Yesterday it was Alex's birthday :) and so I went with her to Dublin and we went to Hacienda Crossings to go eat some pizza...kinda, it was a pizzeria and both of us ordered calzone's, hers was veggie and mine was combo. It was really good, the crust was REALLY crunchie :)
Then we went to go see a movie, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" I really liked it...gah $10 is pushing it, but I'd definitely see it again for a matinee price LoL. They did a very good job of touching a wide spectrum of the emotions girls go through...not just happy, sad...etc. It also helped that I identifed with like 3 of the 4 of them was just a bit way too out there for me to get LoL. but yeah I really liked it :)
Then we went to Starbucks at midnight when the movie got out, whoo for that one being open until 1am :D I dunno hardly anyone was in there, but Al and I went in and then we ordered and they said it was on the house :) alright! free drinks LoL I got the Mocha Mint Chip frapp, it was alright...I think caramel is still my fave :)
Lessee and today I went to the zoo for a meeting with my head keeper and found out the animals I'm gonna be upkeeping which are the following:
- Flamingos/Spoonbils
- Bobcats
- Malayan Sunbears
- Skia/Muntjac Deer
- Siamang Apes
A really weird thing happened before I met the zookeeper today though LoL. I was in line waiting to get through the gates and then this little [3yr. old?] girl steps in front of me. She had this bucket type of hat with a huge rim on, and her dad was behind me in line was calling her, but she just kinda ingnored him and just kept standing in front of me. And then she turned around, without looking up, and hugged my legs....I was thinking, "wow, that's a friendly child" then I said "Hi" and she realized it wasn't her dad LoL she looked up at me and I waved, so as not to cause a high pitched deafening wail, Her dad said "who's that huh?" LoL and then chuckled and then she walked over to her dad and hugged his legs LoL. it was so bizarre LoL
Dude so bought the new Backstreet Boys album, "Never Gone" ...been listening to it for the past 4 days :D enjoyable.