Monday, August 23, 2004

So I guess I should start off with my plan...and then how things really went...LoL oi. this morning has been quite eventful wow.

  • Have alarm go off at 5:55AM to give me five-ten minutes to roll around in bed and wake up
  • Get dressed, eat breakfast get ready etc...
  • Leave the house at 7:10AM
  • Get to school by 7:35AM so I can find parking (I heard it was absolutely horrible, and then wait in line to get into the bookstore)
  • Get my books, drop the ones I don't need off and then get ready to go to class


  • When checking that alarm clock is set, accidently turn it off instead so I wake up at 7:22AM ...freak out.
  • Brush my teeth, throw on a pair of pant and shirt (forgetting sweatshirt and proceed to nearly freeze)
  • Super quick double check making sure I have paperwork I need
  • Grab muffin throw it in backpack
  • Run out the door, into the car and the zoom off to school
  • Luckily there was parking and thank goodness! I bought my parking permit earlier so I didn't have to wait in the super long line for the daily one. (luckily I caught a lot of green lights so I got there at like 7:50am)
  • Dump my backpack into those mini lockers, find my books wait in the fairly long line, but I quickly got my books so I was in line at 8:00AM
  • I get there and they don't accept debit cards, I would have had to go to the atm and it charges me bah. stupidos. so I went back out and got my checkbook, I started filling out the crap and then he tells me I need this W# (it's like an ID number, but before i was using my SSN and it worked fine for everything else) bah so I write the check out and all that crap and then he says if I don't have that number I can't use a check, so I have to go to the ATM withdraw the money...and bah. so I finally just pay in cash. [it's more depressing to have to hand the actual cash over :( ] my books were 319.02 more than I get in one pay check :'(
  • I got finished at 8:20 so I had enough time to go to my car and drop off the books that I didn't need today.

Overall it could have gone a heck of a lot worse. i.e. I could have gotten up at like 8:45 instead of that would have super sucked. really. and at least there was still parking and they had all my books. so yeah I think the morning was okay LoL

My classes today weren't too bad, my first two teachers seem pretty cool. At least they're not dull and they don't drone. Everyone that said it's like high school all over again...uhm lied. I don't think it's like school at all, it's more like separate classes. I dunno LoL it just doesn't feel like school. I like it :D mainly cause the classes are no more than an hour and 15 and NO BELLS! Whoo! and the teacher lets you out whenever she's done. that's super great. I dunno it seems okay, but I haven't been to math yet :'( i HATE MATH! aaaaaah. L-A-M-E (whenever things seem okay in the beginning it tends to get worse, and things that are really bad get easier...i have a bad preception of how hard things are/will be LoL)

so overall? first day of school not bad. (except people smoke EVERWHERE :( bleck) and I get out at 11:45 :D

The summer's all in bloom
The summer is ending soon

It's alright and it's nice not to be so alone
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses

Maybe I'm a little bit over my head
I come undone at the things he said
And he's so funny in his bright red shirt
We were all in love and we all got hurt

-white houses by vanessa carlton


Surrender to Destiny said...

thank you mia :D

Exactly, since people now have to pay instead of being required to go, they're not such a "disruptance" or whatnot. Oh yeah, and no one really cares about you, cause that's mostly like the only time you'll see them is in that class LoL. That's good, met a mexican american named rudy in sociology today. nice person :)

uhm yes...and must talk to you soon....

Anonymous said...

miss buffness is writing:

hello miss tepid teri! :D i dedicated a post to you! :) i chose today coz there was more to say [heh that rhymed :D] and yes.. that saltmine.. betcha learned so much there, eh? jes letting you kno that u are all knowing and SEXAY and of course.. MOMLIKE. *nods* and i also like to add.. i'm sorry to how ur plan bakfired.. so not good.. :( but i <3 you :D