Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I don't clean very often...but when I do it's some pretty heavy duty cleaning. So far I have a huge bag of about 20 lbs. worth of stuff to recycle, lots of old school work, old stuff and what not. And I have about 15lbs of trash stuff misc. stuff that can't be recycled.

It's been a few years since I've done a clean through and what I've found is that I like to keep stuff, random crap just in case, mostly stuff with dates on it and stuff that I think I'll want in the future for memories. But after having a few years without looking at it or touching it or missing it, I find I can live without it and chuck it. Which is good, it feels good to clear out some of the clutter. I think there might actually be room to sit down in my room now. I got rid of a lot of pictures random crap that I thought I should keep around, but really it's doing no one any good.

I gave a bunch of stuff to my sister for her "class store" thing, an incentive program when she has her own class. A good way to get rid of old crap that you're not going to use any more, small erasers, stickers etc. LoL herm, out with the old, in with the new yeah? :)

It's still madness in here though, sorta like when you dust at first all the dust flys up everywhere and it seems dustier than when you started but as it settles and gets wiped off everything ends up cleaner. Things havnen't quite settled yet, but I've got a lot of excessive clutter out :)

(Along with the cathartic feeling I've gotten from cleaning, I've also found $20 in an old pair of jeans, $30 in a birthday card [but I also owed $30 to my sister for our parent's gift LoL], $27 from an old target gift card and an aeropostale gift card :D WHOO!)
Break over, Back to cleaning up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone's neat freak session was induced by SPEEEEED. Care to share? :)

Suddenly I just visualized the "beached whale" at Santa Cruz. Gross.

Did you hear about how some people BLEW UP a beached whale with dynamite or something? They figured that was the only good solution to getting rid of the body ... too bad all of the rotting whale guts got all over all the people and their cars. Owned!!