Today when I volunteered, we were running a little bit late, so the bears weren't out yet when the zoo openened. So I was running around in the exhibit and then people started to come. At first, they were just looking around and then I yelled up, "the bears won't be out for another 15-20 minutes" then I'd run back down and put down the hay and clean up old food etc... and then more and more people started to come and gah. humans are such idiots. "OOH I THINK I SEE ONE." ....and then I come up. I make the announcement everytime I run back up and then one of the people there (adult) said "ha! I thought you were a bear! I was like..hmm is that it?" my green shirt and denim jeans. so we both have black hair...but I'm not a quadruped, I don't have thick shaggy black hair all over my body. I'm not the prettiest girl on the block, but I don't think I'm that akin to bears. :( ...and then another lady saw me and shouted out, ARE THE BEARS OUT THERE? ...I wanted to throw a turd at her. ...bears are wild. rawr. like with the with the territorial with the I have the food, and I could be food instinct. unless I"m committing suicide (which I don't plan to) the bears will not be here with me. instead I reply with a strained smile "no, not yet" *roll eyes* so help me god.
rest of the day was good :) went by pretty fast, chatted it up with others, odd group them, sometimes they are a talkative group and other are deep into their books, oh well I chat when I do and read when there's nothing else better to do.
UGH. Stupid math test tomorrow. at least I don't have to get up in the morning :) ... well not super early anyhow.
thursday and friday I stayed at chrissy's house :) way too much unhealthy food LOL onion rings, key lime pie, muy tasty rice noodles and peanut sauce and a pork roll thingie and greens :) OOH and ongchoy? with rice :) great stuff :D works better than fiber too ROTFL. ha. k and the next day same peanut sauce stuff with greens and these really good beef meatballs with this sweet coating on the outside. had an awesome time there and we even got some productive stuff done :) then maria went into food coma ohhhhh i was looking at all the creepy that look at chrissy's profile on something affliated with ...57 years old? :( DISABLED ?! :( LoL then I had to leave cause I had to do some homework junk before saturday when I went out with my cousin and aunt.
We went to San Mateo to drop her car off and then to Albany/Berkeley to the farmer's market to get lots of organic veggies and fruits really sweet too and then to go get some bread stuffs at this place called "the Cheese Board" it's really super cool omg, TONS OF CHEESE!!!! and freshly baked good :) awesome my aunt got some asiago cheese bread for me yu :) can't wait to eat it. Then we went to a pizza restaurant called Zachary's in Albany (they have the most awesome restaurants on Solano Ave) and it was a deep dish, it was really good but it took 40 minutes :( so make sure you have tons of time to kill if you want a whole pizza.
Then we shopped at Emeryville and I bought 2 tops at the gap :) yay I hope I can wear them before summer ends, they're sleeveless but not really tank topish...anywhoo. we walked in a ton of stores around and I saw these flipflops I liked, but they were like $20 hm...decided not to purchase them. then we picked up my cousin's car and drove back home. ...uhm. "El Fin"
Post. Script. LoL here's a funny comic I found :)
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
herm. past few days...of what I can remember...
which isn't much...
Thursday I went to the San francisco Symphony to watch they perform a set of tango songs, and there were these two tango dancers. totally amazing, they moved like water. sooooo fluid. That was a lot of fun :) and then Friday I think I was doing math homework for hours...and hours... I might have actually done something that day, but I honestly can't remember what LoL OOOOOH YEAH. I had to wait for the lame-o telephone guy who was suppose to come (get this...) between the hours of 8am-8pm?! WTH?! geez could you get any less specific?! " oh yeah, we'll be there sometime in July..." ugh. So I spent the day inside, on a wonderfully sunny day that I could have been out. He eventually came at 3:30pm (so I didn't even have to wake up at 9am to see if he was going to come then) ugh. and then it took an hour and then he left. ...didn't really even say what the problem was, just that uh "hey check if it works..." I did and then he got in his van and left...that was all. ugh. I so did not need to be home?! arough. but I'm not bitter. not at all. LoL.
Saturday was scortching. I was stuck home friday, so on saturday I only had a little work left to do and so when I was done I went over to Chrissy's house and we checked out the new Bed Bath and Beyond at Bayfair. It looks really nice inside, the store does at least the mall is still a heaping pile of least it was air conditioned. anyhoo yeah, lots of checking out gadgets and buying pencils at that small imported stuff store in the mall "Millenium Zone" ?! ¿porqué Chrizzy? :( I frown. LoL
Sunday I volunteered and...well It's fun, but it's also work, whew I'm so wiped out after that! I took a 2 hour nap, and then for my sister's birthday we went to a Japanese restaurant in Fremont, the food was alright, but the service totally sucked, it took for friggin ever to get anything. we had to ask for boxes and the check like 3 times?! gah. that was lame, but oh well...Then there was cake and my cousin made cream puffs :) good stuff.
And today is monday. and for some reason I was super tired today, could barely keep my eyes open. oivey. but got through it, 3 more days of waking up at 6:45 :) and then I get to sleep in until like 9:30 ALRIGHT! :D
Pun of the Day (maybe not exactly pun, but punny phrase): "I'm keen on Keane"
Thursday I went to the San francisco Symphony to watch they perform a set of tango songs, and there were these two tango dancers. totally amazing, they moved like water. sooooo fluid. That was a lot of fun :) and then Friday I think I was doing math homework for hours...and hours... I might have actually done something that day, but I honestly can't remember what LoL OOOOOH YEAH. I had to wait for the lame-o telephone guy who was suppose to come (get this...) between the hours of 8am-8pm?! WTH?! geez could you get any less specific?! " oh yeah, we'll be there sometime in July..." ugh. So I spent the day inside, on a wonderfully sunny day that I could have been out. He eventually came at 3:30pm (so I didn't even have to wake up at 9am to see if he was going to come then) ugh. and then it took an hour and then he left. ...didn't really even say what the problem was, just that uh "hey check if it works..." I did and then he got in his van and left...that was all. ugh. I so did not need to be home?! arough. but I'm not bitter. not at all. LoL.
Saturday was scortching. I was stuck home friday, so on saturday I only had a little work left to do and so when I was done I went over to Chrissy's house and we checked out the new Bed Bath and Beyond at Bayfair. It looks really nice inside, the store does at least the mall is still a heaping pile of least it was air conditioned. anyhoo yeah, lots of checking out gadgets and buying pencils at that small imported stuff store in the mall "Millenium Zone" ?! ¿porqué Chrizzy? :( I frown. LoL
Sunday I volunteered and...well It's fun, but it's also work, whew I'm so wiped out after that! I took a 2 hour nap, and then for my sister's birthday we went to a Japanese restaurant in Fremont, the food was alright, but the service totally sucked, it took for friggin ever to get anything. we had to ask for boxes and the check like 3 times?! gah. that was lame, but oh well...Then there was cake and my cousin made cream puffs :) good stuff.
And today is monday. and for some reason I was super tired today, could barely keep my eyes open. oivey. but got through it, 3 more days of waking up at 6:45 :) and then I get to sleep in until like 9:30 ALRIGHT! :D
Pun of the Day (maybe not exactly pun, but punny phrase): "I'm keen on Keane"
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
*beat boxes* I'm lovin' it...yo.
I thought a select few of you would enjoy this comic...*ROTFL*
and to Maria Re: your newly joined blogrings, for all of those I hella read "cocktail" instead of "cockatiel" so I was like..."LoL since when did her new hobby become drinking?!" and the oregon trail game is awesome...but only the old fourth grade version is awesome. everything after it is crap. you must go old school for that one. :D ....
anywhoo this post was mainly for the comic AHAHAHAHAAHHAHAH. :D "I'm lovin' it" :D
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Yesterday I woke up at 8:30am UUUUUUUUUGH. To do a site visit for my Rels1 class and so I went to St. John's Catholic church in San was a unique experience, I had never been to a Mass so it was a new experience. Now I actually have to do the paper, which isn't too bad except for the fact that it's has to be 7-12 pages. EEKS. A lot of it is description and mostly what I saw just observation, I don't have to do too much research or thought provoking stuff. I just don't know how I'm going to make it that long. :(
Then I took a nap WHOO [for napping, and not waking up] but then I headed over to chrissy's at 11:30 to hang out, she fed us pasta and tomatoe sauce :) Yummy stuff, tons of garlic and buttah! Janice, Kyle and Maria came over too :) We all had lunch and then Maria, Chrissy, Kyle and I went to go to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Janice had a bbq to attend to.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is not what I would call a remake really, it's a slightly different story, there's a lot of the same events, but there is only one oompa loompa...just copied and pasted like 500 times. Lol which is funny and yet incredibly creepy. Before the movie maria and janice reaaaaaaaally wanted mcdonald apple pies. oi. and so we went on a run, and then kyle got a 42oz. cup of coke *i.e. death* and the three of them ordered pies. oivey. death. die. pie. die. then we dropped janice back at her car and we went to century 16. we got there right in time and so we had to sit in the front, my neck was okay but it was kinda hard to focus on such a huge screen.
Random humor...burning puppets and squirrels with nuts. awesome. AND the oompa songs aren't as scary anymore. ugh. Johnny depp has a nasty haircut though. NASTY.
now the rest of the week I will volunteer tomorrow morning and then writing this paper and studying for a math test on monday UGH. *DIE MATH DIE* I really don't like that class, but the people in it aren't so bad.
Then I took a nap WHOO [for napping, and not waking up] but then I headed over to chrissy's at 11:30 to hang out, she fed us pasta and tomatoe sauce :) Yummy stuff, tons of garlic and buttah! Janice, Kyle and Maria came over too :) We all had lunch and then Maria, Chrissy, Kyle and I went to go to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Janice had a bbq to attend to.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is not what I would call a remake really, it's a slightly different story, there's a lot of the same events, but there is only one oompa loompa...just copied and pasted like 500 times. Lol which is funny and yet incredibly creepy. Before the movie maria and janice reaaaaaaaally wanted mcdonald apple pies. oi. and so we went on a run, and then kyle got a 42oz. cup of coke *i.e. death* and the three of them ordered pies. oivey. death. die. pie. die. then we dropped janice back at her car and we went to century 16. we got there right in time and so we had to sit in the front, my neck was okay but it was kinda hard to focus on such a huge screen.
Random humor...burning puppets and squirrels with nuts. awesome. AND the oompa songs aren't as scary anymore. ugh. Johnny depp has a nasty haircut though. NASTY.
now the rest of the week I will volunteer tomorrow morning and then writing this paper and studying for a math test on monday UGH. *DIE MATH DIE* I really don't like that class, but the people in it aren't so bad.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Famous Bears :D
The bears I work with at the zoo are famous :D cutie pies.
Here are some picts and the article.
Star-crossed lovers
Rare bears' mating efforts fail to produce cubs, so science steps in
Kaika and a cashew (they've got foot long tongues)
another picture of kaika
Here are some picts and the article.
Star-crossed lovers
Rare bears' mating efforts fail to produce cubs, so science steps in
Kaika and a cashew (they've got foot long tongues)
another picture of kaika
To the left is Spike the big boy :)
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Past Weekend
Last weekend was quite a busy one whew.
Thursday June 30, after school, went with Maria, Chrissy and Janice to Hillsdale shopping center...gah with some serious detours AROUGHGOIGHOOHGH. ANGER. And then we went to Build-a-Bear to....what else, but build a bear :D for tiffany's gift which she absolutely ADORED. ChengnatorII :D
Friday July 1, Tiffany's actual birthday WHOOT.I went with Auntie Kathy and got my car detailed whoo! go nice shiny and new looking car. It looked better than when they first bought it :D
Saturday July 2, I went to the Filmore street Jazz festival with my mom :) I bought 3 more necklaces and got 1 free and 1 more ring. GAH "Hi, my name is Teri, and I have an addiction to jewelry...and street festivals." So yeah, got this peta bread pocket thingie with Himalayan flavors, cilantro, spicy chicken, cucumbers, red onions, this rockin garlicy yogurt sauce YUMMAY. and we also visited the animal shelter on Filmore St. OMG. I wanted to take all of those little doggies and kitties home. sniff sniff. but I had to depart.
Sunday July 3, first day of volunteering at the zoo. It was alright. I got there a bit early, but I had some issues finding the high parking lot, but luckily someone else who knew there way came around and I just followed them WHOO :D uhm then met my head keeper, who is so awesome and nice :) Working with the animals is awesome :) I just hope I like it once the weather isn't as nice and I've been doing it for 6 months LoL either way it should be a good learning experence.
Then was Tiffany's birthday celebration :) I was the last to arrive, sorry! We went to Walnut Creek, it was a little warm, but it was good weather :) We walked around to various stores, some people got fro-yo from Yogurt Park and then we ate dinner at California Pizza Kitchen where Maria proceeded to use her monay skills and bujungas to convince our waiter to get Tiffany a sundae :D WHOO *curses to loosing bets to charlie* LoL
Then we kicked it at chrissy's house where tiffany opened her gifts and loved her teddy bear we got her, and bubble machine elisa got her and Hitch dvd that charlie and johana got for her. :)
had some crazy strawberry fondu :D and WHOO yes. played some cranium, and just relaxed and stuff. Joey and Jeffery came over too, wow I hadn't seen them in a long time :)
Maria kept having cravings for her mcdonald's apple pies. CURSES THEM. gah. lol and then I went hoooooome.
Monday July 4, Happy fourth of Juuuuuuuuuuly. Didn't do nuttin. relaxed at home. WHOO RELAXING.
Tuesday July 5. stupid school. school schmool.
Thursday June 30, after school, went with Maria, Chrissy and Janice to Hillsdale shopping center...gah with some serious detours AROUGHGOIGHOOHGH. ANGER. And then we went to Build-a-Bear to....what else, but build a bear :D for tiffany's gift which she absolutely ADORED. ChengnatorII :D
Friday July 1, Tiffany's actual birthday WHOOT.I went with Auntie Kathy and got my car detailed whoo! go nice shiny and new looking car. It looked better than when they first bought it :D
Saturday July 2, I went to the Filmore street Jazz festival with my mom :) I bought 3 more necklaces and got 1 free and 1 more ring. GAH "Hi, my name is Teri, and I have an addiction to jewelry...and street festivals." So yeah, got this peta bread pocket thingie with Himalayan flavors, cilantro, spicy chicken, cucumbers, red onions, this rockin garlicy yogurt sauce YUMMAY. and we also visited the animal shelter on Filmore St. OMG. I wanted to take all of those little doggies and kitties home. sniff sniff. but I had to depart.
Sunday July 3, first day of volunteering at the zoo. It was alright. I got there a bit early, but I had some issues finding the high parking lot, but luckily someone else who knew there way came around and I just followed them WHOO :D uhm then met my head keeper, who is so awesome and nice :) Working with the animals is awesome :) I just hope I like it once the weather isn't as nice and I've been doing it for 6 months LoL either way it should be a good learning experence.
Then was Tiffany's birthday celebration :) I was the last to arrive, sorry! We went to Walnut Creek, it was a little warm, but it was good weather :) We walked around to various stores, some people got fro-yo from Yogurt Park and then we ate dinner at California Pizza Kitchen where Maria proceeded to use her monay skills and bujungas to convince our waiter to get Tiffany a sundae :D WHOO *curses to loosing bets to charlie* LoL
Then we kicked it at chrissy's house where tiffany opened her gifts and loved her teddy bear we got her, and bubble machine elisa got her and Hitch dvd that charlie and johana got for her. :)
had some crazy strawberry fondu :D and WHOO yes. played some cranium, and just relaxed and stuff. Joey and Jeffery came over too, wow I hadn't seen them in a long time :)
Maria kept having cravings for her mcdonald's apple pies. CURSES THEM. gah. lol and then I went hoooooome.
Monday July 4, Happy fourth of Juuuuuuuuuuly. Didn't do nuttin. relaxed at home. WHOO RELAXING.
Tuesday July 5. stupid school. school schmool.
Friday, July 01, 2005
I was watching a cartoon, and the character was dressed in a cell phone costume, standing outside of the store passing out flyers. He was about to go back in, when the manager said, "no, you stay out here and sell phones!...heh heh heh...sell/cell phones! that's a good one...heh heh heh" ...and left.
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