Saturday, September 29, 2007

MAAAAAAADNESS BEDLAM! INSANITY! And I'm right in the middle...and loving it :D College is so different and so not at the same time. It's crazy. classes haven't really started yet, just a lot of intro. Genetics is 40/60 midterm and final, so that's a bit scary...probably a LOT scarier when it comes to midterms and finals time LoL. Stats seems alright, the instructor seems really nice and the grade is spread amongst quizzes, homework and exams, so not so bad. Earth catastrophes is three exams throughout the quarter and homework problems. *takes a deep breath*

Outside of school is great :) I'm getting along with my roomies "quite" well :D and having lots of fun with them :) I need some pictures of them soon :D as soon as I get some they'll be up

Saturday, September 22, 2007

...Captain's Log Day 3 09222007

So three days in, first day was...alone. second day was sucky :( didn't really meet anyone and got back to the apartment at 4:30 LoL had reheated spaghetti (which was actually quite good :) but had no one to hang out with. Yesterday, I met one of my apartment mates :) who has mild dementia when he ingests milk, but other than that, seems very cool :) And I met someone else in the building across from me who's very cool, we're very much on the same page :) things are looking up...but I haven't even started classes yet :/

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Movin' on in

Gah, it's times like these when I get reminded about how totally socially inept I am! Either everyone already went to the workshops this morning knowing someone (unlikely) or they met them there. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but I suck at meeting people LoL Hopefully things will be a little bit better once my roommates get here, but they've been here for two quarters and probably already have friends to hang out with here. :(

Moving here wasn't so bad. The parking thing is a bit confusing, I thought you buy a pass in the lot you're in, but actually you have to go to this tiny little parking hut at the bottom of the hill and buy a pass for the day. Once we got that though, we couldn't find parking! :( I'm not sure why so many cars were here, not that many people were moving in... But after about 40 minutes of driving around looking for parking and stuff, we found one space (but we had two cars). I went wandering around for the residential life housing office...which was not where it was supposed to be, because they had a freaking old map posted on the website GAH!. So I went two different places before I found where I needed to be, but once I got there, I got my key and ID card and such :) very good. We got to the apartment building and I'm in the building with an elevator WHOOT! very nice especially considering I'm on the fourth floor, made moving in a lot easier.

So I got everything settled and now I'm here by myself until the other people in the apartment come in on saturday. I expect it to be a mad house here LoL. Some things I learned...turn on the thermostat, it's not automatic. THEY DON'T SUPPLY YOU WITH TOILET PAPER! ...good thing I brought my own.

I hope things get better Saturday. Had a crappy night's sleep :( I like my own bed way more, and going to these workshops is freaking me out about the workload. bleh.

I suppose that's it for now...

Monday, September 10, 2007

After listening to "Don't look back in anger" I'm just coming down to the extremely frusterated level...

"And I regret to say that there were moments when my deep and loving pity for her merged into a desire to kick her fairly hard. For she is a girl who cannot walk her troubles off, or work them off; she is a girl to sit around and glare."
pg 72 I Capture the Castle.

A hand to hold...

There's a lot of things you need to get across this universe. (indicates) Warp drive... wormhole refractors...

Rose holds her hand out.

You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.

He notices Rose's outstretched hand and takes it, grinning.

Friday, September 07, 2007

David Tennant Singing and Eating Ice Cream

...Quite possibly the most entertaining 31 seconds of my life. (oh, to be an ice cream cone) I wish I could have caught Blackpool when it was airing.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Housing worries

I am so very very frusterated. Arugh. I should have gotten something from the housing office...but I haven't. It's been a week since they should have sent out our packets and I haven't received anything...I also haven't received any other messages besides 1 from possible roommates. Which gives me just an teency silver of hope that maybe no one else has gotten anything either. But then the one girl that did send me a message (that was on august 27th or something) said that she had gotten at least two pieces of mail from them since. And I have gotten zilch. So tomorrow I'm going to be calling the housing office and trying to speak as calmly as possible. And seriously hope that the U.S. postal service has not screwed me over...YET again.

Arugh. The worst part is that I can't do anything but stress out right now because it's 8:51pm and the office, sadly, is not open 24 hours a day. I wish there was a pressure release valve in my head...THAT would be awesome!

Saturday, September 01, 2007


I feel like I've agreed to board a plane to an unknown destination, and now I'm secured in and awaiting takeoff. There's a bit of excitement that usually comes along with going on a plane ride, the possibilities of adventure in a new land, but there's also this anxiety that the plane could go crashing down in a fiery inferno 2 minutes after takeoff. Or it could be slow and painful as pieces of the plane fall off one by one and you fall from an even higher point into a fiery inferno.