Friday, December 07, 2001

It is now 11:27PM and my hair is dry and frizzy. LoL ooh! Update on Ben! We were watching a movie today so #2 decided that he wanted to see. Whether it be the the movie or Alieen..or even Carl I don't know but he was there none the less. Durn it! And I was almost over that whole crush thing, until he sat by me again and started talking...dude I was THIS CLOSE! *Pinches finger together real close*. Man today was a stressfull day. On Thursday we had an interact meeting and Tiffany signed us up for an event on Saturday, or so she supposed. But actually she signed us up for Sunday. Bad. muy muy malo. ¿Porqué? Because I have to go to Qiao's B-day party on Sunday. This event is special and you have to sign up and actually go because people are expecting you. I called the pres. of the club. Not home. I called Tiff who called the V.P. no go. Until later tonight and she said "I guess you guys can go tomorrow...they probablly need more that day anyways." I'm going, if I'm not needed, then I'M GOIN' HOME! LoL soooo that's that. Man I'm still thinkin' about how just sitting next to him made a difference. How sad, I know. But true too true.
Oh ya, before I left home I re-did the bun in my hair and it stood really well without making my neck sore! And those words NEVER came outta my mouth! LoL Ashley said I looked like a ballerina...I'm hoping that's a complement... :D

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