Wednesday, October 16, 2002

WOOOOOOOOAH had the weirdest dream last night....
I was in some hotel in las vegas with hot air balloon themes like floating and all that stuff...and then there's Milo with a I asked my friend...i'm not sure who exactly, but i asked her who's the reporter with milo...and she didn't know either....then jump to gilmore my dream and rory and jess had some argument and then jess said something like "if you had asked I would have helped you, friends are there for each other and friends love each other" and then they both started to walk separate ways and he just kind of whispers "and i love you" and rory's like "WHAT?!" and jess is like "YOU HEARD THAT?!" (it's weird quoting my dream...) and then Rory turns around...with a smile on her face and starts walking towards jess and then they smile and indistinctively and jess takes off his leather jacket and then puts it around rory and they walk off together...and then the shot pans to dean walking away was was like i was really there and then I got that warm fuzzy feeling inside when jess and rory walked away was like "ahhh now all is right in the gilmore girls world"
and then it fades and I remember waking up (still in my dream) but I was on some hill in san francsico, and it was night and aparently i was sleep walking, and i had patted my sweats, but no cell :( and I was flipping out, it was night, dark and I'm HORRIBLE with directions! I was freaking out so much, then I decided to walk and hopefully i'd find the house..not sure if i did, but eventually i end up inside again and then i'm at where cathy and lizi live, but it's not their actual house, but we start watching tv....and then i'm in the tv studio...and whew it was weird...and then back to gilmore girls...and jess and rory were just happy....and then I woke up...but at least I had that feeling like at the end of a cheesy movie when the two lovers that you wanted to be together were and none of them were dead...well i had that feeling..then the clock went off and I had to go take a shower. but it was really, i forgot some of it because it was early in the morning but there were a lot of ties to my life, like the no cell phone (my phone went dead last week when I needed it), gilmore girls, i really want jess and rory to be together...and ben was some how in there..i forget how but i remember how weird it was to have him in there....and i also had some abandonment issues too.

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