grew up surfing the smaller waves at Steamers Lane in their coastal tourist town.
Santa Cruz has produced the only champions the event has ever known in the four years it was held. And while the money is one thing, laying claim to being the boss of Mavericks for a year carries strong prestige as well.
"It's a culmination of your life of surfing when you turn and paddle in at Mavericks," said Jeff Clark, the man who discovered the quirky and powerful break in 1975.
Whether out of fear or respect for the waves, other surfers let him have it to himself and Clark surfed Mavericks alone for 15 years.
If riders time everything right, they'll survive a two-story drop onto the face of the world's most feared waves on the planet and ride away unscathed. Play it wrong, and Mavericks will dunk the best of them, and pin them on the shallow sea floor until they can muster the strength to surface.
Clark said that Mavericks' appeal comes from its accessibility. Surfers can paddle out, sit on the edge of the break in relative safety and admire a 40-foot wave even if they decide not to paddle into it.
During past contests, surfers have been bloodied and their boards snapped in half by the powerful churning waters. Experienced big wave surfer Mark Foo died surfing Mavericks in 1994.
"Every wave at Mavericks is a challenge," Clark said.
Mavericks is located one-half mile off the coast of Half Moon Bay, about 20 miles south of San Francisco.
On contest day, crowds of thousands form on the cliffs and shoreline, squinting through binoculars for a glimpse at surfers riding waves that are normally to be avoided by seafarers at all costs.
It is just one of several big wave hot spots around the globe ridden regularly by the sport's elite. Other well-known big wave breaks include Todos Santos, north of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; Waimea Bay at Oahu's notorious north shore; Jaws at Maui's north shore; and Cortes Banks, a tow-in monster wave generating zone about 100 miles off the Southern California coast that boasts some of the largest waves ever ridden -- or attempted.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
no bueno numbers
It's bad when you're supposed to be calculating a constant and your numbers are 3,030 2,240 2,250 2,950 8,070...yeah. oops. and I have a calc exam monday, that lab due in chem on tuesday, and a chem quiz also. and I have to finish up last weeks laaaaab. laaaaaaaame and I'm sick as a dog.
LoL it's bad, I sound like deranged smoker man, no bueno. Half smoker, but actually I sound more like Louis Armstrong (Louis, not Lance, not Neil, Louis) "Helloooooo Dolly. This is Louuuuuuuuis, Dolly." LoL it makes more sense if you've heard the song :)
I am so digging the song "How It Ends" by Devotchka, big thumbs up :D
LoL it's bad, I sound like deranged smoker man, no bueno. Half smoker, but actually I sound more like Louis Armstrong (Louis, not Lance, not Neil, Louis) "Helloooooo Dolly. This is Louuuuuuuuis, Dolly." LoL it makes more sense if you've heard the song :)
I am so digging the song "How It Ends" by Devotchka, big thumbs up :D
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Yay for Ice Cream
Whoo Today's chem lab was so much fun. There was a maximum amount of fun and a minimum amount of work. most awesome. We got to make ice cream :D We had these Shake'em ice cream makers, it looked like a hamster ball, there was a small metal tube inside where you put the ice cream mix, and then on the outside you put the ice and salt water and then you shake it for 15 minutes and boom, ice cream. totally cool. There was a bit of math, freezing depression etc...but it was so much fun, and since our ice cream, while good, wasn't as good as store bought, so she bought some Dryers from Safeway (and a bunch of toppings too :D ) and we got to have a bit of an ice cream party, and we got out early. Good times all around :)
Info about Ice Cream Maker dude. totally awesome.
The rest of my classes Physics, hopefully I just get through it like last time...and math, I don't know the teacher seems alright, but everyone says her tests are really hard and two of my friends were in that class, but one of them definitely switched to a different instructor and the other one is on the fence about it, but will probably go. I'm the most stressed about that class. Speaking of which I'm off to do calc homework now.
I'm so bummed though, I had to stop volunteering for this semister, it was just taking up too much of my time so I had to make a choice. Arugh. Stupid saturday lab. I'm planning to go back during the summer and stuff or maybe go to Marin...but I have to focus on passing this semister first. LoL.
Info about Ice Cream Maker dude. totally awesome.
The rest of my classes Physics, hopefully I just get through it like last time...and math, I don't know the teacher seems alright, but everyone says her tests are really hard and two of my friends were in that class, but one of them definitely switched to a different instructor and the other one is on the fence about it, but will probably go. I'm the most stressed about that class. Speaking of which I'm off to do calc homework now.
I'm so bummed though, I had to stop volunteering for this semister, it was just taking up too much of my time so I had to make a choice. Arugh. Stupid saturday lab. I'm planning to go back during the summer and stuff or maybe go to Marin...but I have to focus on passing this semister first. LoL.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Economics lesson for today
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
A law of economics stating that as a person increases consumption of a product--while keeping consumption of other products constant--there is a decline in the marginal utility that person derives from consuming each additional unit of that product.
i.e. Too much of a good thing isn't so good after all. For example, if you work 12 hour days and are on you feet 10 of those hours, then standing diminishes in utility. Likewise, if you are on a 23 hour flight, then sitting diminishes in utility. ...there are other examples also.
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
A law of economics stating that as a person increases consumption of a product--while keeping consumption of other products constant--there is a decline in the marginal utility that person derives from consuming each additional unit of that product.
i.e. Too much of a good thing isn't so good after all. For example, if you work 12 hour days and are on you feet 10 of those hours, then standing diminishes in utility. Likewise, if you are on a 23 hour flight, then sitting diminishes in utility. ...there are other examples also.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Vacation, by Me.
sooooooo Okay. this is going to be a mother of a long post. be prepared.
Monday Dec. 26, party harty with my friends. got a ton of cool stuff :D LEGO MAGNETS! dude. most awesome, everytime I go into that store I pick them up say, "aw these are so cool" turn them around to look at the price, see how over priced they are and then proceed to put them back in their rightful container. but not anymore because I HAVE THEM! Muchas gracias to Janice and Chrissy :) *most awesome* I got very cute pj's from maria :) MOST wonderfully wrapped. (you so have the "rapping" skills :D ) A disney mug from elisa :) MOST fun salt and pepper shakers from charlie :D dude. I showed those off to everyone in my family. LoL :) A SUPER authentic bonified tiki statue from Hawaii from Tiff :D and cuticle oil that smells awesome :) A Map from Kyle so I won't get lost :( which despite all efforts I'm sure I still will LoL... MOST random trip alarm wire set thingie. from justin. which is cool I have to set it up one of these days muahahahahaah. :) muchas muchas muchas gracias to all of youuuuu you guys are just the MOST awesome ever.
Tuesday. Pack. break for a long time from packing. pack. get on computer. pack. stop packing half way. and wait for tomorrow.
Wednesday Dec 28. Get up, eat breakfast, pack. run in circles. pack. then leave. Then we proceeded to drive down to Los Angeles. The drive was long and relatively uneventful. Traffic was none until we got closer to LA, lots of cows and fields. fields, and oh wait, MORE FIELDS. We got to the hotel and then we went to eat Japanese food at Tokyo Lobby, my uncle likes it there, and the food's pretty good. The we went back and watched a bit of tv and stuff before going to sleep since monday is disneyland day.
Thursday Dec. 29. Disneyland Day. O.M.G. All of humanity and they momma was there. The manager at the Holiday Inn we stayed at was telling us how crowded it was, and how they stopped selling tickets at 12noon because the park was full to capacity. and even that could not explain how many people there were. So we go to go on some of the big rides mattehorn was running on and off so that long was like forever long, but the buzz lightyear line was pretty short :D The line for space mountain. o.m.g. again forever long, we got fast passes but even using those it took a while, and by the time we got close, it broke down. It was working then not working for almost the whole day. Most the day it was actually not working. :( so we got to the front and they were just giving out these like generic fast pass thingies so you can use it for any ride. We ended up using it for the Indiana Jones ride, which was fun :) I like that one.
The Rose Bowl game was later in the week but there were a bunch of people there that had to do with it. Band members and USC and A&M players were walking around. I saw a few of the texans and I was like... that is one nasty color jacket, and then I saw a bunch of them and then my dad was like, those are the texas players and that they and USC were going to play in the bowl later on.
Lots more rides and then we met up with my aunt and uncle and little cousins, so we took Erin on some rides thunder mountain and pirates of the caribbean. Then we went on a few more rides and ate bbq dinner and then at like 7pm we went on splash mountain, apparently you get wetter than my sister thought cause she sat in front and she got soaked LoL sucked to be her, my legs got a little wet but not so much. :) And then we saw the fireworks show from It's a Small World, It was such a great show it was long and the fireworks were synched to the audio going on. It was just really cool. by then my legs were no longer working and my feet hurt so we made our way to the shops real quick and then went back to the hotel.
Friday Dec 30. We spent most of this day at California Adventures. The morning before California Adventures opened, we went to Disneyland and space mountain was working whoo, the line was like 90 minutes (not so bad compared to the 2 hours it is the rest of the day) and I finally got to go on it! (I went on it once like 8 years ago and it's been closed everytime I've gone since) It was fun and worth it :D so cool. Then we went to California Adventures, went on California Soaring, it's tough to be a bug thing, and then we saw this Aladdin musical thing. Which was surprisingly really really really good. The music was good, and the stage set-up was really good it was like a real musical, they had these animal things set up walking through the aisles and stuff. The only thing that sucked was that we had these "preferred seating" things, which means we got to sit up close, but they loaded up the whole theater before us, and so we were packed up on this small space on the side for 45 minutes just standing there before we did anything. ugh that ruined the beginning of it. But it was really great. We went on that big ferris wheel thingie, and California Screaming :) fun stuff and a bit more shopping
We did some other rides and shopping and stuff, and then we went back to disneyland to go see the fireworks from main street/the castle and it was so much better from there, they had these flame thrower things going on, and sparklers and stuff, it was so much cooler. It kinda sucked though because I couldn't watch the electrial parade and the fireworks. :( I chose the fireworks though cause the electrical parade would be there next time I went, probably, but the fireworks was a specal thing.
Saturday Dec 31, We tried to go to the LA zoo, but it was raining terribly so we went there for no reason since most of the exhibits are outside, so it wouldn't have been worth it. We then went to Laguna Beach to go check out an art gallery...and looked around... still raining cats and dogs, drove down to San Diego, another 3 or so hours, again, uneventful, I think I totally slept the whole way down. And then I slept some more LoL got settled in, went to Albertsons (ugh. I dislike albertsons. where is teh VONS?!) to get dinner, very good dinner :) tater tots, VELVEETA CHEEEESE!, steak, fish, and sparkling apple cider. :) good New Years Eve dinner :) watched the countdown and various channels and relaxed
Sunday/Monday Relaxed :) relaxed and relaxed some more. Lame rainy days, but aparently nothing like you guys had up here, I drove around and at the zoo entrance, a bunch of trees had blown over and the marina trail was all blocked, crazy. My sister, mom and I went to go see the Family Stone on Wed. it was alright, the ending got bad. :( but it was okay. Most of the stuff was closed seeing as it was a holiday. Thurs. I chilled at the hotel room, the rest of the family went out for groceries or something, and they found a Vons :D YAY! and it was a really nice upscale one, seating area to eat stuff that you got from the deli, wooden floors, all nice, and then you can drop off your drycleaning there! insanity. LoL
Everything down there is really really nice :D
Tuesday January 3 Went to the Birch Aquarium at UCSD, a lot of cool stuff there, it was kinda small, but they had a large kelp forest tank thingie. We went to the touch pool and I got to touch a sea anemonie very cool, it feels bizarrely sticky. :) (aparently if I were a small fix, I would be anesthetized and then digested...but I'm a human with tough skin. LoL Spent most of the day there I had fun, but my sister had less than fun LoL heh.
Wednesday January 4 Went to the San Diego Zoo, it was large and really confusing. LoL They had a ton of animals, but it's very difficult to see everything and their map and stuff is so confusing. Anywhoo I basically got to see a lot of the animals I wanted, we saw one panda, the mom and baby were in the back :( but we didn't have time to go back and see when they would be out. A WHOLE lot of walking and stuff, it was pretty cool, they had a lot of different animals and a lot of enclosures, but their enclosures were small...maybe i'm just partial to oakland. :)
Thursday January 5, we went to the spa. Got a facial...I tried it once, and it's just not my bag of tea. Went to eat at the Fish Market, very good mahi mahi :)
Friday January 6, went to go check out UCSD...just to see....
Saturday January 7 headed on back home. it's a long drive. It was shorter than I thought though, it took about 7 or so hours to get back...(I'm not sure it's it's supposed to be that short LoL but it was.
Sunday January 8 went to go volunteer at the zoo, nothing too special, glad to be back :)
Monday January 9. jury duty. my really super lame luck. I get called in and I have to go. at least it's in hayward and not oakland :)
Monday Dec. 26, party harty with my friends. got a ton of cool stuff :D LEGO MAGNETS! dude. most awesome, everytime I go into that store I pick them up say, "aw these are so cool" turn them around to look at the price, see how over priced they are and then proceed to put them back in their rightful container. but not anymore because I HAVE THEM! Muchas gracias to Janice and Chrissy :) *most awesome* I got very cute pj's from maria :) MOST wonderfully wrapped. (you so have the "rapping" skills :D ) A disney mug from elisa :) MOST fun salt and pepper shakers from charlie :D dude. I showed those off to everyone in my family. LoL :) A SUPER authentic bonified tiki statue from Hawaii from Tiff :D and cuticle oil that smells awesome :) A Map from Kyle so I won't get lost :( which despite all efforts I'm sure I still will LoL... MOST random trip alarm wire set thingie. from justin. which is cool I have to set it up one of these days muahahahahaah. :) muchas muchas muchas gracias to all of youuuuu you guys are just the MOST awesome ever.
Tuesday. Pack. break for a long time from packing. pack. get on computer. pack. stop packing half way. and wait for tomorrow.
Wednesday Dec 28. Get up, eat breakfast, pack. run in circles. pack. then leave. Then we proceeded to drive down to Los Angeles. The drive was long and relatively uneventful. Traffic was none until we got closer to LA, lots of cows and fields. fields, and oh wait, MORE FIELDS. We got to the hotel and then we went to eat Japanese food at Tokyo Lobby, my uncle likes it there, and the food's pretty good. The we went back and watched a bit of tv and stuff before going to sleep since monday is disneyland day.
Thursday Dec. 29. Disneyland Day. O.M.G. All of humanity and they momma was there. The manager at the Holiday Inn we stayed at was telling us how crowded it was, and how they stopped selling tickets at 12noon because the park was full to capacity. and even that could not explain how many people there were. So we go to go on some of the big rides mattehorn was running on and off so that long was like forever long, but the buzz lightyear line was pretty short :D The line for space mountain. o.m.g. again forever long, we got fast passes but even using those it took a while, and by the time we got close, it broke down. It was working then not working for almost the whole day. Most the day it was actually not working. :( so we got to the front and they were just giving out these like generic fast pass thingies so you can use it for any ride. We ended up using it for the Indiana Jones ride, which was fun :) I like that one.
The Rose Bowl game was later in the week but there were a bunch of people there that had to do with it. Band members and USC and A&M players were walking around. I saw a few of the texans and I was like... that is one nasty color jacket, and then I saw a bunch of them and then my dad was like, those are the texas players and that they and USC were going to play in the bowl later on.
Lots more rides and then we met up with my aunt and uncle and little cousins, so we took Erin on some rides thunder mountain and pirates of the caribbean. Then we went on a few more rides and ate bbq dinner and then at like 7pm we went on splash mountain, apparently you get wetter than my sister thought cause she sat in front and she got soaked LoL sucked to be her, my legs got a little wet but not so much. :) And then we saw the fireworks show from It's a Small World, It was such a great show it was long and the fireworks were synched to the audio going on. It was just really cool. by then my legs were no longer working and my feet hurt so we made our way to the shops real quick and then went back to the hotel.
Friday Dec 30. We spent most of this day at California Adventures. The morning before California Adventures opened, we went to Disneyland and space mountain was working whoo, the line was like 90 minutes (not so bad compared to the 2 hours it is the rest of the day) and I finally got to go on it! (I went on it once like 8 years ago and it's been closed everytime I've gone since) It was fun and worth it :D so cool. Then we went to California Adventures, went on California Soaring, it's tough to be a bug thing, and then we saw this Aladdin musical thing. Which was surprisingly really really really good. The music was good, and the stage set-up was really good it was like a real musical, they had these animal things set up walking through the aisles and stuff. The only thing that sucked was that we had these "preferred seating" things, which means we got to sit up close, but they loaded up the whole theater before us, and so we were packed up on this small space on the side for 45 minutes just standing there before we did anything. ugh that ruined the beginning of it. But it was really great. We went on that big ferris wheel thingie, and California Screaming :) fun stuff and a bit more shopping
We did some other rides and shopping and stuff, and then we went back to disneyland to go see the fireworks from main street/the castle and it was so much better from there, they had these flame thrower things going on, and sparklers and stuff, it was so much cooler. It kinda sucked though because I couldn't watch the electrial parade and the fireworks. :( I chose the fireworks though cause the electrical parade would be there next time I went, probably, but the fireworks was a specal thing.
Saturday Dec 31, We tried to go to the LA zoo, but it was raining terribly so we went there for no reason since most of the exhibits are outside, so it wouldn't have been worth it. We then went to Laguna Beach to go check out an art gallery...and looked around... still raining cats and dogs, drove down to San Diego, another 3 or so hours, again, uneventful, I think I totally slept the whole way down. And then I slept some more LoL got settled in, went to Albertsons (ugh. I dislike albertsons. where is teh VONS?!) to get dinner, very good dinner :) tater tots, VELVEETA CHEEEESE!, steak, fish, and sparkling apple cider. :) good New Years Eve dinner :) watched the countdown and various channels and relaxed
Sunday/Monday Relaxed :) relaxed and relaxed some more. Lame rainy days, but aparently nothing like you guys had up here, I drove around and at the zoo entrance, a bunch of trees had blown over and the marina trail was all blocked, crazy. My sister, mom and I went to go see the Family Stone on Wed. it was alright, the ending got bad. :( but it was okay. Most of the stuff was closed seeing as it was a holiday. Thurs. I chilled at the hotel room, the rest of the family went out for groceries or something, and they found a Vons :D YAY! and it was a really nice upscale one, seating area to eat stuff that you got from the deli, wooden floors, all nice, and then you can drop off your drycleaning there! insanity. LoL
Everything down there is really really nice :D
Tuesday January 3 Went to the Birch Aquarium at UCSD, a lot of cool stuff there, it was kinda small, but they had a large kelp forest tank thingie. We went to the touch pool and I got to touch a sea anemonie very cool, it feels bizarrely sticky. :) (aparently if I were a small fix, I would be anesthetized and then digested...but I'm a human with tough skin. LoL Spent most of the day there I had fun, but my sister had less than fun LoL heh.
Wednesday January 4 Went to the San Diego Zoo, it was large and really confusing. LoL They had a ton of animals, but it's very difficult to see everything and their map and stuff is so confusing. Anywhoo I basically got to see a lot of the animals I wanted, we saw one panda, the mom and baby were in the back :( but we didn't have time to go back and see when they would be out. A WHOLE lot of walking and stuff, it was pretty cool, they had a lot of different animals and a lot of enclosures, but their enclosures were small...maybe i'm just partial to oakland. :)
Thursday January 5, we went to the spa. Got a facial...I tried it once, and it's just not my bag of tea. Went to eat at the Fish Market, very good mahi mahi :)
Friday January 6, went to go check out UCSD...just to see....
Saturday January 7 headed on back home. it's a long drive. It was shorter than I thought though, it took about 7 or so hours to get back...(I'm not sure it's it's supposed to be that short LoL but it was.
Sunday January 8 went to go volunteer at the zoo, nothing too special, glad to be back :)
Monday January 9. jury duty. my really super lame luck. I get called in and I have to go. at least it's in hayward and not oakland :)
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