Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Find your Center...

Breathe in....and out...in...and out....Yesterday something potentially highly detremential to the furterment of my educational career happened. I was told that they are taking appointments so students can sign up for the UC Santa Cruz transfer agreements, but they were no more appointments available. I was floored. Frusterated, shocked and upset I could not think straight and the only thing I heard was that I could go back at the end of August to make an appointment in September. But I was so fuming. I just left.

I was mad because I went the last two weeks of June asking when they were taking appointments, and she said to come back late July or early August, so going in yesterday, I thought I would be going in early. I was upset and fume-y and ranty for a long time yesterday. And then I calmed myself down and realized I was going to do all that I could, i.e. contact my councler and if nothing else, just go back at the end of August and see how things go. So I finally had reached my center and had calmed down a lot.

So today I went back to see the secretary and speak more rationally to her and realistically ask what I could do. It turns out that they didn't run out of TAA's and therefore were no longer taking appointments. They had run out of appointments because everyone else making TAA's for other schools had booked all of the appointments. You can start turning in the TAA'S for Santa Cruz on August 1, and they accept them until October, so if I have an appointment in September, then I should still be good. Other good news, Elisa has an appointment she may not need, if so, I could use it and get all of the done and over with. Good deal.

See now if I had calmed myself even earlier, i.e. after I got the news, I wouldn't have had to stress out all yesterday. But now I am feeling much more better and a lot less freaked out. and that's good.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like someone could use some red drank!!!