Monday, January 27, 2003

the world works in mysterious ways. Why? here's why. There was this dude i was obsessing over leeeeeeet's call him "fish". :lol: and He's a senior now, and I had him in my class the first half of last year. So i was all drooly in that class and then it's over and i'm sad :( and i deal. So i figure he's not going to be in any more of my classes because he wasn't in the second term of last year or the first term of this year. boo hoo. So i have my schedule all set, english, pre cal, history h, and chemistry. except for i was going to switch out of chemistry because i heard the teacher's a can finish that one off, and I was going to take physics with my friend any ways. I was going to do it last thursday, but the line was so long and i'm not the most patient person in the world LoL, so i'm like i'll do it after what ever. *du do du* time warp to today. In my chemistry class (which i was only planning to be in for one day) who comes in? fish. isn't my life great! *heavy scarcasim* LoL, I spend 90 mins. thinking should i bust my butt in this class that i may not even pass to be in the same class as him even though he probably won't even talk to me, OR go with my friends in an easier class. So we go to get our text books and I said my name so they can check it out to me etc. and i hear a voice "teri you're in here?!" ....i turn around. "yesssss" ...and the fact that he remembered my name sealed the deal for two things, i'm an idiot and i'm not changing out. LoL....and that was probably a huge waste of internet space but oh well LOL :) and that is why the world works in mysterious ways.