Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Duuuuude. today was such a bizarro day. I woke up and I just had this like nervousness, anxiety running through me like it was way worse than stress. I sometimes have it before something important like a meeting or when I have to do something that involves new other people. But today, the whole day I had this serious high anxiety thing going on, headaches, heart was racing and I don't even know why. The whole day I thought something terrible would happen because I felt like that, thank goodness nothing did, but I can't even think of what would provoke that :( I hope something doesn't like go absolutely terrible tomorrow... :/

...then again "Celebrity Duets" premiers tonight...what is the world coming to? . :(

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Unknown Citizen
by W. H. Auden

He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be
One against whom there was no official complaint,
And all the reports on his conduct agree
That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a saint,
For in everything he did he served the Greater Community.
Except for the War till the day he retired
He worked in a factory and never got fired,
But satisfied his employers, Fudge Motors Inc.
Yet he wasn't a scab or odd in his views,
For his Union reports that he paid his dues,
(Our report on his Union shows it was sound)
And our Social Psychology workers found
That he was popular with his mates and liked a drink.
The Press are convinced that he bought a paper every day
And that his reactions to advertisements were normal in every way.
Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured,
And his Health-card shows he was once in a hospital but left it cured.
Both Producers Research and High-Grade Living declare
He was fully sensible to the advantages of the Instalment Plan
And had everything necessary to the Modern Man,
A phonograph, a radio, a car and a frigidaire.
Our researchers into Public Opinion are content
That he held the proper opinions for the time of year;
When there was peace, he was for peace: when there was war, he went.
He was married and added five children to the population,
Which our Eugenist says was the right number for a parent of his generation.
And our teachers report that he never interfered with their education.
Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd:
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I *heart* the internet

...but I don't heart organic chemistry. :/

First thing's first. Anyone can have "15 seconds" of fame on the internet! :D send in a quote to jonessoda.com and it'll get posted on the top banner, send in a picture to fox sports net and it'll get posted on the "playoff beard's page" and may even get broadcasted during the next playoff game, send a question to George Duran and he may answer it himself :)
Ham on the Street Blog

Next terms' schedule, here it goes...not great, but could be worse. Monday I don't start until noon :D :D :D I've never had that, so that's good, Tuesday 9am-1pm...not bad :) Wednesday...that's where the "not great" part comes in. O-Chem lab at 7:25-11:55, bio lec 12:00-1:15 and then bio lab from 1:30-4:20... yeah Not so thrilled about wednesdays...but you've just gotta go with the flow sometimes. Photo class from 9:00-9:50 and O-Chem lec from 10:00-10:45....

Bueno: Monday I start at noon, I have no class friday's or saturday's :) and no huge breaks. Those are all huge thumb's up

Malo: Wednesday is one heck of a long day...

So the Bueno's outweigh the Malo's :) I really hope this semister goes well :D *fingers crossed*

Fall 2007 Schedule

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Infinitely long post.

This is going to be a long one.
As 'they' say, the best place to start is from the beginning. :D ...except when pictures are involved. People always flip through the pictures first, so I thought I'd put them at the top of the post

Pictures from Saturday and Monday are posted at Costco photos, you have to sign up :( sorry 'bout that, but I'll most likely be posting my pictures from there since they have unlimited space. Photos from Saturday and Monday

Here are some of Elisa's photos from when I went to San Francisco with her and maria and ben. Elisa's Photos

Soooo here goes.

Thursday August 3rd. Went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Benny's birthday with a bunch of his friends from Davis. :) Good food, good times and Tiffany got a super awesome cake for him, all the servers asked where she got it from. Sadly some of the candles burned...and burned fast dripping a bit on the cake, but wax is non toxic, so what the hey LoL :)

Friday August 4th. Went to go donate blood, first time since last october, it's been a while. I've either not had the time to go that day, or been on the rag when they have been here. I went with my mom, she dropped me off and then went to drop off my dad's shoes at the cobbler (are they still called that?). So I went through the whole thing, history and everything, that's on the computer now, still the same amount of questions but you click yes or no instead of circling it LoL. All of that was well, and then I got to the donating part. Arugh. freakin' noob. He was really weird, like he'd joke hecka loud with the other nurses or dr's there...and then he'd look at me and be all "professional" ...which seriously came off like a jerk. It was obvious he had some sense of humor, but he was just acting like an ass, and then he couldn't find the vein, so he was jabbin' me like five billion times, and had to ask the other lady to come over, then she found it and got it. And then it was all right. Only when he pulled it out, I don't think he put enough pressure on it, he told me to press down in one spot, and then move it...so I did, either way I ended up with a sore arm and one fatty ass bruise when I normally never ever get bruises that side. I looked like a freakin' junkie. but I did save three lives!. *look*

Then, me and my mom went to Pak N Save and bought the necessary groceries for the partay on saturday :D WHOOT! And then I went to sleep cause I was sleeeepppppyyyy

Saturday August 5th. I got up at 7:40am. I swear, I showered, ate and everything, but somehow I still didn't manage to leave the house until 9:10am I think I should have loaded everything the night before, but oh well went to Safeway to get ice and then left for Tiffany's house. I was the last one there, oops. So since I got there a little late, we left right after I got there to go to santa cruz. Driving there was fairly uneventful.

Getting to the Mystery Spot. freakin' out in the boonies man. Good thing I had my super deeedooper navigator there, Tiffany, who had already been there and totally knew where to go, or else I would have been so screwed LoL. I thought it'd be lame, but it really wasn't it was pretty cool, the tour guide was ...what's the word...less than thrilled? but still had a wry sense of humor. The whole thing was really cool and most awesome part? TOTALLY GOT A BUMPER STICKER!!!!!!! *insert emmense amounts of excitment here* I have seen this sticker around forever, since I was a little kid and now I get to be apart of the club too! :D :D :D

Then we went to the Boardwalk to eat lunch on the beach. Sounds like a good idea right? Well we got there I think a little after noon, and there was a strong man competetion and a beach volleyball competetion=muchos personas. We got stuck on the street directly behind the boardwalk, and by stuck, I mean literally stuck cause it was so freakin' blocked up we were basically parked. Then a firetruck decided to come down the street, so all the people were moving to the side, luckily they had wide bike lanes so there was room to move to the side, and while all the cars were adjusting, I managed to make my way out of that mess and up back around to a public parking lot. The closer one was full :( but the one a little farther away was empty and only 5$ for the whole day. So, Benny, Maria, Elisa and I took all of the stuff out of the car and walked to the Boardwalk. Kyle and co. decided to take the long route around and eventually parked at the same lot we did LoL.

We made sandwiches on the beach. and used up practically all of the goods :D WHOOT which means a lot less to carry back :) Wadded around in the water a lot, will probably be banished to the third ring of hell for making fun of the "marker" like we did LoL. Quickly walked through some of the shops with Chrissy and then bathed in the sun, feeling very serene with Tiff and Maria and Elisa :) Very Kick butt day.

Then we headed downtown parked at a free lot WHOO!!! and Walked around the downtown stores, few shops, Elisa bought some shoes :) and a lot of us bought Jamba Juices...my melon-ade wave was pink. Benny's and Justin's not pink...mine, pink. Exact same drink, but pink. the running idea was that it contained grapes...hence the pinkish hue, but they were supposed to be white grapes. oh well. still tasted good LoL and refreshing. After walking down the main street of downtown, and then walking back, we decided on going to a mexican restaurant Acapulco.

Good food at Acapulco for a good price :) I enjoyed, everyone chipped in for my meal too THANKS ALL! Service was a bit slow, but then again, they were busy..but most awesome chips and salsa. we definitely filled up on that LoL And afterwards, Gelato!!!!!!!! I had a blueberry and cream one :) soooo great, there were a bunch of flavors too :) Then we headed back to home.

Met up at Tiffany's house for a quick bit where I opened my gift from Benny and Elisa :D great game of "Would you rather" (Which we tested out a few days later) And then I went home

Got home, cleaned out all the sand...and boy howdy there was a lot of it, and went to sleep

Sunday August 6th. Woke up at 7:30am, went to volunteer at the zoo. Dead freakin' tired, but went none the less. Only me and the keeper, like the old days so no noobs lockin' me in the bear enclosures *arugh* :) nice and quiet :) Got home and napped again :)

Monday August 7th. Woke up at 7:00am, got ready and left the house at 8:00am to go to Monterey. Went with my aunt and my sister and my little cousin. Normally it's just my aunt and my sister and me when we go on these little side trips, but they decided to take my cousin along this time cause he's out of school. So, we went to the Aquarium first, it was a lot of fun, I hadn't been there in a while :) and then we had lunch at the Fish Hopper, it was right along the water. It was the restaurant where we had lunch last time, when all of us went to Monterey :) Good times. I had their soup in a breadbowl, but their bread was sucky :( Soup was awesome! Looked out side, got to see the seals sun bathing on the rocks and some birds go by and such, wonderful lunch. Went back in to the aquarium to finish off the rest of the exhibits. We went to one where they had jellyfish and pieces of artwork, and it was soooooo awesome, people can be so creative. I loved it. at like 3:30 ish, I was soooo tired from the very busy weekend and so we left once we saw everything and then walked around some of the shops on cannery row. Drove around for a little while along the beach and such and the went to dinner.

We went to dinner at a nicer restaurant called Passionfish :) I had Alaskan Halibut, sooooooooo good, it and a lot of places don't make it right, and it always comes out dry, but here it was cooked to perfection :) Me and my sister had a slice of mudpie for dessert, it was less mud pie, and more a fatty scoop of ice cream on top of a cookie crust :) good none the less.

My cousin was good, but I just lack the enthusiasm for kids, and the patience...It's not that I hate them, I just don't get along with them so well. LoL

Tuesday August 8th. Hung out with Elisa and Benny after they got off of work, went with them to eat lunch at the japanese/vietnamese restaurant, alright food pretty cheap :) Then we went back to my house to try out the new board game they got me. It's fun an all, but it works better with more people. and we watched "She's the Man" I liked it better than I thought I would....cute guys, sans shirts playing soccer...what's not to like there right? :D

Wednesday August 9th. MY BIRTHDAY! Slept in :D LoL Didn't really do much, went to lunch at Todai's with my sister and my dad, proceeded to eat way too much. Sushi was good, but their hot food wasn't so great :( they had something called "tempura sushi" and it wasn't sushi with tempura inside of it, it was deep fried sushi, it was so wrong, but so right. LoL I was super duper bummed they didn't have creme brulée, ah but they had a crepe dude, so that was alright, and they had a softie machine, so I put some softie on my crepe :D LoL Pretty uneventful night, opened my gifts from family, got a new bag, a new watch, and something from my sister, which is "on its way" LoL :)

That's about it.. :) Pictures from Saturday and Monday are posted at Costco photos, you have to sign up :( sorry 'bout that, but I'll most likely be posting my pictures from there since they have unlimited space.

Photos from Saturday and Monday

Here are some of Elisa's photos from when I went to San Francisco with her and maria and ben.

Elisa's Photos

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Food Network Singing Fish

Most freakin' awesome commercial ever. Yodeling is freakishly entertaing to me, don't ask why. LoL