Friday, December 28, 2001

We probably won't be going to Union Square tomorrow. That sucks. I have been waiting this whole week to go there. It was going to be my relax day, I've been working on my report and getting quite a lot done, but I need a break. I got all of my work off of my sister's computer and the computer guys are going to install powerpoint on my computer tomorrow...hopefully.
On a happier note. I've found a movie I wanna see, "A Walk To Remember" it's based on a book of the same title, but I want to see the movie then read the book. Everyone says the book is always better than the movie, but I wanna be different. LOL I've seen the movie trailers online and it looks cheesy (A.K.A. REALLY REALLY good) in my eyes. But I'll have to wait until Jan. 25..hopefully but those dates are almost always pushed back...
P.S. new song I like....go here to see

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