I woke up and then went shopping at Stonestown Gallaria with my mom and Jamie. Originally we went there to pick up shoes for me since Nordstroms was having their half yearly sale, the new balance shoes I orignally wanted didn't fit, but I found a pair of Nike's that did. I call them lobster shoes because they look like lobster claws
it's like that...only grey and red (i.e. lobster claws LoL)
I bought a cool pair of pants at Aero for cheap! WHOO i spent a lot of time there and my mom and sister went around looking through different stores (that took quite a while) and then we went to visit my grandpa in the convalescent home...that was kinda depressing...a lot of old people and he was just lying in the bed, :( I don't know...I don't know if I'd want to live like that bed ridden and just sleeping all day not really know what's going on...We went to visit my grandma too, just to say hi and drop by, I hadn't seen her in awhile...things were a little insane for awhile. :(
lastly we went to blockbuster to rent some games for the x box, they're like 50 bucks if you buy them new, so I figure i'll probably never buy them, i'll just rent them from blockbuster, we have a 2 for 1 card until mid July so i'm sure i'll get good use out of that :)
video consoles are a TIME VACUUM!!!!!! LoL i was playing whiplash for a looooong time. lol...you know what's wack? they only give you one controller! that's so lame-o :( and you have to buy some extra thingie to play dvd's in it, it doesn't come ingrained in the box thingie. gr. oh well lol my uncle can probably find it cheap :)
Mmm, lobster. Ohh, by the way, it's Maria. WE NEED TO KICK IT!! ... Or ELSE.......... <3
Oh yeah PS, don't forget about my blog, too!!
http://www.xanga.com/boogergurl/Mwah, HTML nerdiness. I MISS YOU TERI!! <3 o_O
lol yeah buddy! gah, we need to kick it soon! next time you're online we'll talk :)
I leave notes in your blogger :D
al: yeah i went shoe shopping, now i'm good for the next four years! whoot!
teri!!! ITZ JANICE! ;D oooh lobster claws.. sounds close to.. PINCHERS? or shall i say.. pigeons.. which would eventually lead to seizures nyah :P but yes, ANOTHER GAME DAY AT YOUR HOUSE! :D whooo :D teri wu that is.. :D and ooh.. btw.. U FOUND COOL PANTS AGAIN!? teri.. u gotta tell me when u go.. i gotta get pants.. all of yours are super cool.. unlike.. *sigh* loser janice.. <3 you teri wu! :D
yes I am talking about the pants with too small holes..they were way cooler when i thought the buttons fit through the holes LoL :)
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