O.M.G. Crazies come out on MONDAYS. WHAT THE HECK?!
Well first, this was Maria's story, but there was people crapping, in the store...not like, a new hip hop fad type of thing, but literally crapping. like poop..."dropping off the kiddies at the pool" .... for more on that
Poo Poo de PoopThen well monday was sucking major chunky malls because I had a quiz in chem, not so bad, and then a bunch of stuff in math I didn't get happened and I was so tired from the weekend already. ...and then physics. I studied for physics, I tried...I tried and I thought I had it down...and then I took the quiz, three questions, worth 100pts. and I got 1 out of three right. (he gave us the answers right after so I'm sure I got one out of three right) ...and It sucks because okay the answers make sense, but when I was trying to do the problem, I just couldn't see it and it was so frusterating I was about to cry. ugh. and then he put up a list of all the stuff we had to do and turn in and I am just about to lose it I swear, I have so much crap due and I stuff I don't get...i.e. physics. and I just had the absolute crappiest day so far and I don't see things getting any better until final time..well after final time and I'm on my first vacation.
But then Maria called me up and she came over WHEE. As I repeated to her many many times, I haven't seen anyone in forever...I haven't seen everyone besides her since Charlie's birthday thing and so yes. We chatted, and then we went to go to the post office to get some post cards stamps. and then we went to Hallmark downtown to see if they had any...none. so then we went to Nations and Maria treated me to some pie, THANK YOU
MARIA! to get some pie :D the apple in their apple pie was a bit mushy for my taste, but the banana cream was good :D
Then we headed over to Michaels and...crazy. Pod people work there, Maria asked if they sold postcards and this lady looked at her...CRAZY LIKE! like...she had a bit of a 'tude and was like "post cards? we don't sell post cards, we have invitations...on the back wall" ...and then...she was just insane ...
everyone at that store was just like SO BIZARRO! it was so surreal. DalĂ would have had a field day painting them...
As we were leaving Michaels, Maria was about to exit and there was this idiot woman who just drove straight in not even looking noticing that there was a car that was driving through! DAMN CRAZY PERSON! ...she was just driving eveything was her way! it was insane. ugh. lame stupid driver person..
and then we went to Target to go check if they had anything, and we found some good stuff on clearance :) and some stuff for scrapbooking and also notecards which..well they'll have to do as postcards LoL :) DUDE another crazy person! We were in the parking lot of the target and this chick, who was counting her money in the middle of the parking lot, was walking directly in front of Maria's car, not only directly in front, directly in front
TOWARDS the car! ...dude then she finally looked up and gave a weird look, and then moved to the side...it didn't seem like she was startled. She was absurdly unphased by the fact that she was just walking towards a moving car....and didn't even notice it until it was like 5 feet in front of her....CRAZY PERSON
THEN Maria was driving me home and there's construction on Lewelling right now and so at one point the two lanes going towards my house merge into one and so when there was one lane, there was this kid, in all black, black pants, and shirt and backpack on a cell phone, walking on the edge of construction on the left side! ...now that was alright for when the lane was only one, cause the cars stay to the right and everything, but eventually and not much farther than where he was, the street went back into two lanes..then like HE WOULD BE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FRIGGIN STREET! What the heck?! crazy's come out at night! ...What was he thinking?! and then he'd be walking in the turn lane in the middle of the street, but there were quite a few cars going down lewelling and so it wasn't like he could easily walk to the other sidewalk...FRIGGIN CRAZIES!
...No wonder I haven't been outside the house in a while...friggin crazies come out at night.....