Tuesday, April 26, 2005

haven't updated in a while...

I suppose the reason I have not updated in awhile is because not much is going on LoL :D Supposed to be working on final stuff, paper, chem exam....or not. LoL I want to cut my hair, but I can't decide when to do it, probably after I get out of school.

I decided if I can get into the day pre-cal class I'm gonna do that...and just not work this summer :( I have awesome parents though :D they're cool either way and I have the rest of my life to work right? I might take religion 1 to fufill humanites requirement. but geez that's lame. it's a 8am :( but it's only from june 20 till july 28 whereas my math class starts the same day but I don't get out until aug. 11.
I wanted to take photography, but that's an 11 week session that starts in may and I can't cause of family vacation, oh well maybe next year or something.

Having issues figuring out where I want to transfer to OI. lame. I'm gonna do some career guidance thing with my aunt, see if that helps me get anywhere. but AHCK! I probably should have had this figured out earlier LoL but I'm a slight procrastinator. :D

I lead quite a mundane life.

Last weekend though I did hang out with antwonne, elisa, janice and justin. We went to go have phô in Union City. Went into the marina market there, dang it's like COSTCO there on the weekend LoL massive amounts of samples everywhere. I bought some different flavors of pocky sticks :D Milk tea, green tea, and chocolate/banana. yum, can't wait to try them. We wakled by Factory 2 U and there were .99 bras on sale. OMG IT WAS FUNNY. But I'm sure you just had to be there to get the total humor from it LoL :D but it was pretty fricking hilarious. Had some foods. I had vermicelli and bbq pork...and later that night...another vietnamese food place LoL oh well I had some wonton soup there. hadn't had that in a while, it was alright...although when I first got it, there were not wontons, had to explain to the guy, I ordered that one. anywhoo all worked out in the end :D

Have a dentist appointment on thursday. yesh. adios folks.

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