Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Underwear quiz

friggin hilarious I had to post this, I had some time to kill so I took this underwear quiz thingie made by victoria's secret (they're on the top banners of MTV.com pages)

and so here are the results:
You are a "bikini"
"You may be in the panty majority, but mainstream you're not. You are an island. A little volcanic island. Kratatoa, east of Java. You're magma hot. Themonuclear hot. You're an atmoic Bikini Island bomb shell. You little weapon of mass distraction, you."

AHAHAAH ROTFL. It mildly amused me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teri + Bikini = Terikini?


My bad if it seems like I disappeared off the face of the earth (or just got buried under an assload of canvASSes and shiznit); just been MAD BUSY YO. Gotta make the skrillz to pay the billz, nahm sayin?! Hahah whoa. But yeah, I'm still alive and well (for the most part). It's midterms this week and I have hella work to do so ... yeah. I don't even know why I'm on the computer to begin with! Umm anyway... I MISS YOU! Byes :)