Thursday, January 20, 2005

Second First day of school

Let's see...Chem's alright lots of review-y stuff. The teacher isn't horrible, he's nice because he's not mean. I don't know how else to put it...

English. ugh. that man isn't so dull, it's just that I'm used to my other teachers that were a lot more animated and interesting...these are like "normal" teachers again. that seems like my longest class. it's in the afternoon and I'm not used to afternoon classes anymore I tend to get sleepy a lot quicker LoL

Art is actually more like art history, no drawing or anything. Oh well, I just need it to fulfill (<- wow total brain fart, i just had the hardest time trying to spell "fulfill" LoL still looks wrong...oh well) Lots of note taking, but I was never into the drawing thing I sucked at it, but learning about art seems kinda fun...for now at least.

Math. that teacher is awesome he's really fun and i'm SO glad, cause if I had some painfully dull teacher I don't think I could make it those 2 hrs and 15mins. at's so weird to be at school at night...Just never really done it LoL

Getting up for an 8 o'clock class seems so much more difficult now than it did in HS, it seems so much earlier now LoL I took a nice nap though from 9-10am :) yay break time! LoL boo actually doing reading...
anywhoo...nap time. time for nappy nappy sleepy sleepy...zZzZzZzZ

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