Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day...or is it?

I really haven't posted any thing interesting cause nothing of much interest has happened to me. I live such a mundane cyclic life during school. (And during summer for that matter too lol) Maybe I should do something productive..."spice" things up a bit...or not.

Eh I've gone through the 5 stages of "grieving" Anger, denial...Curly, Moe, Larry LoL and now I could just care less. It's just another day in the shortest month of the year...that happens to be drenched in pink, red and white. I can do without the candy and any other teddy bears would just be donated with my othe stuffed animals I no longer want. In the end, it's good not to collect any other crap that I don't need and I can laugh harder at the anti-valentines day cards. has a pretty damn good one LoL it's a little teddy bear that has a pull string you click and the first phrase is, "Did you know Valentine's day commemorates the hanging of Saint Valentine?" another phrase it says is, "Oh How I love you, Let me count the ways...wait, I don't have fingers...too bad." LoL as dead panned as a teddy can be. LOL :)

I'm just happy because I didn't have to get up at 6:30 this morning and I only have one class today and no other classes until Tuesday :) WHEE!

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